Ember, issue 29, January 20, 1947
Page 6
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Wanted Someone to collaborate with me in the publication of a fanzine. Arrangements already made for outting of mimeo stencils. I can supply artwork and articles. For further details write Bob Stein, 514 W. Vienna Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Neutoric Press, editor "Fantasy Illustrated" (paid advertisement) Plans Dept: Ron Christensen and Ron Maddor are getting up a magazine to be called "The Fan Pictorial". It will contain about 30 pages of professionally done photo-offset material. Included will be pictures of authors, editors, prominent fans, etc. The jacket will be similar to the Fancyclopedia. First ish will be dedicated to Sam Moskowitz. Ron M. says they would like submissions of photographs you might have. Prepublication price of the book is $1.00. Air Trails will not attempt to compete with Science Illustrated says Ron Maddox. ((That's good, because the latter is degenerating into a more general 'gadget' book to appeal to the masses. A good sub-title for it now might be: House, Garden, and Car Illustrated, with information on Milady's Boudoir and Silk Stockings. Ember is in accord with Milt Rothman's letter printed in the last issue of the SI reader's section.)) FMZ received this week.......... Fantasy Times, #33, a weekly news-sheet published by James V. Taurasi of 101-02 Northern Blvd., Corona, NY @ 5c or 6 for 25c. This is a mimeo'd one-sheet newsie that carries CNS news releases as well as FNS releases. The former is Cosmic News Service, an eastern ring handled by Alvin R. Brown; the latter is Foundation News Service, a western outfit handled by Rusty Hevelin. ((Plans are afoot to link Ember with these two groups in a three-way tie-up with your editor handling a mid-west ENS, Ember News Service. Thus, with Stefnews from the west, Ember from the mid-west, and Fantasy Times from the east, the doings of Fandom should be very adequately covered.)) Stefnews, #75, a weekly newssheet from James Hevelin of 3761 Third St., Riverside, Calif. @5c or half that to Foundation subscribers. This is a Ditto one-sheet newsie. PSFS News, Vol. VI No.9, from Allison Williams of 122 S. 18th St., Philadelphia 3, Penna. @10c or 6 for 50c. This is a mimeo'd multi-sheeter which branches out this time into articles of interest to all Fandom. Included is the Phillips' piece condensed in Ember this issue, also a biography of William Seabrook by Al Pepper, and other notes and reviews of interest. -6- from Donn Brazier 1329 N.33rd ZSt. Milwaukee 8, Wisc. Ember #29 [stamp] MILWAUKEE WIS. [postage stamp] [handwritten] James Hevelin 3761 Third St Riverside, California
Wanted Someone to collaborate with me in the publication of a fanzine. Arrangements already made for outting of mimeo stencils. I can supply artwork and articles. For further details write Bob Stein, 514 W. Vienna Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Neutoric Press, editor "Fantasy Illustrated" (paid advertisement) Plans Dept: Ron Christensen and Ron Maddor are getting up a magazine to be called "The Fan Pictorial". It will contain about 30 pages of professionally done photo-offset material. Included will be pictures of authors, editors, prominent fans, etc. The jacket will be similar to the Fancyclopedia. First ish will be dedicated to Sam Moskowitz. Ron M. says they would like submissions of photographs you might have. Prepublication price of the book is $1.00. Air Trails will not attempt to compete with Science Illustrated says Ron Maddox. ((That's good, because the latter is degenerating into a more general 'gadget' book to appeal to the masses. A good sub-title for it now might be: House, Garden, and Car Illustrated, with information on Milady's Boudoir and Silk Stockings. Ember is in accord with Milt Rothman's letter printed in the last issue of the SI reader's section.)) FMZ received this week.......... Fantasy Times, #33, a weekly news-sheet published by James V. Taurasi of 101-02 Northern Blvd., Corona, NY @ 5c or 6 for 25c. This is a mimeo'd one-sheet newsie that carries CNS news releases as well as FNS releases. The former is Cosmic News Service, an eastern ring handled by Alvin R. Brown; the latter is Foundation News Service, a western outfit handled by Rusty Hevelin. ((Plans are afoot to link Ember with these two groups in a three-way tie-up with your editor handling a mid-west ENS, Ember News Service. Thus, with Stefnews from the west, Ember from the mid-west, and Fantasy Times from the east, the doings of Fandom should be very adequately covered.)) Stefnews, #75, a weekly newssheet from James Hevelin of 3761 Third St., Riverside, Calif. @5c or half that to Foundation subscribers. This is a Ditto one-sheet newsie. PSFS News, Vol. VI No.9, from Allison Williams of 122 S. 18th St., Philadelphia 3, Penna. @10c or 6 for 50c. This is a mimeo'd multi-sheeter which branches out this time into articles of interest to all Fandom. Included is the Phillips' piece condensed in Ember this issue, also a biography of William Seabrook by Al Pepper, and other notes and reviews of interest. -6- from Donn Brazier 1329 N.33rd ZSt. Milwaukee 8, Wisc. Ember #29 [stamp] MILWAUKEE WIS. [postage stamp] [handwritten] James Hevelin 3761 Third St Riverside, California
Hevelin Fanzines