Temper!, v. 1, issue 1,May 1945
Page 3
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TEMPER! The Magazine of Social Protest Page 3 LOWNDES AND LOGIC or: The Ladies' Lament Logic: 1) the science or art of reasoning; 2) correct reasoning or inference; 3) the systematic classification of thought in any branch of knowledge. Intuition: 1) knowledge based on insight or spiritual perception, rather than reasoning; 2) that which is known immediately, or without reasoning. Objectivity: 1) that which is external to the mind, or which exists independent of the mind; 2) an outward fact, as opposed to thought and feeling 3) reality. Subjectivity: 1) the charatcer of arising or existing merely as a mental representation; the absence of objective reality or existence apart from the mind; illusiveness; illusion; 2) that which is peculiar to one individual mind. Winston Dictionary, College Edition It is, of course, no refutation of Lowndes' thesis to point out the intrinsic subjectivity of his accusation. However, subjectively speaking (and I am, naturally, subjective most of the time, as is Lowndes, and anyone else you car eto mention, male or female), there is considerable pleasure for me in being able, as a female, to point out to that self-supposedly 'logical' male that the premise of his article was in the 'character of a mental representation,' 'knowledge based on insight or spiritual perception,' rather than a 'systematic classification of thought in any branch of knowledge' or 'an outward fact, as opposed to thought and feeling.' Show me your psychological tests and measurements, Lowndes. Show me your statistics on the type of work, work requiring logic, in which men have excelled, on the work requiring intuitive reasoning, in which women have displayed a marked superiority to men. You base your attack on a 'universal differentiation.' Could it possibly be a universal fallacy? I am quite certain that until the recent appearance of the book, Women and Men, you would have asserted as loudly the universally recognized (and therefore logical, objective?) 'truth' that women are physically, biologically inferior to me. I could take issue with you, Lowndes, on your use of the word 'mentality,' on your assumption that women today are free, on the precise meaning attributed by you to the word 'unequal.' I might point out to you that, although you claim not to be believe women inferior to men, the entire tone of your article was such as to leave the reader with a conviction of female inferiority. But I deem it more than sufficient to point out the essential fallaciousness of your three detailed points of criticism of the so-called female mentality. a_ the use of an emotional and personal approach; disability to assume a detached viewpoint. That there are basic physiological differences between the sexes we are all. I believe, quite happily aware. That these biological distinctions will have an effect on the emotional makeup of the individual is a logical enough assumption. In other words, supposing one could find a male and a female of equal intelligence, equal strength, conditioned by exactly similar environments, there would be a difference in emotional outlook.
TEMPER! The Magazine of Social Protest Page 3 LOWNDES AND LOGIC or: The Ladies' Lament Logic: 1) the science or art of reasoning; 2) correct reasoning or inference; 3) the systematic classification of thought in any branch of knowledge. Intuition: 1) knowledge based on insight or spiritual perception, rather than reasoning; 2) that which is known immediately, or without reasoning. Objectivity: 1) that which is external to the mind, or which exists independent of the mind; 2) an outward fact, as opposed to thought and feeling 3) reality. Subjectivity: 1) the charatcer of arising or existing merely as a mental representation; the absence of objective reality or existence apart from the mind; illusiveness; illusion; 2) that which is peculiar to one individual mind. Winston Dictionary, College Edition It is, of course, no refutation of Lowndes' thesis to point out the intrinsic subjectivity of his accusation. However, subjectively speaking (and I am, naturally, subjective most of the time, as is Lowndes, and anyone else you car eto mention, male or female), there is considerable pleasure for me in being able, as a female, to point out to that self-supposedly 'logical' male that the premise of his article was in the 'character of a mental representation,' 'knowledge based on insight or spiritual perception,' rather than a 'systematic classification of thought in any branch of knowledge' or 'an outward fact, as opposed to thought and feeling.' Show me your psychological tests and measurements, Lowndes. Show me your statistics on the type of work, work requiring logic, in which men have excelled, on the work requiring intuitive reasoning, in which women have displayed a marked superiority to men. You base your attack on a 'universal differentiation.' Could it possibly be a universal fallacy? I am quite certain that until the recent appearance of the book, Women and Men, you would have asserted as loudly the universally recognized (and therefore logical, objective?) 'truth' that women are physically, biologically inferior to me. I could take issue with you, Lowndes, on your use of the word 'mentality,' on your assumption that women today are free, on the precise meaning attributed by you to the word 'unequal.' I might point out to you that, although you claim not to be believe women inferior to men, the entire tone of your article was such as to leave the reader with a conviction of female inferiority. But I deem it more than sufficient to point out the essential fallaciousness of your three detailed points of criticism of the so-called female mentality. a_ the use of an emotional and personal approach; disability to assume a detached viewpoint. That there are basic physiological differences between the sexes we are all. I believe, quite happily aware. That these biological distinctions will have an effect on the emotional makeup of the individual is a logical enough assumption. In other words, supposing one could find a male and a female of equal intelligence, equal strength, conditioned by exactly similar environments, there would be a difference in emotional outlook.
Hevelin Fanzines