Acolyte, v. 2, issue 3, whole no. 7, Summer 1944
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THE ACOLYTE AN AMATEUR MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND THE SUPERNATURAL (an [[underline]]Outsider[[end underline]] Publication) Co-edited and published by [[first column]] Francis T. Laney 1104 South Georgia St. Los Angeles 15, Calif. [[second column]] Samuel D. Russell 1810 North Harvard Ave. Hollywood 27, Calif. -oOo- Art Director: R. A. Hoffman Contributing Editors: Duane W. Rimel, F. Lee Baldwin, Harold Wakefield Vol. II, No. 3 Summer - 1944 Whole No. 7 THIS ISSUE OF [[underline]]THE ACOLYTE[[end underline]]IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF PAUL FREEHAVER ************* [[underline]]Cover[[end underline]]: Maliano [[underline]]Stories[[end underline]]: MORTE JAMBE T. Bruce Yerke 3 SUMMER'S CLOUD Anthony Boucher 8 THE HARP Alan P. Roberts 11 THE SMALL, DARK THING Duane W. Rimel 20 [[underline]]Poems[[end underline]]: THE LITTLE ONES Duane W. Rimel 7 LIGHT FANTASTIC Arthur Kennedy 10 REGNAR LODBRUG'S EPICEDIUM H. P. Lovecraft 14 DARK GARDEN Richard Ely Morse 19 SATAN'S HOLE Rita Barr 24 [[underline]]Articles and Features[[end underline]]: EDITORIALLY SPEAKING The Editors 2 CHECKLIST OF M. G. LEWIS W. Paul Cook & R. H. Barlow 7 THE FAMILY TREE OF THE GODS Clark Ashton Smith 9 HOFFMANIA R. A. Hoffman 4. The gods of Bal-Arkoth (facing) 10 5. Unwanted desire (facing) 24 LITTLE KNOWN FANTASIES Harold Wakefield 13 SHOP TALK E. Hoffman Price 16 FANTASY FORUM The Readers 25 BACK COVER John Giunta ********* [[underline]]The Acolyte[[end underline]] is published quarterly; appearing on the 15th of March, June, September, and December. Subscription rates: 15[[cent symbol]] per copy, or four issues for 50[[cent symbol]]. This is an amateur and non-profit publication, and no payment is made for accepted material. Accepted material is subject to editorial revision when necessary. The editors are not responsible for disputes arising from advertising contained in these pages, nor are they responsible for statements appearing in this magazine unless signed by them. FRANCIS T. LANEY SAMUEL D. RUSSELL -- 1 --
THE ACOLYTE AN AMATEUR MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND THE SUPERNATURAL (an [[underline]]Outsider[[end underline]] Publication) Co-edited and published by [[first column]] Francis T. Laney 1104 South Georgia St. Los Angeles 15, Calif. [[second column]] Samuel D. Russell 1810 North Harvard Ave. Hollywood 27, Calif. -oOo- Art Director: R. A. Hoffman Contributing Editors: Duane W. Rimel, F. Lee Baldwin, Harold Wakefield Vol. II, No. 3 Summer - 1944 Whole No. 7 THIS ISSUE OF [[underline]]THE ACOLYTE[[end underline]]IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF PAUL FREEHAVER ************* [[underline]]Cover[[end underline]]: Maliano [[underline]]Stories[[end underline]]: MORTE JAMBE T. Bruce Yerke 3 SUMMER'S CLOUD Anthony Boucher 8 THE HARP Alan P. Roberts 11 THE SMALL, DARK THING Duane W. Rimel 20 [[underline]]Poems[[end underline]]: THE LITTLE ONES Duane W. Rimel 7 LIGHT FANTASTIC Arthur Kennedy 10 REGNAR LODBRUG'S EPICEDIUM H. P. Lovecraft 14 DARK GARDEN Richard Ely Morse 19 SATAN'S HOLE Rita Barr 24 [[underline]]Articles and Features[[end underline]]: EDITORIALLY SPEAKING The Editors 2 CHECKLIST OF M. G. LEWIS W. Paul Cook & R. H. Barlow 7 THE FAMILY TREE OF THE GODS Clark Ashton Smith 9 HOFFMANIA R. A. Hoffman 4. The gods of Bal-Arkoth (facing) 10 5. Unwanted desire (facing) 24 LITTLE KNOWN FANTASIES Harold Wakefield 13 SHOP TALK E. Hoffman Price 16 FANTASY FORUM The Readers 25 BACK COVER John Giunta ********* [[underline]]The Acolyte[[end underline]] is published quarterly; appearing on the 15th of March, June, September, and December. Subscription rates: 15[[cent symbol]] per copy, or four issues for 50[[cent symbol]]. This is an amateur and non-profit publication, and no payment is made for accepted material. Accepted material is subject to editorial revision when necessary. The editors are not responsible for disputes arising from advertising contained in these pages, nor are they responsible for statements appearing in this magazine unless signed by them. FRANCIS T. LANEY SAMUEL D. RUSSELL -- 1 --
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