Scenes of Fantasy, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5, 1939?
Page 5
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Bob Clock has given an essay on what's next in Weird fiction. T.B. Jerke has given his opinion on the subject of Technocracy. Tom Paine told us his theory of Time, similar to the theory arroused in his story "The Time Beam". Ugo Hernsbach told of his proposed S-F magazine, Wonder Tales which he expects to issue early in 1957. That's Fine. M.Larguilles, now editor of eight Scienc and Weird fiction mags, told us of his future plans. Since 1939 he has added five new mags: Unique Tales, Outre, Cosmic Thrills, Golden Fantasy, and Interplanetary Stories. F.W. Right now Editor of three more W-F magazines namely: Eerie Romaces, Ghastly Stories, and Fancy, told of his plans for a mag featuring nothing but weird-interplanetary yarns similar to the Hamil Edminton stories. Well ----- I guess that's all till next issue. This is your browsing report ---- J. Lancis Fritz Future Publications [Illustration: Four magazines fanned out - 'Wonder Tales', 'Unique Tales', 'Eerie Romances', and 'Fancy']
Bob Clock has given an essay on what's next in Weird fiction. T.B. Jerke has given his opinion on the subject of Technocracy. Tom Paine told us his theory of Time, similar to the theory arroused in his story "The Time Beam". Ugo Hernsbach told of his proposed S-F magazine, Wonder Tales which he expects to issue early in 1957. That's Fine. M.Larguilles, now editor of eight Scienc and Weird fiction mags, told us of his future plans. Since 1939 he has added five new mags: Unique Tales, Outre, Cosmic Thrills, Golden Fantasy, and Interplanetary Stories. F.W. Right now Editor of three more W-F magazines namely: Eerie Romaces, Ghastly Stories, and Fancy, told of his plans for a mag featuring nothing but weird-interplanetary yarns similar to the Hamil Edminton stories. Well ----- I guess that's all till next issue. This is your browsing report ---- J. Lancis Fritz Future Publications [Illustration: Four magazines fanned out - 'Wonder Tales', 'Unique Tales', 'Eerie Romances', and 'Fancy']
Hevelin Fanzines