Acolyte, v. 2, issue 3, whole no. 7, Summer 1944
Page 9
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THE FAMILY TREE OF THE GODS - CLARK ASHTON SMITH (The genealogical information and chart of descendents contained in this sketch are taken from a letter written some years ago to R. H. Barlow by Klarkash Ton, and are published here by permission. FTL-SDR -o0o- ...I have filled out the "style-sheet" with such annotations and details concerning Tsathoggua as I am at present able to furnish. Some of these have required considerable delving into the Parchments of Pnom (who was the chief Hyperborean genealogist as well as a noted prophet) and I am well aware that certain of my phonetic renderings from Elder Script are debatable. You raise some interesting points with your questions. Azathoth, the primal nuclear chaos, reproduced of course only by fission; but its progeny, entering various outer planets, often took on attributes of androgynism or bisexuality. The androgynes, curiously, required no coadjutancy in the production of offspring; but their children were commonly unisexual, male or female. Hzioulquigmnzhah, uncle of Tsathoggua, and Ghizghuth, Tsathoggua's father, were the male progeny of Cxaxukluth, and the androgynous spawn of Azathoth. Thus you will note a trend toward biological complexity. It is worthy of record, however, that Knygathin Zhaum, the half-breed Voormi, reverted to the most primitive Azathothian characteristics following the stress of his numerous decapitations. I have yet to translate the terrible and abominable legend telling how a certain doughty citizen of (see page 10) [[Boxes from top to bottom and left to right]] AZATHOTH (reproduced by fission) CXAXUKLUTH (androgyne) YCNAGNNISSSZ (fissionary being frm the dark star Zoth) TULU HZIOULQUOIGMNZHAH (male) GHIZGUTH (male) ZSTYLZHEMGNI (female) TSATHOGGUA SHATHAK ZVILPOGGHUA SFATLICLLP (daughter who mated with Voormi) KNYGATHIN ZHAUM (peopled Commorium by fission after the human residents had left.) GENEALOGICAL CHART of the ELDER GODS -- 9 --
THE FAMILY TREE OF THE GODS - CLARK ASHTON SMITH (The genealogical information and chart of descendents contained in this sketch are taken from a letter written some years ago to R. H. Barlow by Klarkash Ton, and are published here by permission. FTL-SDR -o0o- ...I have filled out the "style-sheet" with such annotations and details concerning Tsathoggua as I am at present able to furnish. Some of these have required considerable delving into the Parchments of Pnom (who was the chief Hyperborean genealogist as well as a noted prophet) and I am well aware that certain of my phonetic renderings from Elder Script are debatable. You raise some interesting points with your questions. Azathoth, the primal nuclear chaos, reproduced of course only by fission; but its progeny, entering various outer planets, often took on attributes of androgynism or bisexuality. The androgynes, curiously, required no coadjutancy in the production of offspring; but their children were commonly unisexual, male or female. Hzioulquigmnzhah, uncle of Tsathoggua, and Ghizghuth, Tsathoggua's father, were the male progeny of Cxaxukluth, and the androgynous spawn of Azathoth. Thus you will note a trend toward biological complexity. It is worthy of record, however, that Knygathin Zhaum, the half-breed Voormi, reverted to the most primitive Azathothian characteristics following the stress of his numerous decapitations. I have yet to translate the terrible and abominable legend telling how a certain doughty citizen of (see page 10) [[Boxes from top to bottom and left to right]] AZATHOTH (reproduced by fission) CXAXUKLUTH (androgyne) YCNAGNNISSSZ (fissionary being frm the dark star Zoth) TULU HZIOULQUOIGMNZHAH (male) GHIZGUTH (male) ZSTYLZHEMGNI (female) TSATHOGGUA SHATHAK ZVILPOGGHUA SFATLICLLP (daughter who mated with Voormi) KNYGATHIN ZHAUM (peopled Commorium by fission after the human residents had left.) GENEALOGICAL CHART of the ELDER GODS -- 9 --
Hevelin Fanzines