Timebinder, v. 1, issue 3, 1945
Page 23
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POSTSCRIPTUS. Here, then, my friends, I humbly yet proudly present to you THE TIME-BINDER Number Three. For your splendid letters of comment and encouragement, my most sincere thanks. For the occasional letters of sarcastic comment, my thanks also. For you see, you few ultra-sophisticated sneerers, I feel I have added to our enjoyment by giving you something else about which to make slighting remarks, and thus have increased my own enjoyment just that much. This matter of creating happiness does work both ways, as you will find out when you get a few years on you. The need for more articles of a serious nature continues, and I hope that many of you will write me such articles about some of your own problems and thoughts and beliefs. There is only one thing I do NOT want -- that is excessive sarcasm or bombast. There is no limitation whatever on the subject matter of any such articles as you may with to send. You're at liberty to submit whatever you feel would be of interest, enjoyment and possible benefit to my readers. But it much be presented in a calm, logical and judicial manner, such I have always tried to use in my own presentations, and in those thus far presented by others. It is felt -- and many of the letters received thus far have endorsed that feeling -- that such a journal as this has a definite place, and can accomplish some really good in presenting both sides of problems that need consideration today. That our world in which we live is in a terrific state of turmoil is but understatement. And the problems facing us in our desire to achieve a mental haven of peace and serenity are many. Bringing them out into the light of day and facing them and considering their every angle should help all of us to achieve a more solid and satisfactory foundation for that personal philosophy which must be our stand-by and our safe-guard through these perilous times. The pages of THE TIME-BINDER are open to such articles. And open, too to the fine letters of comment and criticism that you have so far been sending me following publication of Numbers One and Two. I am only sorry that I have not been able print either all of the letters received, or the complete letters that I have used in part. Thank you all again, and please continue to write. And if I have in any way been able to bring a little happiness or peace to any of you, I am well repaid. Thanks to Art Widner and Bryant for the poetical tribute to me which they published in the recent YHOS. I was pleased. -23-
POSTSCRIPTUS. Here, then, my friends, I humbly yet proudly present to you THE TIME-BINDER Number Three. For your splendid letters of comment and encouragement, my most sincere thanks. For the occasional letters of sarcastic comment, my thanks also. For you see, you few ultra-sophisticated sneerers, I feel I have added to our enjoyment by giving you something else about which to make slighting remarks, and thus have increased my own enjoyment just that much. This matter of creating happiness does work both ways, as you will find out when you get a few years on you. The need for more articles of a serious nature continues, and I hope that many of you will write me such articles about some of your own problems and thoughts and beliefs. There is only one thing I do NOT want -- that is excessive sarcasm or bombast. There is no limitation whatever on the subject matter of any such articles as you may with to send. You're at liberty to submit whatever you feel would be of interest, enjoyment and possible benefit to my readers. But it much be presented in a calm, logical and judicial manner, such I have always tried to use in my own presentations, and in those thus far presented by others. It is felt -- and many of the letters received thus far have endorsed that feeling -- that such a journal as this has a definite place, and can accomplish some really good in presenting both sides of problems that need consideration today. That our world in which we live is in a terrific state of turmoil is but understatement. And the problems facing us in our desire to achieve a mental haven of peace and serenity are many. Bringing them out into the light of day and facing them and considering their every angle should help all of us to achieve a more solid and satisfactory foundation for that personal philosophy which must be our stand-by and our safe-guard through these perilous times. The pages of THE TIME-BINDER are open to such articles. And open, too to the fine letters of comment and criticism that you have so far been sending me following publication of Numbers One and Two. I am only sorry that I have not been able print either all of the letters received, or the complete letters that I have used in part. Thank you all again, and please continue to write. And if I have in any way been able to bring a little happiness or peace to any of you, I am well repaid. Thanks to Art Widner and Bryant for the poetical tribute to me which they published in the recent YHOS. I was pleased. -23-
Hevelin Fanzines