Timebinder, v. 1, issue 3, 1945
Page 5
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All I ask is consistency. If a Conscientious Objector wishes to hermitize himself from Society in one way which injures the common good (refusal to protect it from aggression), then he should not wish to profit from that Society. If he considers his only laws those he lays down for himself, in protest to the laws of the State (blame for which he shares equally with any other man even in a totalitarian state), then he should divorce himself from the group, and survive independently and individually. The absurdity of this, in the present complex labyrinth of human relations, is obvious -- he would be forced to go back to Prehistoric Age, to fashion his own implements, forage for his own food, provide his own shelter, and relinquish his mate -- for where there are as many as two people there will be a set of rules which may not entirely be of his own making. Unless he does that, in the basic necessities of his life, he is dependent on the Society he disdains and refuses to protect. I have thus given space to two sides of this important and controversial question. I, personally, find much in both facets which are in my own personal beliefs. Mostly, I believe that any privilege carries with it a responsibility. Yet I believe also that the CO's are doing much to call attention to the fact that war is NOT the way to settle international disputes. Several of the letters in the latter part of this issue also touch on this. One thing I believe should be called to attention. The CO's DO work for the government, in their camps -- and for this they should be paid at least as much as an Army private, so that their families need not be in want. For they are doing a lot more important work than many Servicemen who hold down cushy jobs. And a lot of them DO sustain permanent injury in the experiments for which they volunteer. Not many, of course, for they are few,but PROBABLY AS LARGE A PERCENTAGE. Many families are broken up and children born who do not see their fathers, when the latter are in prison for their beliefs. I understand also that a large percentage of them would be classified 4-F and they DID take an induction examination, but refuse to do so because of their beliefs. THE TIME-BINDER does not seek to persuade anyone to change their beliefs by presenting these articles. It seeks merely to throw a bit of light by presenting both sides of many important present-day subjects. Incidentally, a minor but interesting sidelight -- in practically every letter received AGAINST the CO's it was necessary to edit out or not print a lot of sarcasm -- they seemed to feel it necessary. Virginia's letter was calm, logical and serious -- but then,t he CO's have studied, thought and prayed for years in reaching their decisions.--EEE. 5
All I ask is consistency. If a Conscientious Objector wishes to hermitize himself from Society in one way which injures the common good (refusal to protect it from aggression), then he should not wish to profit from that Society. If he considers his only laws those he lays down for himself, in protest to the laws of the State (blame for which he shares equally with any other man even in a totalitarian state), then he should divorce himself from the group, and survive independently and individually. The absurdity of this, in the present complex labyrinth of human relations, is obvious -- he would be forced to go back to Prehistoric Age, to fashion his own implements, forage for his own food, provide his own shelter, and relinquish his mate -- for where there are as many as two people there will be a set of rules which may not entirely be of his own making. Unless he does that, in the basic necessities of his life, he is dependent on the Society he disdains and refuses to protect. I have thus given space to two sides of this important and controversial question. I, personally, find much in both facets which are in my own personal beliefs. Mostly, I believe that any privilege carries with it a responsibility. Yet I believe also that the CO's are doing much to call attention to the fact that war is NOT the way to settle international disputes. Several of the letters in the latter part of this issue also touch on this. One thing I believe should be called to attention. The CO's DO work for the government, in their camps -- and for this they should be paid at least as much as an Army private, so that their families need not be in want. For they are doing a lot more important work than many Servicemen who hold down cushy jobs. And a lot of them DO sustain permanent injury in the experiments for which they volunteer. Not many, of course, for they are few,but PROBABLY AS LARGE A PERCENTAGE. Many families are broken up and children born who do not see their fathers, when the latter are in prison for their beliefs. I understand also that a large percentage of them would be classified 4-F and they DID take an induction examination, but refuse to do so because of their beliefs. THE TIME-BINDER does not seek to persuade anyone to change their beliefs by presenting these articles. It seeks merely to throw a bit of light by presenting both sides of many important present-day subjects. Incidentally, a minor but interesting sidelight -- in practically every letter received AGAINST the CO's it was necessary to edit out or not print a lot of sarcasm -- they seemed to feel it necessary. Virginia's letter was calm, logical and serious -- but then,t he CO's have studied, thought and prayed for years in reaching their decisions.--EEE. 5
Tudo o que eu peço é coerência. Se um Objetor da Consciência deseja se hermetizar da sociedade de maneira que prejudique o bem comum (recusa-se a proteger da agressão), então não deveria desejar se encaixar em tal sociedade. Se ele considera apenas suas leis como validas, como em protesto às leis do Estado (culpa a qual ele compartilha igualmente com qualquer outro homem mesmo em um Estado totalitário), então ele deveria se emancipar do grupo, e sobrevir independente e individualmente. O absurdo disso, no complexo labirinto de relações humanas, é obvio - ele seria forçado a voltar para Era Pré-Histórica, para moldar seus próprios instrumentos, caçar sua própria comida, construir seu próprio abrigo, e abandonar seu companheiro - contanto que haja duas pessoas haverá regras que não necessariamente serão inteiramente de sua autoria. A menos que ele o faça, nas necessidades básicas de sua vida, ele é dependente da sociedade que despreza e se recusa a proteger. Tenho, portanto, dado espaço aos dois lados dessa importate e controversa questão. Eu, pessoalmente, encontro muito das minhas crenças em ambas as faces. Principalmente, eu acredito que qualquer privilegio leva consigo uma responsabilidade. Ainda que eu também acredite que os COs estão fazendo tudo o que podem para chamar atenção para o fato de que a guerra não é o caminho para resolver disputas internacionais. Várias das cartas posteriormente evidenciadas nessa publicação também abordam esse assunto. Algo em que eu acredito deveria ser levado em consideração. Os COs trabalham para o governo, em seus campos - e por isso eles deveriam receber, pelo menos, a mesma quantia paga à um exercito privado, assim suas famílias não passariam por necessidades. Pois estão fazendo um trabaho muito mais significativo do que a maioria dos soldados que possuem um emprego confortável. E vários deles possuem lesões permanentes, advindas dos experimentos pelos quais foram voluntários. Não muitos, é claro, pois eles são poucos, mas PROVAVELMENTE UMA GRANDE PORCETAGEM. Muitas famílias estão quebradas e crianças que nunca viram seus pais, quando esses estão em presidios devido às suas crenças. Eu também compreendo que uma grande porcentagem deles estariam classificados como 4-F e realizariam um exame por indução, mas se recusaram a fazer devido à sua doutrina. O FICHARIO DE TEMPO não busca persuadir ninguem a mudar suas opiniões através desses artigos. Busca meramente trazer um pouco de luz ao apresentar ambos os lados de um assunto tão importante nos dias atuias. Alias, uma pequena, mas importante, informação adicional - em praticamente toda carta recebida CONTRA os COs era necessário editar ou não imprimir tanto sarcasmo - eles pareciam sentir que era necessário. As cartas de Virginia eram calmas, lógicas e sérias - mas então, os COs estudaram, pensaram e oraram por anos para chegarem às suas decisões.
Hevelin Fanzines