Pluto, v. 1, issue 3, July 1940
Page 15
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WHO SAID THAT? ORKIDS AND RAZZ-BERRIES FOR PLUTO From Bloomington, Ill. Cheerio Gang, Well, I guess you make me eat my words about Pluto being a flop as a fan mag! And I do eat them, gladly! I was so tickled to receive issue number two today, I will even eat them without salt! Mind you, I still don't think so much of some of the jokes (and that joke of Ackerman's is Oooooful!); and the editorial personality behind the material is somewhat Korny, but, dog-gonnit, as long as you put out swell issues like this four color issue at hand, I will never cast another bad word your way! There is little use in my going into bombastic adjectives, for everybody else has probably used them all up by this time, and mine would scarcley make an impression. But you can bet your boots that Le Zombie will retract its former words in the very next issue, and take pleasure in telling the world what a nifty you have in number two. Incidently, to my knowledge, yours if the very first mimeo fan mag to be printed in four colors. Would advise you to play up that detail in all your will help more than all the "big names" you can collect on the contents page! In this issue I especially liked "Latest idea in space suits"----and calling it to the attention of Paul, makes a fair gag, into a belly-laugh joke. Want you to continue "Bright Stuff By Children" and "Who Said That?" and "Among The Hams & Pros" each issue.... the cream of the magazine! It might not be a bad idea to feature stuff like "Bright Stuff By Children" and "Who Said That", for it will go a long way to set the magazine apart from any now publishing. Bob Tucker ********************************************************* From Hood River, Oregon Hi, Pluto #2 received in good condition, thank you. Here's what I think of it: Name, good. Cover policy, good. Cover this ish, fair. Contents page good. Contents good to phew. (Good: D P U P C P I, The Black Ghost, Among The Hms and Pros, ect. Phew 'There Will Come A Day'.) Editorial policy, very good. Mimeographing very very good. I especially liked the blue body ink, the Whosaidthat dept., and Prof Paul's screwy inventions. damong knight ********************************************************* From Ledyard, Mass. The three color cover was pretty classy, on number 2. R.D. Swisher ********************************************************* From Long Island City, N.Y. Pluto, I think is very good. It has a new viewpoint in Fandom Something that was really needed. Keep it up and I wish You lots of luck. Sincerely yours, Will Sykora *********************************************************
WHO SAID THAT? ORKIDS AND RAZZ-BERRIES FOR PLUTO From Bloomington, Ill. Cheerio Gang, Well, I guess you make me eat my words about Pluto being a flop as a fan mag! And I do eat them, gladly! I was so tickled to receive issue number two today, I will even eat them without salt! Mind you, I still don't think so much of some of the jokes (and that joke of Ackerman's is Oooooful!); and the editorial personality behind the material is somewhat Korny, but, dog-gonnit, as long as you put out swell issues like this four color issue at hand, I will never cast another bad word your way! There is little use in my going into bombastic adjectives, for everybody else has probably used them all up by this time, and mine would scarcley make an impression. But you can bet your boots that Le Zombie will retract its former words in the very next issue, and take pleasure in telling the world what a nifty you have in number two. Incidently, to my knowledge, yours if the very first mimeo fan mag to be printed in four colors. Would advise you to play up that detail in all your will help more than all the "big names" you can collect on the contents page! In this issue I especially liked "Latest idea in space suits"----and calling it to the attention of Paul, makes a fair gag, into a belly-laugh joke. Want you to continue "Bright Stuff By Children" and "Who Said That?" and "Among The Hams & Pros" each issue.... the cream of the magazine! It might not be a bad idea to feature stuff like "Bright Stuff By Children" and "Who Said That", for it will go a long way to set the magazine apart from any now publishing. Bob Tucker ********************************************************* From Hood River, Oregon Hi, Pluto #2 received in good condition, thank you. Here's what I think of it: Name, good. Cover policy, good. Cover this ish, fair. Contents page good. Contents good to phew. (Good: D P U P C P I, The Black Ghost, Among The Hms and Pros, ect. Phew 'There Will Come A Day'.) Editorial policy, very good. Mimeographing very very good. I especially liked the blue body ink, the Whosaidthat dept., and Prof Paul's screwy inventions. damong knight ********************************************************* From Ledyard, Mass. The three color cover was pretty classy, on number 2. R.D. Swisher ********************************************************* From Long Island City, N.Y. Pluto, I think is very good. It has a new viewpoint in Fandom Something that was really needed. Keep it up and I wish You lots of luck. Sincerely yours, Will Sykora *********************************************************
Hevelin Fanzines