Interlude, v. 1, issue 4, July 1940
Page 4
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[pub]lishers of the commendable Cubicle, won all hearts with their friendliness and enthusiasm. George Anderson attended the final sessions and the banquet; may he play is part again in our activities! Harold Segal not only attended to all the details of the convention and saw to it that everyone had a good time, but played a leading part in the discussions. He is outstanding among the newer leaders; his experience in important offices enables him to make most valuable suggestions for the betterment of the organization. He and Babcock contributed the mos substantial ideas for constitutional amendment and made the final sessions the most important. Their work deserves the most serious consideration of all members and should receive ample discussion throughout the year. George and Lucia Trainor travelled back and forth between Brooklyn and Philadelphia most energetically so as to share in every possible hour at the convention. George sets out as an enthusiastic official editor, and as Hirst Mendenhall suggested in his speech seconding George's nomination, if his energy flags, his wife may be relied upon to keep him from wavering. The National Amateur is secure in such hands. Joseph Gudonis and his wife and their baby contributed immensely to the convention; he may be depended upon for renewed activity this year. Jack Bond emerged from the lethargy that has beset him in recent years and certainly placed Florida on the map in the activities,--all of them! He should be heard from more frequently between conventions. The young ladies deserve a paragraph--if not a paper!--all their own. They assured the social aspects of the convention and contributed ably to the discussions. Willametta Turnepseed's enthusiasm was highly delightful and stimulating; and Elizabeth Jordan, though demure, was gracious and attractive. Bernice McCarthy not only fulfilled her duties
[pub]lishers of the commendable Cubicle, won all hearts with their friendliness and enthusiasm. George Anderson attended the final sessions and the banquet; may he play is part again in our activities! Harold Segal not only attended to all the details of the convention and saw to it that everyone had a good time, but played a leading part in the discussions. He is outstanding among the newer leaders; his experience in important offices enables him to make most valuable suggestions for the betterment of the organization. He and Babcock contributed the mos substantial ideas for constitutional amendment and made the final sessions the most important. Their work deserves the most serious consideration of all members and should receive ample discussion throughout the year. George and Lucia Trainor travelled back and forth between Brooklyn and Philadelphia most energetically so as to share in every possible hour at the convention. George sets out as an enthusiastic official editor, and as Hirst Mendenhall suggested in his speech seconding George's nomination, if his energy flags, his wife may be relied upon to keep him from wavering. The National Amateur is secure in such hands. Joseph Gudonis and his wife and their baby contributed immensely to the convention; he may be depended upon for renewed activity this year. Jack Bond emerged from the lethargy that has beset him in recent years and certainly placed Florida on the map in the activities,--all of them! He should be heard from more frequently between conventions. The young ladies deserve a paragraph--if not a paper!--all their own. They assured the social aspects of the convention and contributed ably to the discussions. Willametta Turnepseed's enthusiasm was highly delightful and stimulating; and Elizabeth Jordan, though demure, was gracious and attractive. Bernice McCarthy not only fulfilled her duties
Hevelin Fanzines