Fanewscard, issue 104
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STOUT MYSTERY QUARTERLY, 160 7x10 pages, mystery, crime, and horror, late this month. Two bits of your hard earned dough should be allocated for this. (Mike Fern) Unger is defaulting on the Eatern banquet idea. If events mature Moskowitz may go ahead on his own......James V. Taurasi has arrived in England and is stationed in a gloomy old castle...Sgt Ray Van Houten and John Victor Peterson are in France. Peterson is Lt. with M.P's. Van Houten is in transport command......Work on THE IMMORTAL STORM, a history of Science Fiction Fandom by Sam Moskowitz has been started. It will be complete, authoritative as any book can conceivably be. Sam has more information on fan history (especially during the formative period) than any other fan in the world. Very Large. Will probably be published in FANTASY COMMENTATOR. Reprint rights may be released later. In FANCYCLOPEDIA Speer's article HISTORY UP TO NOW was condensed. Sam will use 20 pages to cover the information covered in the first page of Speer's....four pages to cover the first paragraph's material....In short the same general idea, but in detail. (Sam Moskowitz). Unger given 2 to 3 months to get into defense or war (what will happen to family? - his Dad is still ill)...Next FFM will carry BOATS OF GLEN CARRIG (slightly-cut from original tho). Also slated for FFM reprint is Herrick's SOMETIME if it meets final approval....FFF changes policy to bi-weekly and articles and indices for contents ((see full page announcement else where in this issue)). Searles, Ackerman Rus Gale, Bill Evans and others added to staff (Julius Unger)
STOUT MYSTERY QUARTERLY, 160 7x10 pages, mystery, crime, and horror, late this month. Two bits of your hard earned dough should be allocated for this. (Mike Fern) Unger is defaulting on the Eatern banquet idea. If events mature Moskowitz may go ahead on his own......James V. Taurasi has arrived in England and is stationed in a gloomy old castle...Sgt Ray Van Houten and John Victor Peterson are in France. Peterson is Lt. with M.P's. Van Houten is in transport command......Work on THE IMMORTAL STORM, a history of Science Fiction Fandom by Sam Moskowitz has been started. It will be complete, authoritative as any book can conceivably be. Sam has more information on fan history (especially during the formative period) than any other fan in the world. Very Large. Will probably be published in FANTASY COMMENTATOR. Reprint rights may be released later. In FANCYCLOPEDIA Speer's article HISTORY UP TO NOW was condensed. Sam will use 20 pages to cover the information covered in the first page of Speer's....four pages to cover the first paragraph's material....In short the same general idea, but in detail. (Sam Moskowitz). Unger given 2 to 3 months to get into defense or war (what will happen to family? - his Dad is still ill)...Next FFM will carry BOATS OF GLEN CARRIG (slightly-cut from original tho). Also slated for FFM reprint is Herrick's SOMETIME if it meets final approval....FFF changes policy to bi-weekly and articles and indices for contents ((see full page announcement else where in this issue)). Searles, Ackerman Rus Gale, Bill Evans and others added to staff (Julius Unger)
Hevelin Fanzines