Shangri-La, July 1941
Page 15
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- SHANGRI-LA PAGE 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- "That tall, handsome, blond young man sitting at the corner of the table there is, of course, none other than the great Forrest J Ackerman, number one fan of Terra! Active for more than ten years, he's still intensely interested in science fiction and fan activities not to mention his 'Tongue of Tomorrow', and I don't know what else. It's an impenetrable mystery to me how he finds time to do all he does, for in addition to his many hobbies and outside activities, (enough in themselves to take up all of an ordinary human's time), he puts in eight or ten hours a day on his man sized job with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, where he does everything but own the place....." "The petite girl with the black hair and snapping eyes who's seated next to him is none other than Morojo! She's the smallest, in point of stature, scientifan I've ever met. You'd never think that she had been through college and has been a bookeeper for quite some time.....Morojo is interested in every phase of science fiction and fan activity. She's quite an able Esperantist too.... She and Forrie together publish "Voice of the Imagi-Nation". I might add that she is a swell person, but then we haven't anything else in the LASFS...." "That blonde with the green eyes and the nice, if shy, personality, is Eleanor O'Brien alias Dejah Thoris, and that lovely brownett beside her is the vivacious "Jimmy" Laney, both personal friends of our director, Mr. Daugherty. Both girls are recent, but valuable additions to the Society, and are taking an active interest. I haven't been able to discover what interests they have outside of science fiction--although I do know that "Jimmy" loves dancing, and Eleanor thinks books on Voo-Doo are terrific." "Yes, you guessed it! That dark-haired, rather tall gentleman,---with the slightly prominent nose is none other than Charlie Hornig, ex-editor of Science Fiction and Future Fiction. Charlie's a bright young fellow with plenty of ideas who well deserves his present success. He is also, as you, may remember, one of the founders of the Science Fiction League. Charlie writes continuities for Gernsback's comic mag, and is also endeavoring to build up a literary service. He was recently quoted by Director Daugherty as constantly answering all questions with a humorous remark; "Science Fiction stinks." The rather heavy-set, smiling guy in the blue suit is Ray Bradbury, one of the despencers of wit and humor in the society. Incidentally, he wrote an article in the last copy of Sweetness and Light that was really terrific. Ray's a great guy, but watch out for his stale ones! At present he's wrapped up in dramatics and a certain Movie Starlette. He spends about four hours every day selling papers and takes life easy the rest of the time."
--------------------------------------------------------------------- SHANGRI-LA PAGE 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- "That tall, handsome, blond young man sitting at the corner of the table there is, of course, none other than the great Forrest J Ackerman, number one fan of Terra! Active for more than ten years, he's still intensely interested in science fiction and fan activities not to mention his 'Tongue of Tomorrow', and I don't know what else. It's an impenetrable mystery to me how he finds time to do all he does, for in addition to his many hobbies and outside activities, (enough in themselves to take up all of an ordinary human's time), he puts in eight or ten hours a day on his man sized job with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, where he does everything but own the place....." "The petite girl with the black hair and snapping eyes who's seated next to him is none other than Morojo! She's the smallest, in point of stature, scientifan I've ever met. You'd never think that she had been through college and has been a bookeeper for quite some time.....Morojo is interested in every phase of science fiction and fan activity. She's quite an able Esperantist too.... She and Forrie together publish "Voice of the Imagi-Nation". I might add that she is a swell person, but then we haven't anything else in the LASFS...." "That blonde with the green eyes and the nice, if shy, personality, is Eleanor O'Brien alias Dejah Thoris, and that lovely brownett beside her is the vivacious "Jimmy" Laney, both personal friends of our director, Mr. Daugherty. Both girls are recent, but valuable additions to the Society, and are taking an active interest. I haven't been able to discover what interests they have outside of science fiction--although I do know that "Jimmy" loves dancing, and Eleanor thinks books on Voo-Doo are terrific." "Yes, you guessed it! That dark-haired, rather tall gentleman,---with the slightly prominent nose is none other than Charlie Hornig, ex-editor of Science Fiction and Future Fiction. Charlie's a bright young fellow with plenty of ideas who well deserves his present success. He is also, as you, may remember, one of the founders of the Science Fiction League. Charlie writes continuities for Gernsback's comic mag, and is also endeavoring to build up a literary service. He was recently quoted by Director Daugherty as constantly answering all questions with a humorous remark; "Science Fiction stinks." The rather heavy-set, smiling guy in the blue suit is Ray Bradbury, one of the despencers of wit and humor in the society. Incidentally, he wrote an article in the last copy of Sweetness and Light that was really terrific. Ray's a great guy, but watch out for his stale ones! At present he's wrapped up in dramatics and a certain Movie Starlette. He spends about four hours every day selling papers and takes life easy the rest of the time."
Hevelin Fanzines