Pluto, v. 1, issue 3, July 1940
Page 18
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18 PLUTO WHO SAID THAT? Here's another name to add to your subscription list for as long as Pluto continues to be published. You've done a nice job there Gents, and the second issue, (which I've seen but not as yet received, naturally,) shows a remarkable improvement over number one. How about running an article concerning your L S & H club. You know, who you are, what you do, how many there are of you, how you get your start in STF, etc, etc, You know you guys are quite a mystery out here anyway. Begin my subscription with the second issue. Salute!! Russ Hodgkins ********************************************************* From Scranton, Penn. Dear Editors, Which one of you fellows opens the mail anyway? Or does a body aim his missle at whichever editor he wanto tooooooo? "Pluto" as it now stoops, stands, reclines, staggers, (what does it do?) is already one of the better fan mags sneaking thru the mails. However couldn't you give us slick paper, printed format, and yourself newsstand circulation? I don't think these added features would hurt Pluto one bit. Ha, ha, 'tis only a joke. Ooh, terrible, ain't it? There isn't much else I can say about Pluto, except that it is one of the better and agreeable funtasy fan mags. I am sending a quarter for the next three issues. Plutonically yours, Racojz. ********************************************************* From Chicago. On hand is the latest issue of Pluto. Here are my comments: I was grieved and plenty sad; For some fan mags these days are enough, To make a fellow sad. PLUTO has arrived, And I am no longer peeved; Quite the contrary--- For I am greatly releived. PLUTO's style novel, It's refreshing and it's new, And it makes a feller mighty glad, To see the swell things the Decker gang can do. I'm no longer greived, And I'm no longer blue, My idea of a good fan mag's achieved, So I'll send my congrats to you. Erle Korshak "The Earl of Chicago" (Fandom) ********************************************************* From Cleveland, Ohio Pluto is interesting now, and I'm sure that it will improve as it goes on. The colors were a surprise------------- Jack Chapman Miske *********************************************************
18 PLUTO WHO SAID THAT? Here's another name to add to your subscription list for as long as Pluto continues to be published. You've done a nice job there Gents, and the second issue, (which I've seen but not as yet received, naturally,) shows a remarkable improvement over number one. How about running an article concerning your L S & H club. You know, who you are, what you do, how many there are of you, how you get your start in STF, etc, etc, You know you guys are quite a mystery out here anyway. Begin my subscription with the second issue. Salute!! Russ Hodgkins ********************************************************* From Scranton, Penn. Dear Editors, Which one of you fellows opens the mail anyway? Or does a body aim his missle at whichever editor he wanto tooooooo? "Pluto" as it now stoops, stands, reclines, staggers, (what does it do?) is already one of the better fan mags sneaking thru the mails. However couldn't you give us slick paper, printed format, and yourself newsstand circulation? I don't think these added features would hurt Pluto one bit. Ha, ha, 'tis only a joke. Ooh, terrible, ain't it? There isn't much else I can say about Pluto, except that it is one of the better and agreeable funtasy fan mags. I am sending a quarter for the next three issues. Plutonically yours, Racojz. ********************************************************* From Chicago. On hand is the latest issue of Pluto. Here are my comments: I was grieved and plenty sad; For some fan mags these days are enough, To make a fellow sad. PLUTO has arrived, And I am no longer peeved; Quite the contrary--- For I am greatly releived. PLUTO's style novel, It's refreshing and it's new, And it makes a feller mighty glad, To see the swell things the Decker gang can do. I'm no longer greived, And I'm no longer blue, My idea of a good fan mag's achieved, So I'll send my congrats to you. Erle Korshak "The Earl of Chicago" (Fandom) ********************************************************* From Cleveland, Ohio Pluto is interesting now, and I'm sure that it will improve as it goes on. The colors were a surprise------------- Jack Chapman Miske *********************************************************
Hevelin Fanzines