Temper!, v. 1, issue 1,May 1945
Page 4
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TEMPER! The Magazine of Social Protest Page 4 The precise nature of that difference is almost impossible to determine. On the surface, from casual observation, it would appear to be a greater degree of aggressiveness on the part of the male, and an augmented quality of patience or endurance on the side of the female. But these are differentiations observed in a most unscientific laboratory, a society in which these characteristics are considered respectively desirable in the man or the woman, and are therefore purposefully bred into them, and a society in which no controls are available. But whatever the exact nature of the variance in emotional outlook, it does seem indicated that it would exist, in any society, at any time. There is no similar indication that the degree of influence exerted by the emotions on the thinking processes would be greater in either sex. b) a basic distrust of, and impatience with, the objective and logical approach. At the risk of being personal...are you quite certain, Doc, that this observation does not stem from a distrust evinced by various females for what you may have presented as an objective and logical approach? Are you certain that the impatience displayed had to do entirely with the logic, or might it have been with the approach itself? c) an indifference to facts regarding matters conflicting with the individual emotion-patterns, except where it can be shown that the case affects them individually, directly, and almost immediately. An outright hostility to facts when they are thrust upon the subjectivist. I cannot see that this applies any more to women than to men, even in our present-day unbalanced society. If we are dealing in universal conceptions, fallacious or otherwise, let me point out that in out very 'bourgeois' society, as in all past legend and literature, men are notoriously more head-strong, hot-headed; women are consistently represented as being more practical, calmer, less inclined to surrender themselves completely to emotional impulse. This does not, in my opinion, constitute evidence for the opposite view to that presented by the logical Lowndes; I believe this, too, to be an outgrowth of our economic milieu. But on this point, at least, even the popular misconceptions on which Lowndes' entire article is based give no confirmation of his argument. Women are certainly, in the strictest sense of the word, 'unequal' to men, and it would be a hell of a world if they weren't. There are differences of major import between the sexes, but all of them, including the infinite psychological connotations and complexities, can be boiled down to a comparative study of the profile views of one nude male figure, and one nude female. Because we are profound admirers of Eugene Debs, because we are hearty partisans of the book, USA, because we need a filler anyhow, and because we believe Debs is far too little known, we reprint this quotation from the biography of Debs in USA: "I am not a labor leader. I don't want you to follow me or anyone else. If you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of the capitalist wilderness you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into this promised land if I could, because if I could lead you in, someone else would lead you out."
TEMPER! The Magazine of Social Protest Page 4 The precise nature of that difference is almost impossible to determine. On the surface, from casual observation, it would appear to be a greater degree of aggressiveness on the part of the male, and an augmented quality of patience or endurance on the side of the female. But these are differentiations observed in a most unscientific laboratory, a society in which these characteristics are considered respectively desirable in the man or the woman, and are therefore purposefully bred into them, and a society in which no controls are available. But whatever the exact nature of the variance in emotional outlook, it does seem indicated that it would exist, in any society, at any time. There is no similar indication that the degree of influence exerted by the emotions on the thinking processes would be greater in either sex. b) a basic distrust of, and impatience with, the objective and logical approach. At the risk of being personal...are you quite certain, Doc, that this observation does not stem from a distrust evinced by various females for what you may have presented as an objective and logical approach? Are you certain that the impatience displayed had to do entirely with the logic, or might it have been with the approach itself? c) an indifference to facts regarding matters conflicting with the individual emotion-patterns, except where it can be shown that the case affects them individually, directly, and almost immediately. An outright hostility to facts when they are thrust upon the subjectivist. I cannot see that this applies any more to women than to men, even in our present-day unbalanced society. If we are dealing in universal conceptions, fallacious or otherwise, let me point out that in out very 'bourgeois' society, as in all past legend and literature, men are notoriously more head-strong, hot-headed; women are consistently represented as being more practical, calmer, less inclined to surrender themselves completely to emotional impulse. This does not, in my opinion, constitute evidence for the opposite view to that presented by the logical Lowndes; I believe this, too, to be an outgrowth of our economic milieu. But on this point, at least, even the popular misconceptions on which Lowndes' entire article is based give no confirmation of his argument. Women are certainly, in the strictest sense of the word, 'unequal' to men, and it would be a hell of a world if they weren't. There are differences of major import between the sexes, but all of them, including the infinite psychological connotations and complexities, can be boiled down to a comparative study of the profile views of one nude male figure, and one nude female. Because we are profound admirers of Eugene Debs, because we are hearty partisans of the book, USA, because we need a filler anyhow, and because we believe Debs is far too little known, we reprint this quotation from the biography of Debs in USA: "I am not a labor leader. I don't want you to follow me or anyone else. If you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of the capitalist wilderness you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into this promised land if I could, because if I could lead you in, someone else would lead you out."
Hevelin Fanzines