Fanewscard, issue 104
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This "Second Milestone" Issue is dedicated to Bob Tucker (founder) and Frank Robinson and Ed Connor (former coeditors) of FANEWS TABLE OF CONTENTS NEWS: FANEWSCARD #103.......inside front cover "The News"....................... 4 & 5 News Items .......................... 16 WEE TOME TIPPER ........... 13 FANEWSCARD #105....... inside back cover ARTICLES: "Why A FANEWSCARD" - Tucker ........ 3 "An Open Letter —" - Palmer - ....... 7 "? ?" (Movie Supersitions) ........... 9 "Why An N.F.F.F.?" - Evans - ........ 14 PHOTOS: (Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures and Fort Mac Arthur ALERT)...... 9 BACK COVER by Gnr Bob Gibson, somewhere in Italy. Mimeo reproduction by Lorraine, FANEWSCARD is published at 1443 4th Ave.So Fargo, North Dakota at least once each wk. Walter Dunkelberger & Earl Kay co-editors. Our grateful thanks to our loyal subscribers and reporters, especially to those mentioned below; for their ceaseless efforts in passing the news on so that we may present it to you. WEST COAST: Art Sana; MlD- WEST: Bob Tucker; EAST COAST: Julius Unger Don Wollheim, Langley Searles, Mike Fern; CANADA: Beak Taylor, Les Crouton; ENGLAND: Terry Overton, J. Michael Rosenblum and to many others of you (Milty Rothman, Acky Roblnson, Liebscher, Evans) who rush us a card when news appears - our grateful THANX.
This "Second Milestone" Issue is dedicated to Bob Tucker (founder) and Frank Robinson and Ed Connor (former coeditors) of FANEWS TABLE OF CONTENTS NEWS: FANEWSCARD #103.......inside front cover "The News"....................... 4 & 5 News Items .......................... 16 WEE TOME TIPPER ........... 13 FANEWSCARD #105....... inside back cover ARTICLES: "Why A FANEWSCARD" - Tucker ........ 3 "An Open Letter —" - Palmer - ....... 7 "? ?" (Movie Supersitions) ........... 9 "Why An N.F.F.F.?" - Evans - ........ 14 PHOTOS: (Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures and Fort Mac Arthur ALERT)...... 9 BACK COVER by Gnr Bob Gibson, somewhere in Italy. Mimeo reproduction by Lorraine, FANEWSCARD is published at 1443 4th Ave.So Fargo, North Dakota at least once each wk. Walter Dunkelberger & Earl Kay co-editors. Our grateful thanks to our loyal subscribers and reporters, especially to those mentioned below; for their ceaseless efforts in passing the news on so that we may present it to you. WEST COAST: Art Sana; MlD- WEST: Bob Tucker; EAST COAST: Julius Unger Don Wollheim, Langley Searles, Mike Fern; CANADA: Beak Taylor, Les Crouton; ENGLAND: Terry Overton, J. Michael Rosenblum and to many others of you (Milty Rothman, Acky Roblnson, Liebscher, Evans) who rush us a card when news appears - our grateful THANX.
Hevelin Fanzines