Infinite, v. 1, issue 1, [1941?]
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INFINOTES In the future, Infinotes will serve a double purpose. First, as a department in which to print letters from the fans; secondly, as a convenient place in which the eds can rave, rant, and dish out the dirt. You're liable to find anything here, and probably will Comes first a bit of news. Isaac Asimov, whose autobiography appears in this issue, recently informed me of the sad fact that F. Orlin Tremaine's COMET is no more Why is it that an editor who has once given the fans a good mag doesn't get the support he needs when he tries to do it again? Incidentally, I hope that you guys who panned Tremaine so unmercifully at the Denvention are bothered by a guilty consience. You have probably noticed by now that we're making a bid for the '43 convention. Keep that in mind, you'll hear a lot more later! The Voice of Experience --- "If you plan to put out a fan mag, make it small, bud, make it small!" Upon my shoulders has fallen the task of cutting all the stencils, and it's not easy, especially since I use the Colombus System. Now that our mag is out, don't keep us in the dark as to what you think of it. We welcome comments -- serious or otherwise -- and will always be open to constructive criticism and worthwhile suggestions. After all, if you don't like the mag, and everyone else seems to share your opinion, it will soon go out of business. This mag isn't intended to fill our pockets with money, neither is it intended to put us in the hole, so we would like to make it your favorite, or at least one of your favorites. We'll let you in on a little secret at this point. Complete sales on one hundred copies -- the number run off this issue -- would mean that -- paper, number of pages, makeup, etc. still the same -- we would take in from 85% to 100% more than we put out, which would mean about 100% improvement in the next issue (Ouch! Is our mag that bad now?). At that rate the possibilities are practically limitless. It would mean better paper, more pages, three color covers, space rates, -- well, you carry on from there. That's one reason for the title, INFINITE. Another is that we will have no "policy". Your articles won't have to coincide with the editors' ways of thinking to be printed in this mag. Your stuff can be serious, humorous, or indifferent. It can be stfictional, fantastic, or weird (although the latter will be somewhat limited). We encourage fan controversies through the medium of this magazine. Our aim is to give you variety, and to give both sides of a question an equal chance. Speaking of variety, what do you think of our plan to "feature" something different each issue? It may be a story, an article, or a poem. It may be anything! For instance, we have a discussion on "Is Yngvi a Louse?" coming soon. Sounds interesting? It will be! Our covers, too, wil be made a number of ways. This issue we have a swell hekto cover drawn by Morrie Jenkinson. The next issue will have a mimeo cover. As for the third cover, we'll let you guess. Well, it would seem that I've taken up too much space already, so I'd better quit. Just a reminder; send in your letters. This department will be given lots of space. -- Lem.
INFINOTES In the future, Infinotes will serve a double purpose. First, as a department in which to print letters from the fans; secondly, as a convenient place in which the eds can rave, rant, and dish out the dirt. You're liable to find anything here, and probably will Comes first a bit of news. Isaac Asimov, whose autobiography appears in this issue, recently informed me of the sad fact that F. Orlin Tremaine's COMET is no more Why is it that an editor who has once given the fans a good mag doesn't get the support he needs when he tries to do it again? Incidentally, I hope that you guys who panned Tremaine so unmercifully at the Denvention are bothered by a guilty consience. You have probably noticed by now that we're making a bid for the '43 convention. Keep that in mind, you'll hear a lot more later! The Voice of Experience --- "If you plan to put out a fan mag, make it small, bud, make it small!" Upon my shoulders has fallen the task of cutting all the stencils, and it's not easy, especially since I use the Colombus System. Now that our mag is out, don't keep us in the dark as to what you think of it. We welcome comments -- serious or otherwise -- and will always be open to constructive criticism and worthwhile suggestions. After all, if you don't like the mag, and everyone else seems to share your opinion, it will soon go out of business. This mag isn't intended to fill our pockets with money, neither is it intended to put us in the hole, so we would like to make it your favorite, or at least one of your favorites. We'll let you in on a little secret at this point. Complete sales on one hundred copies -- the number run off this issue -- would mean that -- paper, number of pages, makeup, etc. still the same -- we would take in from 85% to 100% more than we put out, which would mean about 100% improvement in the next issue (Ouch! Is our mag that bad now?). At that rate the possibilities are practically limitless. It would mean better paper, more pages, three color covers, space rates, -- well, you carry on from there. That's one reason for the title, INFINITE. Another is that we will have no "policy". Your articles won't have to coincide with the editors' ways of thinking to be printed in this mag. Your stuff can be serious, humorous, or indifferent. It can be stfictional, fantastic, or weird (although the latter will be somewhat limited). We encourage fan controversies through the medium of this magazine. Our aim is to give you variety, and to give both sides of a question an equal chance. Speaking of variety, what do you think of our plan to "feature" something different each issue? It may be a story, an article, or a poem. It may be anything! For instance, we have a discussion on "Is Yngvi a Louse?" coming soon. Sounds interesting? It will be! Our covers, too, wil be made a number of ways. This issue we have a swell hekto cover drawn by Morrie Jenkinson. The next issue will have a mimeo cover. As for the third cover, we'll let you guess. Well, it would seem that I've taken up too much space already, so I'd better quit. Just a reminder; send in your letters. This department will be given lots of space. -- Lem.
Hevelin Fanzines