Imagination, v. 2, issue 1, October 1938
Page 9
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IMAGINATION! #13 38 Amm 9 Russell J Hodgkins, age of Editor Campbell; Morojo, with a son reading stf; & Ackerman, who votes - can U? ... These 3, men across the sea (some married!) & other Thinking Fans, members of the imagi-nation whose novacious minds r not restricted to routine routes of that, "like trains, that can run only to the terminals & back", but have hept up to the folly of following the old-fashion, conventional "Crooked Road" -- These, adult & non-Newyorkers know they care. -- Miss Shelst) ~~ This last page is just a waste of paper (but y so qualify only the last pg?), since all I'm going to do on it is sign off. But to do that I'm going to wait for the afternoon mail and ,y green ribbon - which it should bring. Your ads are terrible. (But not their results!) I like very much your proposed motto. Let me recommend 'The Hyborian Age' to your readers. It's great. (Mr Miske praises the Lany Co-op Pubs product, the Howard Memoriam, ltd no. available at 35c ppd thru RJHodgkins: 1903W84 Pl, LA) Finally, enclosed is a dime for the next - and greatest - issue. This is service. I just typed the last word when the mailman came up the walk with the ribbon. ~~ Sincerely yours, " (signd in green. & while we r about it, might mention Marconette's missive also typt wi th Morojo's technicoloribbon. Whilst Perdue employd the nonstoparagrafing.) The Lost Letter -- from JACK (FOO) SPEER, 1812 R NW; Wn/DC -- just turnd up in Morojo's purso. "The wanderer is back in the fold, having finally gotten this subscription matter in shape. And now what's this nonsense about you quitting after the yuletide? As for Forry having to give up working for Madge -- "don't" he know that a government job is the best place in the world to pursue your hobby (especially one with hours such as hisn)? (Well, U may know it -- but Uncle Sam "don't"! No sooner did I start carving a career as a Timekeeper than they doubled my dutys, making me "Witch Doctor" (first aid medical man) on the midnite shift. Next, now, they've added truck-dispatcher to my titles. With my triplicate tasks, I don't even have time to chat anymore with the ghouls on the graveyard gang ...) If it's financial nonsupport, then raise the subscription price. But don't quit us! Hoe about that guy whose sub runs till 1940? How about all us punks? ~~ Cunning cover this time ... HanKuttner turns out stuff in the BoBloch fashion ... DAWilson guestars better on Fanatiscience Filmart than the regular author ... Dale's opinions sprisingly intristing ... 'Twice Told Tales' doesn't tell the half of it ... Gnats to Mathematica Menace ... Haven't you caught onto the graphology technique yet? Get a single impression from the handwriting and then generalize from it ... Miske shows signs of progress in 'Is there anything worth while?' ... Yes, Michel is the very last man in the world to get too serious about anything. (Snort) ... Three cheers for Miske, and pooey to these punks that think 'Spicy' and 'Peppy' are magazines devoted to seriously considering solutions for the pressing problems of our day ... Remember noticing in one of the issues I missed, at JVB's, that Hornig sez the significance of my 'no war in Europe at all immediately' rests on the interpretation of 'immediately'. Beg to take issue. Think my meaning reasonably clear. Recently saw somewhere that there will be no war in 1938, there need be no war in 1939, and if we can keep out of war until 1942, we will have secured ourselves for a generation. ~~ It really is sinful for an errant child to say so little on once again clutching a copy of I! in his paw, but I figure you'd like to have a rest from my lengthy missives, too. ~~ PS: Re 'fair play'. OK -- If Michel will let Shroy - or address every readers' audience he, Michel, ever does!" L. B. [Farsaei?] of the uniquely angular, precisely regular handwriting, from 48 [Lewis?] St, Rochester/NY: "Dear Madge: Enclosed find a dime for which extend my subscription (?) another month. ~~ I note in the current issue that Schwartz's advertisements in The Time Traveller & the SF Digest never did much good in getting a copy of 'Conquest of Mars' for him. So I guess the little information in my enclosed bit will be news even to him. ~~ Try to include the article in the October Imagination! If you can't get it in the Table of Contents put it in as part of the reader's department which I understand is to be unlimited. ~~ I wonder what you would do if you should receive comments from every subscriber? Or is that too improbable to ever happen? ~~ I'm waiting expectently for the anniversary issue. It must be worth waiting
