Timebinder, v. 1, issue 4, 1945
Page 24
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of an "Unplanned economy", with its Every-man-for-himself-&-the-Devil-take-the-hindmost" philosophy? If so, then your repeatedly professed, supposedly high-order altruism is only a shallow and meaningless thing. What is a planned economy if not greater co-operation among all men for a greater share of the world's goods, and the production of more of those goods to share, instead of more and more profits for the few? You yourself say, "Naturally (one's life) would have to be subject to certain restrictions for the common good of society..." That is all a sincere advocate of planned economy says. And it won't be you & I who will be restricted, it will be those who now seek to restrict & limit us from the full realization of our abilities. That "you & I" is not meant in the strict personal sense. It means the sharecroppers of the south (some of whom have become self-supporting & self-respecting thru the planned economy of TVA!); the coolies of China; the untouchables of India; it means sweatshop workers and all others the world over, who are victims of the present muddled scheme of things. I am anxious to find out what you and your readers think on this subject. It is extremely important to me, and I think it should be thoroly discussed, and that THE TIME-BINDER is the place to do it. Answer to Art Widner. In the first plae, I thoroughly agree that this is a matter that needs discussing, and I will gladly open the columns of this journal to anyone who wishes to say his say on the subject. It is very agreeable to me to get your fine ideas about the C. O. matter, and again it is noticeable that the Servicemen, of themselves, are generally tolerant of the C. O. attitudes and beliefs. Regading my remarks about "planned economy", again I seem NOT to have made my points clear. (Perhaps this writing for a magazine like THE TIME-BINDER will help me in becoming a better and more logicall lucid writer.) It is the "propaganda" now being so widely broadcast about this "Planned Economy" that I feel to be catch-words and something that I feel should be carefully scrutinized. That there must be and has to be careful planning is axiomatic if there is to be efficiency in business and government. But when it appears that it is to be made an experiment for another bureaucracy, as seems to be the case in point at present in the United States, then I most emphatically think it is a subject needing careful study, and that the various beautiful phrases are but "catchwords", as I said. It is not with the theory that I disagree at all, but with what I am afraid is to be the practice. I most certainly would not link "free enterprise" and "Am- 24
of an "Unplanned economy", with its Every-man-for-himself-&-the-Devil-take-the-hindmost" philosophy? If so, then your repeatedly professed, supposedly high-order altruism is only a shallow and meaningless thing. What is a planned economy if not greater co-operation among all men for a greater share of the world's goods, and the production of more of those goods to share, instead of more and more profits for the few? You yourself say, "Naturally (one's life) would have to be subject to certain restrictions for the common good of society..." That is all a sincere advocate of planned economy says. And it won't be you & I who will be restricted, it will be those who now seek to restrict & limit us from the full realization of our abilities. That "you & I" is not meant in the strict personal sense. It means the sharecroppers of the south (some of whom have become self-supporting & self-respecting thru the planned economy of TVA!); the coolies of China; the untouchables of India; it means sweatshop workers and all others the world over, who are victims of the present muddled scheme of things. I am anxious to find out what you and your readers think on this subject. It is extremely important to me, and I think it should be thoroly discussed, and that THE TIME-BINDER is the place to do it. Answer to Art Widner. In the first plae, I thoroughly agree that this is a matter that needs discussing, and I will gladly open the columns of this journal to anyone who wishes to say his say on the subject. It is very agreeable to me to get your fine ideas about the C. O. matter, and again it is noticeable that the Servicemen, of themselves, are generally tolerant of the C. O. attitudes and beliefs. Regading my remarks about "planned economy", again I seem NOT to have made my points clear. (Perhaps this writing for a magazine like THE TIME-BINDER will help me in becoming a better and more logicall lucid writer.) It is the "propaganda" now being so widely broadcast about this "Planned Economy" that I feel to be catch-words and something that I feel should be carefully scrutinized. That there must be and has to be careful planning is axiomatic if there is to be efficiency in business and government. But when it appears that it is to be made an experiment for another bureaucracy, as seems to be the case in point at present in the United States, then I most emphatically think it is a subject needing careful study, and that the various beautiful phrases are but "catchwords", as I said. It is not with the theory that I disagree at all, but with what I am afraid is to be the practice. I most certainly would not link "free enterprise" and "Am- 24
Hevelin Fanzines