Ember, issue 31, 1947
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Emberace: As of Ember #30 the following pop the list of 51 people who have at least 1/2 point in the Ember book prize contest. 1. Redd Boggs 7 1/2 2. Tigrina 7 1/2 3. Bob Stein 7 4. Ackerman 6 Stanley 6 6. Rothman 4 1/2 7. Tullis 4 Speer 4 9. Robinson 3 Klingbiel 3 Only one more month remains to boost your point score. Each short news item submitted nets you 1/2 point; longer pieces in the nature of articlettes will be awarded 1 point, and if you can talk someone into becoming an Embereader, that's another full point. Specialthis week. Adam and Eve, a satirical novel by John Erskins, will go for what Ember paid for it, post-paid: 75 cents. The book is in fine condition except for a wrinkled back-board; has dust jacket. Also two little books of sea stories, some fantasy by Morgan Robertson. Both of these will go for 20 cents apiece postpaid. The books are about the size of wartime novels; the stories are fine. D.B. Thompson says: "Tigrina prefers weird fiction, and often makes allowances in her reviews, for certain short comings in the stories. If she says a ghostory is punk, I'm fairly convinced that the majority of fans, who certainly aren't 'in the know', would consider it a stinkeroo because, unlike T, most of us aren't willing to make allowances for imperfections in a weirdie, as T is. I've read three books in the weird field that I thot good during the past year -- "The Burning Court", "Edge of Running Water", and "To Walk the Night". But the last two could as well be classed as science-fiction, or at worst, pseudo-science, since the author presents speculative answers to the problems, said answers being based on scientific thot. I'm somewhat curious as to Derleth's appraisal of the last two, incidently. Does he consider them good, or not?" Recent press release from Hollywood reveals [illegible] fanne starlet, Laurel Lee Donne (latest reel name; real name is MacDonald) is engaged toEdward Jay Hempel IIIl. Caption says Laurel isa dancer in "My Wild Irish Rose". (Kennedy's letter continued from page 3) body like Wellman or Quinn came out on top -- which isn't inconceivable if weirdists were polled almost exclusively. And while yours truly cannot claim complete impartiality, I believe the Fantasy Review poll is about as accurate an indication of fandom's opinions as any recent or projected tabulation is likely to be."--Kennedy Ember 1329 N. 33rd St. Milwaukee 8, Wisc. James Hevelin 3761 Third St Riverside, Calif.
Emberace: As of Ember #30 the following pop the list of 51 people who have at least 1/2 point in the Ember book prize contest. 1. Redd Boggs 7 1/2 2. Tigrina 7 1/2 3. Bob Stein 7 4. Ackerman 6 Stanley 6 6. Rothman 4 1/2 7. Tullis 4 Speer 4 9. Robinson 3 Klingbiel 3 Only one more month remains to boost your point score. Each short news item submitted nets you 1/2 point; longer pieces in the nature of articlettes will be awarded 1 point, and if you can talk someone into becoming an Embereader, that's another full point. Specialthis week. Adam and Eve, a satirical novel by John Erskins, will go for what Ember paid for it, post-paid: 75 cents. The book is in fine condition except for a wrinkled back-board; has dust jacket. Also two little books of sea stories, some fantasy by Morgan Robertson. Both of these will go for 20 cents apiece postpaid. The books are about the size of wartime novels; the stories are fine. D.B. Thompson says: "Tigrina prefers weird fiction, and often makes allowances in her reviews, for certain short comings in the stories. If she says a ghostory is punk, I'm fairly convinced that the majority of fans, who certainly aren't 'in the know', would consider it a stinkeroo because, unlike T, most of us aren't willing to make allowances for imperfections in a weirdie, as T is. I've read three books in the weird field that I thot good during the past year -- "The Burning Court", "Edge of Running Water", and "To Walk the Night". But the last two could as well be classed as science-fiction, or at worst, pseudo-science, since the author presents speculative answers to the problems, said answers being based on scientific thot. I'm somewhat curious as to Derleth's appraisal of the last two, incidently. Does he consider them good, or not?" Recent press release from Hollywood reveals [illegible] fanne starlet, Laurel Lee Donne (latest reel name; real name is MacDonald) is engaged toEdward Jay Hempel IIIl. Caption says Laurel isa dancer in "My Wild Irish Rose". (Kennedy's letter continued from page 3) body like Wellman or Quinn came out on top -- which isn't inconceivable if weirdists were polled almost exclusively. And while yours truly cannot claim complete impartiality, I believe the Fantasy Review poll is about as accurate an indication of fandom's opinions as any recent or projected tabulation is likely to be."--Kennedy Ember 1329 N. 33rd St. Milwaukee 8, Wisc. James Hevelin 3761 Third St Riverside, Calif.
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