Timebinder, v. 1, issue 3, 1945
Page 9
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thing, when he is feeling at the very bottom of life's pit, rather than in a smirking and thoughtless jest that might well erase the last single flicker of hope that remains to him? As a practical example, for instance -- do you not think that far more happiness would accrue from the expenditure of Ten Dollars spent in giving someone who is down and out, a decent meal, a shave and a haircut, having his clothes spotted and pressed so that he would LOOK and FEEL more like a man, and the quiet world of encouragement you could give him to go with this, and some help towards getting him a self-respecting job that would allow him to start back on the road to the recovery of his manhood -- would not Ten Dollars thus spent bring far more actual enjoyment and true happiness to many, many people -- no one could ever tell just HOW many! -- than if it were spent in some momentary chase after an illusive "pursuit of happiness"? As another practical example -- would not a kind and sympathetic word spoken in the right place do far more towards bringing true happiness and satisfaction than a coarse or ribald jest directed at the same person? Who can measure the dynamic power of a friendly smile? Again, have you never been in the position where you were blue, down-hearted, and felt that the world was all against you? When you were at that lowest point, did no one come to you with a word of praise or encouragement, or a helping hand in a material way? Do you not know, or can you not imagine, what a splendid thing was done then, and what great repercussions it had in continuity of happiness? Can you guess how many were benefitted by that simple act or word? THE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF SUCH THINGS IN CALCULABLE! I know many people, including some of my own friends, think talk of such things is downright silly, if not worse. But to me, they are the most important facets of life. I CONSIDER THE BUILDING OF PERSONALITY THE GREATEST CHALLENGE TO ONE'S MANHOOD, AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PHASE OF LIVING! If I did not so think, I would never have started THE TIME-BINDER, and would not now plan to continue it. The overwhelming and favorable response I have received to this effort show me so well that many others feel as I do; that the majority of the admittedly small circle I am able to reach do realize the need for such discussions, even though some do not agree. Good Heavens, I never expected they all would. In my search for happiness; for peace; for ego-satisfaction, if you will -- I want to give credit to the many books of Lloyd C. Douglas, which I urge you all to read. (Many of the letters i have received from correspondents concerning this magazine, also speak highly of him.) Here is a man who has apparently caught far more completely in the real inner meanings of the teachings of Jesus than any one I have ever read or heard. All of his books 9
thing, when he is feeling at the very bottom of life's pit, rather than in a smirking and thoughtless jest that might well erase the last single flicker of hope that remains to him? As a practical example, for instance -- do you not think that far more happiness would accrue from the expenditure of Ten Dollars spent in giving someone who is down and out, a decent meal, a shave and a haircut, having his clothes spotted and pressed so that he would LOOK and FEEL more like a man, and the quiet world of encouragement you could give him to go with this, and some help towards getting him a self-respecting job that would allow him to start back on the road to the recovery of his manhood -- would not Ten Dollars thus spent bring far more actual enjoyment and true happiness to many, many people -- no one could ever tell just HOW many! -- than if it were spent in some momentary chase after an illusive "pursuit of happiness"? As another practical example -- would not a kind and sympathetic word spoken in the right place do far more towards bringing true happiness and satisfaction than a coarse or ribald jest directed at the same person? Who can measure the dynamic power of a friendly smile? Again, have you never been in the position where you were blue, down-hearted, and felt that the world was all against you? When you were at that lowest point, did no one come to you with a word of praise or encouragement, or a helping hand in a material way? Do you not know, or can you not imagine, what a splendid thing was done then, and what great repercussions it had in continuity of happiness? Can you guess how many were benefitted by that simple act or word? THE CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF SUCH THINGS IN CALCULABLE! I know many people, including some of my own friends, think talk of such things is downright silly, if not worse. But to me, they are the most important facets of life. I CONSIDER THE BUILDING OF PERSONALITY THE GREATEST CHALLENGE TO ONE'S MANHOOD, AND THE MOST IMPORTANT PHASE OF LIVING! If I did not so think, I would never have started THE TIME-BINDER, and would not now plan to continue it. The overwhelming and favorable response I have received to this effort show me so well that many others feel as I do; that the majority of the admittedly small circle I am able to reach do realize the need for such discussions, even though some do not agree. Good Heavens, I never expected they all would. In my search for happiness; for peace; for ego-satisfaction, if you will -- I want to give credit to the many books of Lloyd C. Douglas, which I urge you all to read. (Many of the letters i have received from correspondents concerning this magazine, also speak highly of him.) Here is a man who has apparently caught far more completely in the real inner meanings of the teachings of Jesus than any one I have ever read or heard. All of his books 9
Hevelin Fanzines