Renascence, v. 1, issue 1, August 1950
Page 5
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DIANETICS - REVIEW WITH RESERVATIONS —Continued from Preceding Page be erased from memory" (the reference is to conscious memory, of course—can they become an "engram" which, presently, manifested as an "engramic command" which exerts "terrible hypnotic power", is a primary causation factor in "aberration"; that it, insanity. Theory. Evidence—absent. The pain-recall can be secured, without doubt. The theory, curiously reminiscent of psycho-analytic technique, states further that when one of those "damnable hypnotic command memories" has been "recalled"—the "direct, exact recording"—then "the brain automatically clears it". The brain, not the "mind" clears up the aberration. The insane person is then, presumably, sane. Or the sick person is then well. That result, it is claimed, is predictable—othewise scientific—in all but a few isolated cases. Which remains to be proved. Quite sane people, also, may have these same kind of obstreperous "engrams", very likely—pain patterns that they don't like to remember stored away in some preferably forgotten memory-niche; a kind of forgetting that, as a survival aid, is undoubtedly mentally healthy. Who wants to remember forgotten hurt? Hubbard speaks also of "preventative dianetics". Should we, then, all be compelled to remember consciously all of the things that have variously hurt us, only in order that we may thus remain sane? God forbid! The people who do remember such things are neuratics, however great the distortion may be. Happily some of us are blessed with very good forgetters; nevertheless are able, as occasion warrants to tap most of the experience-memories that are, in any way, useful. We remain sane enough for any reasonable purpose. If sanity is, actually (according to Korzybski) a kind of utilitarian coordination between percept, concept and some abstract from reality, maybe this premise in dianetic thory is really not quire sane. No comment is intended here on any result that dianetic technique might secure. Theory, of course, could be wholly false, empiric results, however, still valuable. A good many people believe today that arthritis, some heart and respiratory disorder, some kinds of dermatitis, and-so-forth, are in fact psycho-somatic disorders reparable, sometimes by mental readjustments. It is much less probable, so it might seem that arthritis (vide JWC) "is due to a pain memory"—the same old pain comes back again—because the patient "was painfully injured" sometime or other "at the point where he now has arthritis". Arthritis has a way of jumping about a bit. Was the arthritic then injured—"probably prenatally" (JWC)—painfully and pretty much all over? May we believe that psycho-somatic asthma, occuring at any time, is actually "caused" by some prenatal fear of choking to death in the womb, or on the passage outward? QED cannot be written after any such assertion. n some of these cases certain drugs do give relief. Relief—not cure—the relief bio-chemical. Will dianetic technique "cure" hypertension? If so, Hubbard has a formula not only worth millions, but the only unique specific for any psycho-somatic disorder. Best advice, possibly, is just—wait and see. Hubbard adds migraine to the list of curables. But migraine is hereditary—no, back away from that dogmatic statement. Migraine is never manifest unless there is a history of migraine in one or the other parent—and on back from there. Can dianetics reach up an ancestral tree? Relief—maybe. Bio-chemistry, also, can very often relieve the migraine attack or prevent it. Cure? When a few thousands of cases have been relieved, and there has never been any return of the characteristic symptoms. The curse of Freudian psychiatry has been the verbal schizothymia resulting from the indiscreet use of terminology—conscious and unconscious, libido complex, sublimination, censor, ego and id—all of that droll assortment presently accepted as separate phases of personality. But man is an interger; not a combination of disseparate parts. Danger—beware! Conscious and unconscious, memory bank and engram, aberrant and recall, circuits and electronic blocks, analyzer and reactive mind, anaten and norn—danger! Here is a part of the new terminology of dianetics. These names may have meanings. These names do not designate things, nor separate functions of an integrity. Body and mind, Hubbard agrees, is an integrity—one individual undivided. So... The most hopeful thing to be found here is Hubbard's own warning, bluntly expressed and accepted, that dianetics is a method of procedure that, properly conducted, yields useful results. After that, says Hubbard, let the theory go, because it may or may not be valid. It is a starting place. No matter if the theory is altogether false assumption if practice works. With more and more data, theory can be corrected. Excellent advice- let it be well remembered by all future students of dianetics. Then, whatever dianetics may be at this moment, the time must arrive when, sufficiently corrected—and corrected possibly, almost beyond recognition, both theory and practice will be altogether sound. the GOLDEN GATE FUTURIAN SOCIETY meets at 419 Frederick Street (Home of Agnes Rundle) Se 1-6947 San Francisco, 17 every other Friday at 7:30 p.m. (June 9th, 23rd, July 14th, 28th, etc.)
