A Tale of the 'Evans, v. 3, issue 2, Spring 1945
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find something to carp about. I even like it when you say nasty and mean things about the N.F.F.F., because they are usually constructive and Foo knows I never dreamed of thinking the organization was perfect. And, best of all, you are willing, ready and anious to WORK to try to correct its faults. We could do with a lot more like you, Fran. You could, perhaps, learn a little more tolerance. FAPA VARIETY . . If Tucker ever quits being Tucker, I am seriously afraid it will result in GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS, and that ALL FANDOM WILL BE PLUNGED INTO WAR! How unutterably ghastly! DOCTOR ASHLEY AND MR. LOWNDES . .I read it. SPECIAL FAPA BALLOT . . Too durned many amendments to the Constitution, mainly because all of them are just an attempt to put someone's pet chicanery into FAPA. Unless checked, this tendency will result in GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS, and all FANDOM WILL BE POLUNGED INTO WAR! [YHOS?] . . Can't say I cared for the first story . . . Blueprint for a Vested Interest has a lot of worthwhile ideas, altho some of them I can't agree with. I have sense enough (he says!) not to expect any workable Utopia to come immediately, but I still think the trend of Man is toward such a thing, and that eventually he will learn to live with his Brother Man in peace and an atomosphere of equal opportunity. The rise of Co-Operatives in only one hundred years shows what can be done when people are willing to WORK TOGETHER for their own good. The concept will have many set-backs and a lot of opposition, but it WILL come, I am sure. But them, I suppose I'm an incurable optimist. a . . Your "show-up" of Laney seems like an intcontroverble case history, but I still like the jerk. He has ideas; he isn't afraid to say them, and HE TRIES TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE ILLS HE FEELS ARE HURTING FANDOM. I admit he goes off half cocked, and is too emotional when he gets"het-up" about things, but believe he'll soon learn self-control. PHANNY . . The interpretation was even more delightful than the cover pic. Don, sometimes your dry-chuckled wit slays me! . . I studied your article on Economic vs. Political Democracy quite carefully, and wonder if maybe you haven't hit on something that calls for even more careful study by our BIG brains? It is so apparent to the student of American life that there is a trend toward the Economic Democracy, and equally it is apparent that it might conceivably over-rule our Political Democracy in time. However, I believe it all a part of the bigger struggle between the outmoded concept of 'Might Makes Right", and the new Brotherhood concept that I sincerely believe it to come, in its fullest implications and connotations . . . Your review section is becoming one of the best in all FAPA. EN GARDE . . It was much more fun hearing Tanner explain his hypothesis of the Expanding Universe, but for those who are denied that rare privilege, I am glad Al was able to publish it . . . Buffalo-Shffle-O brought back fond memories -- particularly of Gladys. Ummm! WHAT a gal! Someday I'm gonna take two weeks off and tell ALL about Al's dating habits. Phooey on him! CHARTREUSE & SHOCKING PINK . . Supercilious sneers! Dun't like. BLITHERINGS #3 . . Well, Chan, it depends on how you look at it. To
find something to carp about. I even like it when you say nasty and mean things about the N.F.F.F., because they are usually constructive and Foo knows I never dreamed of thinking the organization was perfect. And, best of all, you are willing, ready and anious to WORK to try to correct its faults. We could do with a lot more like you, Fran. You could, perhaps, learn a little more tolerance. FAPA VARIETY . . If Tucker ever quits being Tucker, I am seriously afraid it will result in GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS, and that ALL FANDOM WILL BE PLUNGED INTO WAR! How unutterably ghastly! DOCTOR ASHLEY AND MR. LOWNDES . .I read it. SPECIAL FAPA BALLOT . . Too durned many amendments to the Constitution, mainly because all of them are just an attempt to put someone's pet chicanery into FAPA. Unless checked, this tendency will result in GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS, and all FANDOM WILL BE POLUNGED INTO WAR! [YHOS?] . . Can't say I cared for the first story . . . Blueprint for a Vested Interest has a lot of worthwhile ideas, altho some of them I can't agree with. I have sense enough (he says!) not to expect any workable Utopia to come immediately, but I still think the trend of Man is toward such a thing, and that eventually he will learn to live with his Brother Man in peace and an atomosphere of equal opportunity. The rise of Co-Operatives in only one hundred years shows what can be done when people are willing to WORK TOGETHER for their own good. The concept will have many set-backs and a lot of opposition, but it WILL come, I am sure. But them, I suppose I'm an incurable optimist. a . . Your "show-up" of Laney seems like an intcontroverble case history, but I still like the jerk. He has ideas; he isn't afraid to say them, and HE TRIES TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE ILLS HE FEELS ARE HURTING FANDOM. I admit he goes off half cocked, and is too emotional when he gets"het-up" about things, but believe he'll soon learn self-control. PHANNY . . The interpretation was even more delightful than the cover pic. Don, sometimes your dry-chuckled wit slays me! . . I studied your article on Economic vs. Political Democracy quite carefully, and wonder if maybe you haven't hit on something that calls for even more careful study by our BIG brains? It is so apparent to the student of American life that there is a trend toward the Economic Democracy, and equally it is apparent that it might conceivably over-rule our Political Democracy in time. However, I believe it all a part of the bigger struggle between the outmoded concept of 'Might Makes Right", and the new Brotherhood concept that I sincerely believe it to come, in its fullest implications and connotations . . . Your review section is becoming one of the best in all FAPA. EN GARDE . . It was much more fun hearing Tanner explain his hypothesis of the Expanding Universe, but for those who are denied that rare privilege, I am glad Al was able to publish it . . . Buffalo-Shffle-O brought back fond memories -- particularly of Gladys. Ummm! WHAT a gal! Someday I'm gonna take two weeks off and tell ALL about Al's dating habits. Phooey on him! CHARTREUSE & SHOCKING PINK . . Supercilious sneers! Dun't like. BLITHERINGS #3 . . Well, Chan, it depends on how you look at it. To
Hevelin Fanzines