A Tale of the 'Evans, v. 3, issue 2, Spring 1945
Page 8
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EGO - A PARABLE by DALE HART "I wonder", mused the most dandified and intellectual fish of Brown's Mill Pond, "whether I look like other fish." He sat down upon a nether fin and pondered. "I have eaten only choice insects all my life and I have associated with no fish not of the Two Hundred of elite Pisces -- not even the shadow of a common mud-cat has fallen upon me. Also, and most important of all, I seem to be the only fish able to reason like the bipeds of the air-world. Obviously, I am the first of a new race." As he delivered his soliloquy, The Miller's Daughter and The Blacksmith's Son rowed above him in a small boat. The girl's compact slipped from her grasp and fell into the water. Down, down, it went, coming to rest in an open position beside the thinking fish. "Ah, a man-made object," he murmurred. "I, too, could fashion things, if I had hands instead of these awful fins. Alas! I do not look like a man in any respect, I fear. However, I am quite certain that I do not look like other fish. Their stupid, vacuous faces! Ugh!" He examined the compact more closely -- and saw himself in the mirror. For once, he was at a loss -- but only momentarily. He could not believe that the polished surface mirrored himself. His brain refused to accept the idea. After one disbelieving look, the precocious fish swam away with great disdain, still certain that he did not look like his scaly kinsmen and that he was the most wonderful fish in the whole watery world. ***** AIN'T SCIENCE FICTION WONDERFUL DEPARTMENT. A recent letter from Sam Basham, Jr., states that he is now in one of the Navy's Pre-Radio schools. "I could never have passed the **** test," he said, "if I had not been reading Scientifiction for several years. I never had the subjects in school, but had picked up enough dope about such things in Stf. so that I managed to pass all right." Score one more big point for "those crazy Buck Rogers mags!" **** Goom-bye now!
EGO - A PARABLE by DALE HART "I wonder", mused the most dandified and intellectual fish of Brown's Mill Pond, "whether I look like other fish." He sat down upon a nether fin and pondered. "I have eaten only choice insects all my life and I have associated with no fish not of the Two Hundred of elite Pisces -- not even the shadow of a common mud-cat has fallen upon me. Also, and most important of all, I seem to be the only fish able to reason like the bipeds of the air-world. Obviously, I am the first of a new race." As he delivered his soliloquy, The Miller's Daughter and The Blacksmith's Son rowed above him in a small boat. The girl's compact slipped from her grasp and fell into the water. Down, down, it went, coming to rest in an open position beside the thinking fish. "Ah, a man-made object," he murmurred. "I, too, could fashion things, if I had hands instead of these awful fins. Alas! I do not look like a man in any respect, I fear. However, I am quite certain that I do not look like other fish. Their stupid, vacuous faces! Ugh!" He examined the compact more closely -- and saw himself in the mirror. For once, he was at a loss -- but only momentarily. He could not believe that the polished surface mirrored himself. His brain refused to accept the idea. After one disbelieving look, the precocious fish swam away with great disdain, still certain that he did not look like his scaly kinsmen and that he was the most wonderful fish in the whole watery world. ***** AIN'T SCIENCE FICTION WONDERFUL DEPARTMENT. A recent letter from Sam Basham, Jr., states that he is now in one of the Navy's Pre-Radio schools. "I could never have passed the **** test," he said, "if I had not been reading Scientifiction for several years. I never had the subjects in school, but had picked up enough dope about such things in Stf. so that I managed to pass all right." Score one more big point for "those crazy Buck Rogers mags!" **** Goom-bye now!
Hevelin Fanzines