IMAGINATION! #13 38 Amm 9 Russell J Hodgkins, age of Editor Campbell; Morojo, with a son reading stf; & Ackerman, who votes - can U? ... These 3, men across the sea (some married!) & other Thinking Fans, members of the imagi-nation whose novacious minds r not restricted to routine routes of that, "like trains, that can run only to the terminals & back", but have hept up to the folly of following the old-fashion, conventional "Crooked Road" -- These, adult & non-Newyorkers know they care. -- Miss Shelst) ~~ This last page is just a waste of paper (but y so qualify only the last pg?), since all I'm going to do on it is sign off. But to do that I'm going to wait for the afternoon mail and ,y green ribbon - which it should bring. Your ads are terrible. (But not their results!) I like very much your proposed motto. Let me recommend 'The Hyborian Age' to your readers. It's great. (Mr Miske praises the Lany Co-op Pubs product, the Howard Memoriam, ltd no. available at 35c ppd thru RJHodgkins: 1903W84 Pl, LA) Finally, enclosed is a dime for the next - and greatest - issue. This is service. I just typed the last word when the mailman came up the walk with the ribbon. ~~ Sincerely yours, " (signd in green. & while we r about it, might mention Marconette's missive also typt wi th Morojo's technicoloribbon. Whilst Perdue employd the nonstoparagrafing.) The Lost Letter -- from JACK (FOO) SPEER, 1812 R NW; Wn/DC -- just turnd up in Morojo's purso. "The wanderer is back in the fold, having finally gotten this subscription matter in shape. And now what's this nonsense about you quitting after the yuletide? As for Forry having to give up working for Madge -- "don't" he know that a government job is the best place in the world to pursue your hobby (especially one with hours such as hisn)? (Well, U may know it -- but Uncle Sam "don't"! No sooner did I start carving a career as a Timekeeper than they doubled my dutys, making me "Witch Doctor" (first aid medical man) on the midnite shift. Next, now, they've added truck-dispatcher to my titles. With my triplicate tasks, I don't even have time to chat anymore with the ghouls on the graveyard gang ...) If it's financial nonsupport, then raise the subscription price. But don't quit us! Hoe about that guy whose sub runs till 1940? How about all us punks? ~~ Cunning cover this time ... HanKuttner turns out stuff in the BoBloch fashion ... DAWilson guestars better on Fanatiscience Filmart than the regular author ... Dale's opinions sprisingly intristing ... 'Twice Told Tales' doesn't tell the half of it ... Gnats to Mathematica Menace ... Haven't you caught onto the graphology technique yet? Get a single impression from the handwriting and then generalize from it ... Miske shows signs of progress in 'Is there anything worth while?' ... Yes, Michel is the very last man in the world to get too serious about anything. (Snort) ... Three cheers for Miske, and pooey to these punks that think 'Spicy' and 'Peppy' are magazines devoted to seriously considering solutions for the pressing problems of our day ... Remember noticing in one of the issues I missed, at JVB's, that Hornig sez the significance of my 'no war in Europe at all immediately' rests on the interpretation of 'immediately'. Beg to take issue. Think my meaning reasonably clear. Recently saw somewhere that there will be no war in 1938, there need be no war in 1939, and if we can keep out of war until 1942, we will have secured ourselves for a generation. ~~ It really is sinful for an errant child to say so little on once again clutching a copy of I! in his paw, but I figure you'd like to have a rest from my lengthy missives, too. ~~ PS: Re 'fair play'. OK -- If Michel will let Shroy - or address every readers' audience he, Michel, ever does!" L. B. [Farsaei?] of the uniquely angular, precisely regular handwriting, from 48 [Lewis?] St, Rochester/NY: "Dear Madge: Enclosed find a dime for which extend my subscription (?) another month. ~~ I note in the current issue that Schwartz's advertisements in The Time Traveller & the SF Digest never did much good in getting a copy of 'Conquest of Mars' for him. So I guess the little information in my enclosed bit will be news even to him. ~~ Try to include the article in the October Imagination! If you can't get it in the Table of Contents put it in as part of the reader's department which I understand is to be unlimited. ~~ I wonder what you would do if you should receive comments from every subscriber? Or is that too improbable to ever happen? ~~ I'm waiting expectently for the anniversary issue. It must be worth waiting
Hevelin Fanzines