Pluto, v. 1, issue 3, July 1940
Page 29
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PLUTO 29 AMONG THE HAMS AND PROS S̲C̲I̲-̲F̲I̲C̲ ̲V̲A̲R̲I̲T̲Y̲ SCI-FIC VARIETY is Bob Tucker's FAPA publication. Vol 1 # 2 carries naught but CHICON propaganda. Mimeoed & a nice, little sheet. 5 pages. T̲H̲E̲ ̲S̲C̲I̲E̲N̲T̲I̲A̲L̲ The SCIENTIAL, is edited and published by Bob Studley, at 519 W. 134 St., New York, N.Y. Single issue 10¢, 3 for 25¢ 50¢ year. Contains fine articles, fiction, & fan poetry etc. Keep up with the latest fan doings and your favorite fan authors in the SCIENTIAL. T̲H̲E̲ ̲B̲U̲R̲P̲O̲C̲R̲A̲T̲I̲C̲ ̲B̲U̲L̲L̲ET̲I̲N̲ THE BURPOCRATIC BULLETIN is the official mag of BURPOCRACY, a new movement destined to revolutionize world social conditions, (according to Fred Shroyer.) # 1 published free of charge at 3136 Smith St; Ft. Wayne, Ind. Why not send and get yours? You can always send it back—Burrrrrrp! N̲O̲V̲A̲C̲I̲O̲U̲S̲ NOVACIOUS, styled "The Best In Book Reviews" is a FAPA publication from co-eds Morojo & Ackerman Price to non-FAPA members is 5¢ an issue, address Bx 5475 Met Sta, Los Angeles, Cal. Latest issue has reviews of "The Invasion From Mars" by Hadley Cantril. The "Amphibians by S. Fowler Wright. "Space Moves Through Time" by Jacob Levy, "The Story Of The World A Thousand Years Hence" by Prof. Henry Olerich, & "Mans Mortality" by Michael Arlon. S̲H̲A̲N̲G̲R̲I̲-̲L̲A̲ SHANGRI-LA., published monthly by the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, at Box 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles, Cal, Price 10¢ a copy. The year 1940 is sprouting a fine crop of now fan mags, & the rag SHANGRI-LA, ranks high in the list. Vol 1 # 1 has such select stuff as: "Drawing Attention" a caricature dep't wherein Fritz Zillig, noted artist, depicts the members of the society. Super Stuff! "Art I Choke! by Ted Carnell; "Seeker Of Shangri-La" by Mark Reinsberg. "Formula For Utopia" by Chas D, Hornig; etc, etc. HAIL SHANGRILA T̲H̲E̲ ̲C̲O̲M̲E̲T̲ THE COMET, comes flashing across the firmament from Tom Wright, It's editor, from 1140 Bush St., (his new address) Vol 1 # 3 is mimeoed in two colors, mostly red, & contains among other things, a superb story "Horror's Cellar" by Harry Warner Jr; autobiography of Walt Daugherty, (added feature, 5¢ extra.) it a swell STF cover by W. T. Bell. Price is 10¢ a copy 3 issues for 25¢. You can't be off, "On A Comet!" T̲H̲E̲ ̲F̲A̲N̲T̲A̲S̲Y̲ ̲F̲I̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲E̲E̲R̲. THE FANTASY FICTIONEER, is the official organ of the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers, sponsors of the 1940 Chicago Science Fiction Convention— The # 3 March—April issue, has Convention patter, throughout. Very interesting articles & dope on the forthcoming BIG EVENT, among the contributors are: Bob Tucker, Ted Cornell, Erle Korshak, Reinsberg, etc. Subscription is free to members of the IFF, Send 50¢ today for your membership & receive tho free mag. Support the CHICON! Cover by Tom Wright. L̲O̲O̲K̲I̲N̲G̲ ̲A̲H̲E̲A̲D̲ LOOKING AHEAD, a magazine of ideas and opinions, is published by Jack Robins of 51 Humboldt St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Has interviews of editors, fans & notables, as well as controversy on Fan affairs, and the like. Has appeared weekly, but with the May 19, 1940 issue, it discontinues as a weekly to return after June 2, 1940 as a monthly. Sub prices-write to Jack, Keep "Looking Aheadl" P̲L̲U̲T̲O̲ PLUTO, is the splendid fan mag, which you are now reading. C U Later.
