Timebinder, v. 1, issue 3, 1945
Page 4
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if the United States toured its CO's through these concentration camps, would they realize that their is immature idealism --- escapism, actually? Granted that States have no right to force an aggressive war upon people. Granted that the world isn't perfect. Granted that it probably won't ever be. But sitting down with one's arms crossed and saying "I don't believe". . . while barbarians make lamp shades out of human skin. . . Oh no, let's not use the name of Jesus Christ to allow such inhumanity. It is all very well to say "I won't wear diamonds because I don't like the system". If this was held consistently I would admire such tenacity of one's ideals. But I doubt extremely that the Conscientious Objector goes without food -- yet every reader that knows the farmer has had to buck the same system throughout all the ages of history. Go visit any Southern farm country and you'll see what I've seen. Oh no. Diamonds are one thing, and food another. The C.O. and his sympathizers apparently believe that while other homes are torn apart, husbands and wives separated cruelly for too-long periods, children born who will never see their fathers -- that he and his family should go their merry way unscathed. Yet we don't believe in war either. (But then, the generation which has to do the dirty work doesn't have any say in such matters, not in the past nor in the future where we are blithely unrepresented at the Conferences.) No matter what anyone has to say for the Conscientious Objector -- and here I realize that we are fighting for his freedom of belief also -- there is NO GETTING AROUND THE FACT that only an immature or perverted idealism would expect other men to give their lives for those ideals. For an individual to assert that he is independent of any group, to create his own laws and rules of existence, is to contradict Nature's basic premise that the individual by himself cannot survive, nor the race continue. Overlooking the intricacies of our own densely populated civilization, the basic unit that can survive on earth is the family. male, female and offspring, all interdependent, in every sphere of Creation. The community is a larger family -- a family of families, united for common convenience and survival. Mutual interests unite communities, and so on into nations. Al the way up the fundamentals of naked survival force man into uniting, and where there is a group there must be a group code for the common good. If a person wishes to profit from group rule, he should abide by the essential tenets without which only brute strength would survive and rule. The basic instinct is for self-protection, and the highly-involved civilization of today, self-protection for the nation is self-protection for the individual. 4
if the United States toured its CO's through these concentration camps, would they realize that their is immature idealism --- escapism, actually? Granted that States have no right to force an aggressive war upon people. Granted that the world isn't perfect. Granted that it probably won't ever be. But sitting down with one's arms crossed and saying "I don't believe". . . while barbarians make lamp shades out of human skin. . . Oh no, let's not use the name of Jesus Christ to allow such inhumanity. It is all very well to say "I won't wear diamonds because I don't like the system". If this was held consistently I would admire such tenacity of one's ideals. But I doubt extremely that the Conscientious Objector goes without food -- yet every reader that knows the farmer has had to buck the same system throughout all the ages of history. Go visit any Southern farm country and you'll see what I've seen. Oh no. Diamonds are one thing, and food another. The C.O. and his sympathizers apparently believe that while other homes are torn apart, husbands and wives separated cruelly for too-long periods, children born who will never see their fathers -- that he and his family should go their merry way unscathed. Yet we don't believe in war either. (But then, the generation which has to do the dirty work doesn't have any say in such matters, not in the past nor in the future where we are blithely unrepresented at the Conferences.) No matter what anyone has to say for the Conscientious Objector -- and here I realize that we are fighting for his freedom of belief also -- there is NO GETTING AROUND THE FACT that only an immature or perverted idealism would expect other men to give their lives for those ideals. For an individual to assert that he is independent of any group, to create his own laws and rules of existence, is to contradict Nature's basic premise that the individual by himself cannot survive, nor the race continue. Overlooking the intricacies of our own densely populated civilization, the basic unit that can survive on earth is the family. male, female and offspring, all interdependent, in every sphere of Creation. The community is a larger family -- a family of families, united for common convenience and survival. Mutual interests unite communities, and so on into nations. Al the way up the fundamentals of naked survival force man into uniting, and where there is a group there must be a group code for the common good. If a person wishes to profit from group rule, he should abide by the essential tenets without which only brute strength would survive and rule. The basic instinct is for self-protection, and the highly-involved civilization of today, self-protection for the nation is self-protection for the individual. 4
se os Estados Unidos visitassem seus CO's por esses campos de concentração, eles perceberiam o seu idealismo imaturo - escapismo, na verdade? Reconhecendo que os States não possui direito de forçar uma guerra agressiva sobre as pessoas. Reconhecendo que o mundo não é perfeito. Reconhecendo que provavelmente nunca será. Mas sentar com os braços cruzados e dizer "Eu não acredito"... enquanto bárbaros fazem abajures com pele humana. . . Ah não, não vamos usar o nome de Jesus cristo para permitir tal inumanidade. Está tudo bem dizer "Eu não usarei diamantes porque eu não gosto do sistema". Se isso fosse mantido de forma consistente eu admiraria tal tenacidade de seus ideais. Mas eu duvido seriamente que o Objetor de Consciência siga sem comida - ainda que todo leitor saiba que o fazendeiro teve que resistir ao mesmo sistema durante anos de história. Vá visitar qualquer fazenda ao sul do país e você verá o que eu vi. Ah não. Diamantes são uma coisa, e comidas são outra. O C.O. e seus simpatizantes aparentemente acreditam que enquanto outras casas são destriudas, maridos e esposas separados cruelmente por longos períodos, crianças nascidas que nunca verão seus pais - que ele e sua família deveriam seguir seu caminho feliz ilesos. Ainda que tão pouco acreditemos em guerra. (Mas então, a geração que tem que fazer o trabalho sujo não tem nada a dizer em tais circunstâncias, não no passado nem no futuro onde estamos alegremente sem representantes nas Conferências). Não importa o que qualquer um tenha a dizer para o Objetor de Consciência - e aqui eu percebo que estamos lutando por sua liberdade de crença assim como - não há COMO CONTORNAR O FATO de que apenas um idealista imaturo ou pervertido esperaria que outro homem desse suas vidas por tais ideais. Para um indivíduo afirmar que é idependente de qualquer grupo, para criar suas proprias leis e regras de existência, é contradizer a premissa básica da natureza de que o indivíduo por si mesmo não é capaz de sobreviver, nem da raça continuar. Negligenciando as complexidades da nossa própria civilização densamente populada, a unidade básica capaz de sobreviver na Terra é a família, homem, mulher e filhos, todos interdependentes, em cada esfera da Criação. A comunidade é uma grande família - uma família de famílias, unidas por conveniência e sobrevivência, Interesses em comum unem comunidades, assim como nações. Por todo o caminho, os fundamenotos da sobrevivência forçaram o homem à união, e onde há um grupo deve haver uma ordem de convivência para o bem comum. Se alguem deseja se encaixar na regra de um grupo, deveria se manter fiel aos princípios sem a qual apenas a força bruta sobrevivesse e governasse. O instinto básico é de autoproteçao, e na atual civilização altamente envolvida, autoproteção para a nação é autoproteção para o indivíduo.
Hevelin Fanzines