Kay-Mar Trader, v. 2, issue 1, March 1947
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THE KAY-MAR TRADER VOLUME 2 MARCH 1947 NUMBER 1 ……………………………………………………….. Edited and published monthly by K.Martin Carolson, Moorhead, Minn...5c -------------------------------------- * * * * * FIRST * ANNIVERSARY * NUMBER * * * * * Again I thank BOB GAULIN of Brooklyn, N.Y. for this second heading for K-M-T. He does nice work. This Vol 2 heading will last thru the year with a change in the number only. Bob publishes "GALAXY", so be sure to get a copy from 1917 E. 33rd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Its good. Many of you took a second look at the COVER --. This will be the permanent cover, whenever I use a cover, for 1947. -- and it is by a new member of NFFF -- NEIL AUSTIN of Florida. You editors better get in touch with him. He did this right on the stencil. Swell for me. I wish to thank CHARLES LUCAS of Penna. for his nice card of congrats on the K-M-T Anniversary. There are a lot of swell fans in our NFFF Organization. These are the ones that keep NFFF alive. On the back cover you will find NFFFacts. This will give you an idea how the NFFF is progressing. I hope the TNFF shows up this month. From now on I must get subs of 5c a copy to carry on the work. You can pay in mags and books also. Ads will be two mags (50c)-page, one mag for 1/2 page. This may be too low, we'll see... It's been a pleasure to see the work VERNON COOK does and I sure am thankful that he is willing to help along. He is going to run for Director this fall..soooo remember him. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? Who can answer these questions? Can you tell me whether or not Chas. B. Stilson is still living? Do you know his address, if living? Were any of his "Polari stories ever published in book form? Where can I find a copy of D.L.Sayer's "Second Omnibus of Crime"?? Drop me a line, fellows. --GARY FORDYCE, 355 Shelton Ave, New Haven, 11, Conn-- ALL BURROUGHS FANS please get in touch with me. I intend to publish a fanzine within a month or so called "The Burroughs Bulletin" and want you help and ideas. -- VERNELL CORIELL, Box 78, Manito, Ill.-- ooooooooooooooooooooooo OLD "SCIENCE & INVENTION". I need those issues containing Ray Cumming's "Around the Universe" and Merritt's "Metal Emperor". Please list the parts you have if you do not have the whole thing. -- BEN INDICK, Box 240, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J. ooooooooooooooooooooooo WANT Books: Out of Space and Time -- C A, Smith. Someone in the Dark -- A. Derleth. I have old Asf to trade. Hudson Cattell, 314 N W End Ave, Lancaster, Penna. ooooooooooooooooooooooo SEND FOR MY SELL LIST (20c a mag postpaid). I have old Weirds, F A, Amz & Planet -- RAJ REHM, 2837 San Jose Ave, Alameda, Calif. ooooooooooooooooooooooo -- GOGN = NFFF and Get Finlay for 50c -- -- Ask a fan pal to join us. NOW --
THE KAY-MAR TRADER VOLUME 2 MARCH 1947 NUMBER 1 ……………………………………………………….. Edited and published monthly by K.Martin Carolson, Moorhead, Minn...5c -------------------------------------- * * * * * FIRST * ANNIVERSARY * NUMBER * * * * * Again I thank BOB GAULIN of Brooklyn, N.Y. for this second heading for K-M-T. He does nice work. This Vol 2 heading will last thru the year with a change in the number only. Bob publishes "GALAXY", so be sure to get a copy from 1917 E. 33rd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. Its good. Many of you took a second look at the COVER --. This will be the permanent cover, whenever I use a cover, for 1947. -- and it is by a new member of NFFF -- NEIL AUSTIN of Florida. You editors better get in touch with him. He did this right on the stencil. Swell for me. I wish to thank CHARLES LUCAS of Penna. for his nice card of congrats on the K-M-T Anniversary. There are a lot of swell fans in our NFFF Organization. These are the ones that keep NFFF alive. On the back cover you will find NFFFacts. This will give you an idea how the NFFF is progressing. I hope the TNFF shows up this month. From now on I must get subs of 5c a copy to carry on the work. You can pay in mags and books also. Ads will be two mags (50c)-page, one mag for 1/2 page. This may be too low, we'll see... It's been a pleasure to see the work VERNON COOK does and I sure am thankful that he is willing to help along. He is going to run for Director this fall..soooo remember him. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? WHERE? Who can answer these questions? Can you tell me whether or not Chas. B. Stilson is still living? Do you know his address, if living? Were any of his "Polari stories ever published in book form? Where can I find a copy of D.L.Sayer's "Second Omnibus of Crime"?? Drop me a line, fellows. --GARY FORDYCE, 355 Shelton Ave, New Haven, 11, Conn-- ALL BURROUGHS FANS please get in touch with me. I intend to publish a fanzine within a month or so called "The Burroughs Bulletin" and want you help and ideas. -- VERNELL CORIELL, Box 78, Manito, Ill.-- ooooooooooooooooooooooo OLD "SCIENCE & INVENTION". I need those issues containing Ray Cumming's "Around the Universe" and Merritt's "Metal Emperor". Please list the parts you have if you do not have the whole thing. -- BEN INDICK, Box 240, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J. ooooooooooooooooooooooo WANT Books: Out of Space and Time -- C A, Smith. Someone in the Dark -- A. Derleth. I have old Asf to trade. Hudson Cattell, 314 N W End Ave, Lancaster, Penna. ooooooooooooooooooooooo SEND FOR MY SELL LIST (20c a mag postpaid). I have old Weirds, F A, Amz & Planet -- RAJ REHM, 2837 San Jose Ave, Alameda, Calif. ooooooooooooooooooooooo -- GOGN = NFFF and Get Finlay for 50c -- -- Ask a fan pal to join us. NOW --
Hevelin Fanzines