Science Fiction Forward, v. 1, issue 1, September 1940
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SCIENCE-FICTION FORWARD Vol. 1, No. 1 -o- September, '40 SCIENCE FICTION FORWARD, publish- ed monthly at 26 vSeeley Street, Peterson, N.J., by R. Von Houten, F. Duncan, and Max Bart, PRO-SCI- ENTISTS, in an attempt to advance the cause of science-fiction. TABLE OF CONTENTS..... EDITORIAL - - - - - - - - - - 2. THE ILLUSTRIOUS MR. FORT - - - 4. "REBIRTH" by Peter Duncan - - 8. INDEX EXPURGATORIUS - - - - - 12. EYES TO SEE WITH, AND EARS TO HEAR - - - - - 14. COVER by Jack Cadrell. INTERIORS by Jack Cadrell. -o- Literary Editor - P. Duncan. Scientific Editor - Max Bert. Typist and Business Manager - R. Van Houten. NOTICE All future business of the S-FF will be transected by Peter Dun- can et 114 16th Ave, Peterson, N.J. Send all subscriptions, material, and letters to this address. We cannot be respons- ible for the safety of manuscripts submitted, but reasonable care will be exercised in their hand- ling. Enclose return postage if you want your ms. back.
SCIENCE-FICTION FORWARD Vol. 1, No. 1 -o- September, '40 SCIENCE FICTION FORWARD, publish- ed monthly at 26 vSeeley Street, Peterson, N.J., by R. Von Houten, F. Duncan, and Max Bart, PRO-SCI- ENTISTS, in an attempt to advance the cause of science-fiction. TABLE OF CONTENTS..... EDITORIAL - - - - - - - - - - 2. THE ILLUSTRIOUS MR. FORT - - - 4. "REBIRTH" by Peter Duncan - - 8. INDEX EXPURGATORIUS - - - - - 12. EYES TO SEE WITH, AND EARS TO HEAR - - - - - 14. COVER by Jack Cadrell. INTERIORS by Jack Cadrell. -o- Literary Editor - P. Duncan. Scientific Editor - Max Bert. Typist and Business Manager - R. Van Houten. NOTICE All future business of the S-FF will be transected by Peter Dun- can et 114 16th Ave, Peterson, N.J. Send all subscriptions, material, and letters to this address. We cannot be respons- ible for the safety of manuscripts submitted, but reasonable care will be exercised in their hand- ling. Enclose return postage if you want your ms. back.
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