Ember, issue 28, January 13, 1947
Page 2
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Technocracy: Henry Elsner, Jr. says: 'Milton Rothman's 'Scientists Are People' was very well done, but he makes some implications, intentional or otherwise, that are rather misleading in regard to what Technocracy's program represents. Technocracy realizes that Milt's statement: '...scientists are not trained in the scientific method...if they manage to absorb a bit of the basic philosophy of science on the side, it is pure accident.' is all too true. Technocracy has pointed out again and again that it is not the individuals but the type of controls in out social system that must be revised. In answer to a question along the same lines as Milt writes, some statements in the 'Question Box' of the July'46 Great Lakes Technocrat summarize Technocracy's approach concisely: 'When an engineer attempts to handle social problems by political and other Price System methods, he usually makes as big an ass out of himself as anybody else. The reason is that he's using the wrong tools. One can't build a bridge, skyscraper, or a great industrial plant by juggling politics and philosophical opinions, The job requires the application of scientific principles to the physical factors involved.' Technocracy has never advocated turning over social control to engineers, scientists, or technologists. Minority rule is not the answer to America's problems. Technocracy stands for the adoption of technological principles of social control within the framework of a scientific design dictated by physical laws.' William Rotsler of Box 338, Rt.#1, Camarillo, Calif., plans a zine of 20 mimeo'd pages and lithio'd covers to be called NEOPHYTE. He is especially anxious to secure some good material (article, story, poem) from the fans. His stationary is neatly designed with dagger and the words Perfidious Press Publications....... Redd Boggs Now Leads In Emberace ! In Ember's book prize contest, ending March 1, Redd Boggs holds scant 1/2 point lead over Bob Stein. Lading Contenders Boggs, 5 ½, Stein, 5, Rothman 4 ½, Norm Staley 3 ½, Tigrina 3 ½, Klingbiel 3. All you have to do is send in items or usable letters of comment, or secure a new reader that will fit into the intimate circle of Embereaders. Ackerman New Year 1947 authors' -agent form letter received. Forrest J, at 236½ N.New Hampshire, Hollywood 4, is soliciting clients who need the help of an agent who knows the fantasy markets in this country, G.Britain, and France -- not counting Esperanto publications even. Write him for details. It looks like a fair deal. Fans who woud like to see the world of 1980, as visualised in the Mars-film JUST IMAGINE, may do so by sending for a free copy of #1 in the World Crisis Series. A still from the famous scientifilm, titles 'Supercities that promise many conveniences are being planned for the future' is used to illustrate the article, 'When Peace Comes'. The address is Back-to-the-Bible Movement, Station A, Box 148, Los Angeles 31, Cal... and may God have mercy for my heresy--- Ackerman. From the Esperanto Press: Heroldo de Esperanto, 1 Dec 46, featured an article, 'Le grandaj misteroj de la homero--LEMURIO, la drointa kontinento en la Hinde Oceano': "The great mysteries of mankind--Lemuria, the drownd continent in the Indian Ocean. Esperanto Internacia for Dec 46 carried a humerous 'hants' artikolo, 'De la Fantoma Vidpunkto':'From the Ghost's Viewpoint'. -- Ackerman. Last year's last issue of LIFE, in astrology article on pg 46, pictures Chas.R.Wells who,thru Fantasy Ads, ad, submitted supernatural humor yarn, "The Return of the Spook", to Ackerman's Author Agency.
Technocracy: Henry Elsner, Jr. says: 'Milton Rothman's 'Scientists Are People' was very well done, but he makes some implications, intentional or otherwise, that are rather misleading in regard to what Technocracy's program represents. Technocracy realizes that Milt's statement: '...scientists are not trained in the scientific method...if they manage to absorb a bit of the basic philosophy of science on the side, it is pure accident.' is all too true. Technocracy has pointed out again and again that it is not the individuals but the type of controls in out social system that must be revised. In answer to a question along the same lines as Milt writes, some statements in the 'Question Box' of the July'46 Great Lakes Technocrat summarize Technocracy's approach concisely: 'When an engineer attempts to handle social problems by political and other Price System methods, he usually makes as big an ass out of himself as anybody else. The reason is that he's using the wrong tools. One can't build a bridge, skyscraper, or a great industrial plant by juggling politics and philosophical opinions, The job requires the application of scientific principles to the physical factors involved.' Technocracy has never advocated turning over social control to engineers, scientists, or technologists. Minority rule is not the answer to America's problems. Technocracy stands for the adoption of technological principles of social control within the framework of a scientific design dictated by physical laws.' William Rotsler of Box 338, Rt.#1, Camarillo, Calif., plans a zine of 20 mimeo'd pages and lithio'd covers to be called NEOPHYTE. He is especially anxious to secure some good material (article, story, poem) from the fans. His stationary is neatly designed with dagger and the words Perfidious Press Publications....... Redd Boggs Now Leads In Emberace ! In Ember's book prize contest, ending March 1, Redd Boggs holds scant 1/2 point lead over Bob Stein. Lading Contenders Boggs, 5 ½, Stein, 5, Rothman 4 ½, Norm Staley 3 ½, Tigrina 3 ½, Klingbiel 3. All you have to do is send in items or usable letters of comment, or secure a new reader that will fit into the intimate circle of Embereaders. Ackerman New Year 1947 authors' -agent form letter received. Forrest J, at 236½ N.New Hampshire, Hollywood 4, is soliciting clients who need the help of an agent who knows the fantasy markets in this country, G.Britain, and France -- not counting Esperanto publications even. Write him for details. It looks like a fair deal. Fans who woud like to see the world of 1980, as visualised in the Mars-film JUST IMAGINE, may do so by sending for a free copy of #1 in the World Crisis Series. A still from the famous scientifilm, titles 'Supercities that promise many conveniences are being planned for the future' is used to illustrate the article, 'When Peace Comes'. The address is Back-to-the-Bible Movement, Station A, Box 148, Los Angeles 31, Cal... and may God have mercy for my heresy--- Ackerman. From the Esperanto Press: Heroldo de Esperanto, 1 Dec 46, featured an article, 'Le grandaj misteroj de la homero--LEMURIO, la drointa kontinento en la Hinde Oceano': "The great mysteries of mankind--Lemuria, the drownd continent in the Indian Ocean. Esperanto Internacia for Dec 46 carried a humerous 'hants' artikolo, 'De la Fantoma Vidpunkto':'From the Ghost's Viewpoint'. -- Ackerman. Last year's last issue of LIFE, in astrology article on pg 46, pictures Chas.R.Wells who,thru Fantasy Ads, ad, submitted supernatural humor yarn, "The Return of the Spook", to Ackerman's Author Agency.
Hevelin Fanzines