Fanfare, issue 9, 1942
Page 30
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30 strange interludes but as much as Oklahoma political campaign generates, which is plenty. He was probably proud of the turn of the phrase, but "Stop squealing, you little rat." truly reflected the state of his adrenals. This altho Wollheim to look at is a very quiet,self-contained sort of person. Lowndes' "We were much too busy for bitterness" is a nice piece of rhetoric, but not much of an argument; and his personal testimony from his experience with Wollheim is anything but disinterested. This isn't eighter, for that matter. Well, consider both the FAPA members and non-members on your subscription list, and if you decide the disfavor of the former is outweighed by the favor of the latter, continue duplicating the Reader & Collector. But say not "Sounds snobbish to me" as tho you expected me to deny it. Certainly fans are snobbish. Why else would Lowndes have retracted support of the anti-Speer motion in the PSFS when he found it was made by some new guy? (Hit a tender spot, hey? What has the alleged snobbishness of Lowndes and other fans - by no means proven - to do with yours (admitted)? Or my opinion that snobbishness is an undesirable trait? Run back that punt, Oklahoma!--yhos) Beg pardon, but you're yiping at the wrong stiff. My objection had little reference to the Boskone account as such, but was a protest against trust in quote facts unquote and anyone's being "dead certain" about anything. You know my motto: "Only a fool is certain of anything" (the proper comeback here is, Are you certain of that, juffus, and to the extent that you're dead certain of something you're being a fool. (What harsh words are cropping up in fandom again of late!) I have a brief nice dissertation on the question of "facts" (Which, with "certainty", I consider as nonexistent as"free will") in a loooong letter to VoM - which part of it I hope they'll publish. Your witness, Mr. District Attorney. (If I cannot be certain that Doc Lowndes wrote an accurate report of Boskone I,then I cannot be certain that he wrote one at all, or that I am now writing these lines, or that I am alive, or that the whole universe is but an hallucination conjured for my special benefit by a Washington hobgoblin, name of Speer. A fact, as I understand it, is an event or object, that has been or can be, observed. Of course, it's possible that Michale hypnotized everybody but the Futurians to believe everything happened as written by Doc in his account,but phooey, Jack, why drag Heisenberg into it?--yhos) LARRY SHAW ***** DOTS is very good. If I were rating it, I'd give it about 8.5, only I'm not rating it. SLAN!DER doesn't strike me so well. I'd wager that any other magazine repeats authors as often or oftener than Astounding. I agree with Joe on several of his points, tho, especially on UNK. I read FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLL twice. The second time I got it. But I don't like it. If Harry had used more care in the last paragraph on page twelve, it would have been better. On second thot, it wouldn't have been worth it. THUD AND BLUNDER would get about 9 if I were rating, which I ain't. Some real good stuff. Original. Funny. FANTASY FEETNOTES is worth around 8.5, too. (It won't get it from me, tho.) RAP is printing progressively better stories. At least,t here have been several yarns in the 1942 ishes that were really good; (Yes?--yhos) much
30 strange interludes but as much as Oklahoma political campaign generates, which is plenty. He was probably proud of the turn of the phrase, but "Stop squealing, you little rat." truly reflected the state of his adrenals. This altho Wollheim to look at is a very quiet,self-contained sort of person. Lowndes' "We were much too busy for bitterness" is a nice piece of rhetoric, but not much of an argument; and his personal testimony from his experience with Wollheim is anything but disinterested. This isn't eighter, for that matter. Well, consider both the FAPA members and non-members on your subscription list, and if you decide the disfavor of the former is outweighed by the favor of the latter, continue duplicating the Reader & Collector. But say not "Sounds snobbish to me" as tho you expected me to deny it. Certainly fans are snobbish. Why else would Lowndes have retracted support of the anti-Speer motion in the PSFS when he found it was made by some new guy? (Hit a tender spot, hey? What has the alleged snobbishness of Lowndes and other fans - by no means proven - to do with yours (admitted)? Or my opinion that snobbishness is an undesirable trait? Run back that punt, Oklahoma!--yhos) Beg pardon, but you're yiping at the wrong stiff. My objection had little reference to the Boskone account as such, but was a protest against trust in quote facts unquote and anyone's being "dead certain" about anything. You know my motto: "Only a fool is certain of anything" (the proper comeback here is, Are you certain of that, juffus, and to the extent that you're dead certain of something you're being a fool. (What harsh words are cropping up in fandom again of late!) I have a brief nice dissertation on the question of "facts" (Which, with "certainty", I consider as nonexistent as"free will") in a loooong letter to VoM - which part of it I hope they'll publish. Your witness, Mr. District Attorney. (If I cannot be certain that Doc Lowndes wrote an accurate report of Boskone I,then I cannot be certain that he wrote one at all, or that I am now writing these lines, or that I am alive, or that the whole universe is but an hallucination conjured for my special benefit by a Washington hobgoblin, name of Speer. A fact, as I understand it, is an event or object, that has been or can be, observed. Of course, it's possible that Michale hypnotized everybody but the Futurians to believe everything happened as written by Doc in his account,but phooey, Jack, why drag Heisenberg into it?--yhos) LARRY SHAW ***** DOTS is very good. If I were rating it, I'd give it about 8.5, only I'm not rating it. SLAN!DER doesn't strike me so well. I'd wager that any other magazine repeats authors as often or oftener than Astounding. I agree with Joe on several of his points, tho, especially on UNK. I read FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLL twice. The second time I got it. But I don't like it. If Harry had used more care in the last paragraph on page twelve, it would have been better. On second thot, it wouldn't have been worth it. THUD AND BLUNDER would get about 9 if I were rating, which I ain't. Some real good stuff. Original. Funny. FANTASY FEETNOTES is worth around 8.5, too. (It won't get it from me, tho.) RAP is printing progressively better stories. At least,t here have been several yarns in the 1942 ishes that were really good; (Yes?--yhos) much
Hevelin Fanzines