PLUTO 29 AMONG THE HAMS AND PROS S̲C̲I̲-̲F̲I̲C̲ ̲V̲A̲R̲I̲T̲Y̲ SCI-FIC VARIETY is Bob Tucker's FAPA publication. Vol 1 # 2 carries naught but CHICON propaganda. Mimeoed & a nice, little sheet. 5 pages. T̲H̲E̲ ̲S̲C̲I̲E̲N̲T̲I̲A̲L̲ The SCIENTIAL, is edited and published by Bob Studley, at 519 W. 134 St., New York, N.Y. Single issue 10¢, 3 for 25¢ 50¢ year. Contains fine articles, fiction, & fan poetry etc. Keep up with the latest fan doings and your favorite fan authors in the SCIENTIAL. T̲H̲E̲ ̲B̲U̲R̲P̲O̲C̲R̲A̲T̲I̲C̲ ̲B̲U̲L̲L̲ET̲I̲N̲ THE BURPOCRATIC BULLETIN is the official mag of BURPOCRACY, a new movement destined to revolutionize world social conditions, (according to Fred Shroyer.) # 1 published free of charge at 3136 Smith St; Ft. Wayne, Ind. Why not send and get yours? You can always send it back—Burrrrrrp! N̲O̲V̲A̲C̲I̲O̲U̲S̲ NOVACIOUS, styled "The Best In Book Reviews" is a FAPA publication from co-eds Morojo & Ackerman Price to non-FAPA members is 5¢ an issue, address Bx 5475 Met Sta, Los Angeles, Cal. Latest issue has reviews of "The Invasion From Mars" by Hadley Cantril. The "Amphibians by S. Fowler Wright. "Space Moves Through Time" by Jacob Levy, "The Story Of The World A Thousand Years Hence" by Prof. Henry Olerich, & "Mans Mortality" by Michael Arlon. S̲H̲A̲N̲G̲R̲I̲-̲L̲A̲ SHANGRI-LA., published monthly by the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, at Box 6475 Metropolitan Station, Los Angeles, Cal, Price 10¢ a copy. The year 1940 is sprouting a fine crop of now fan mags, & the rag SHANGRI-LA, ranks high in the list. Vol 1 # 1 has such select stuff as: "Drawing Attention" a caricature dep't wherein Fritz Zillig, noted artist, depicts the members of the society. Super Stuff! "Art I Choke! by Ted Carnell; "Seeker Of Shangri-La" by Mark Reinsberg. "Formula For Utopia" by Chas D, Hornig; etc, etc. HAIL SHANGRILA T̲H̲E̲ ̲C̲O̲M̲E̲T̲ THE COMET, comes flashing across the firmament from Tom Wright, It's editor, from 1140 Bush St., (his new address) Vol 1 # 3 is mimeoed in two colors, mostly red, & contains among other things, a superb story "Horror's Cellar" by Harry Warner Jr; autobiography of Walt Daugherty, (added feature, 5¢ extra.) it a swell STF cover by W. T. Bell. Price is 10¢ a copy 3 issues for 25¢. You can't be off, "On A Comet!" T̲H̲E̲ ̲F̲A̲N̲T̲A̲S̲Y̲ ̲F̲I̲C̲T̲I̲O̲N̲E̲E̲R̲. THE FANTASY FICTIONEER, is the official organ of the Illini Fantasy Fictioneers, sponsors of the 1940 Chicago Science Fiction Convention— The # 3 March—April issue, has Convention patter, throughout. Very interesting articles & dope on the forthcoming BIG EVENT, among the contributors are: Bob Tucker, Ted Cornell, Erle Korshak, Reinsberg, etc. Subscription is free to members of the IFF, Send 50¢ today for your membership & receive tho free mag. Support the CHICON! Cover by Tom Wright. L̲O̲O̲K̲I̲N̲G̲ ̲A̲H̲E̲A̲D̲ LOOKING AHEAD, a magazine of ideas and opinions, is published by Jack Robins of 51 Humboldt St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Has interviews of editors, fans & notables, as well as controversy on Fan affairs, and the like. Has appeared weekly, but with the May 19, 1940 issue, it discontinues as a weekly to return after June 2, 1940 as a monthly. Sub prices-write to Jack, Keep "Looking Aheadl" P̲L̲U̲T̲O̲ PLUTO, is the splendid fan mag, which you are now reading. C U Later.
Hevelin Fanzines