Pluto, v. 1, issue 3, July 1940
Page 9
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GLOOBERMORY by damon knight I'm innocent, I tell you, I didn't do it, I been framed! Don't put me in the Ghufoo chamber! Don't turn the horrible green rays on! Gimme a chance to explain! It was like this. I was walking down fourth avenue, see, minding my own business and not bothering nobody, when all of a sudden a small, hunted looking man dashed up to me. 'Say!' he says, wild-like, and grabs me by the lapels. Then he pulls me into an alley, and starts talking to me. I didn't mean to listen, honest, but he kept staring into my eyes and kind of drooling onto my necktie, and I was sort of paralyzed, just for a minute. 'They're after me' he says, panting horrible. 'I ain't got much time. But before they get me' he says, 'before they put me in the Ghufoo chamger and whizzle the life out of me, I'm gonna tell you the truth of things.' Then I seen what he was up to. 'No, no' I screams. 'Not That!' But he wouldn't let me go. He grabbed onto my lapels tighter and talked faster and louder. 'This is the truth of things he says. Moskowitz is not a God!' The horrid words burn themselves into my brain. But more follows. There is no such thing' he goes on 'as the Great Innere Circle Spirit. It's all a fake!' My head was swimming. I saw little red snides with pitchforks floating through the air. And all the time his awful words went ringing through my head, over, and over and over. He was saying something else, about all fans being equal, and free thought and nonconformism, but I was still hearing those first terrible, ghastly words, going round and round in my head. Then he left me, and ran frantically away. From far away I heard the sound of trampling feet, and a thin wailing cry. But I come staggering out of the alley, not noticing anything, on account of all the words going around in my head. Just then the royal carriage came by with the dictators in it, and everybody flattened out and waved their fannies in the air, and wrote 'I love my dictators' in the dust with their noses. Everybody but me. Because the little red snides were still swimming around and waving their pitchforks and thumbing their noses at me and lashing their tails and the words were going round and round and round and round and round and making me think horrible thoughts and I didn't mean to do it, I tell you, I'm innocent, I been framed! Lemme out of here! Lemme out I say! No no, don't put me in the Ghufoo room! Don't shut the door on me! Don't turn on the horrible green rays! Gahhhhhh! The End.
GLOOBERMORY by damon knight I'm innocent, I tell you, I didn't do it, I been framed! Don't put me in the Ghufoo chamber! Don't turn the horrible green rays on! Gimme a chance to explain! It was like this. I was walking down fourth avenue, see, minding my own business and not bothering nobody, when all of a sudden a small, hunted looking man dashed up to me. 'Say!' he says, wild-like, and grabs me by the lapels. Then he pulls me into an alley, and starts talking to me. I didn't mean to listen, honest, but he kept staring into my eyes and kind of drooling onto my necktie, and I was sort of paralyzed, just for a minute. 'They're after me' he says, panting horrible. 'I ain't got much time. But before they get me' he says, 'before they put me in the Ghufoo chamger and whizzle the life out of me, I'm gonna tell you the truth of things.' Then I seen what he was up to. 'No, no' I screams. 'Not That!' But he wouldn't let me go. He grabbed onto my lapels tighter and talked faster and louder. 'This is the truth of things he says. Moskowitz is not a God!' The horrid words burn themselves into my brain. But more follows. There is no such thing' he goes on 'as the Great Innere Circle Spirit. It's all a fake!' My head was swimming. I saw little red snides with pitchforks floating through the air. And all the time his awful words went ringing through my head, over, and over and over. He was saying something else, about all fans being equal, and free thought and nonconformism, but I was still hearing those first terrible, ghastly words, going round and round in my head. Then he left me, and ran frantically away. From far away I heard the sound of trampling feet, and a thin wailing cry. But I come staggering out of the alley, not noticing anything, on account of all the words going around in my head. Just then the royal carriage came by with the dictators in it, and everybody flattened out and waved their fannies in the air, and wrote 'I love my dictators' in the dust with their noses. Everybody but me. Because the little red snides were still swimming around and waving their pitchforks and thumbing their noses at me and lashing their tails and the words were going round and round and round and round and round and making me think horrible thoughts and I didn't mean to do it, I tell you, I'm innocent, I been framed! Lemme out of here! Lemme out I say! No no, don't put me in the Ghufoo room! Don't shut the door on me! Don't turn on the horrible green rays! Gahhhhhh! The End.
Hevelin Fanzines