DIANETICS - REVIEW WITH RESERVATIONS —Continued from Preceding Page be erased from memory" (the reference is to conscious memory, of course—can they become an "engram" which, presently, manifested as an "engramic command" which exerts "terrible hypnotic power", is a primary causation factor in "aberration"; that it, insanity. Theory. Evidence—absent. The pain-recall can be secured, without doubt. The theory, curiously reminiscent of psycho-analytic technique, states further that when one of those "damnable hypnotic command memories" has been "recalled"—the "direct, exact recording"—then "the brain automatically clears it". The brain, not the "mind" clears up the aberration. The insane person is then, presumably, sane. Or the sick person is then well. That result, it is claimed, is predictable—othewise scientific—in all but a few isolated cases. Which remains to be proved. Quite sane people, also, may have these same kind of obstreperous "engrams", very likely—pain patterns that they don't like to remember stored away in some preferably forgotten memory-niche; a kind of forgetting that, as a survival aid, is undoubtedly mentally healthy. Who wants to remember forgotten hurt? Hubbard speaks also of "preventative dianetics". Should we, then, all be compelled to remember consciously all of the things that have variously hurt us, only in order that we may thus remain sane? God forbid! The people who do remember such things are neuratics, however great the distortion may be. Happily some of us are blessed with very good forgetters; nevertheless are able, as occasion warrants to tap most of the experience-memories that are, in any way, useful. We remain sane enough for any reasonable purpose. If sanity is, actually (according to Korzybski) a kind of utilitarian coordination between percept, concept and some abstract from reality, maybe this premise in dianetic thory is really not quire sane. No comment is intended here on any result that dianetic technique might secure. Theory, of course, could be wholly false, empiric results, however, still valuable. A good many people believe today that arthritis, some heart and respiratory disorder, some kinds of dermatitis, and-so-forth, are in fact psycho-somatic disorders reparable, sometimes by mental readjustments. It is much less probable, so it might seem that arthritis (vide JWC) "is due to a pain memory"—the same old pain comes back again—because the patient "was painfully injured" sometime or other "at the point where he now has arthritis". Arthritis has a way of jumping about a bit. Was the arthritic then injured—"probably prenatally" (JWC)—painfully and pretty much all over? May we believe that psycho-somatic asthma, occuring at any time, is actually "caused" by some prenatal fear of choking to death in the womb, or on the passage outward? QED cannot be written after any such assertion. n some of these cases certain drugs do give relief. Relief—not cure—the relief bio-chemical. Will dianetic technique "cure" hypertension? If so, Hubbard has a formula not only worth millions, but the only unique specific for any psycho-somatic disorder. Best advice, possibly, is just—wait and see. Hubbard adds migraine to the list of curables. But migraine is hereditary—no, back away from that dogmatic statement. Migraine is never manifest unless there is a history of migraine in one or the other parent—and on back from there. Can dianetics reach up an ancestral tree? Relief—maybe. Bio-chemistry, also, can very often relieve the migraine attack or prevent it. Cure? When a few thousands of cases have been relieved, and there has never been any return of the characteristic symptoms. The curse of Freudian psychiatry has been the verbal schizothymia resulting from the indiscreet use of terminology—conscious and unconscious, libido complex, sublimination, censor, ego and id—all of that droll assortment presently accepted as separate phases of personality. But man is an interger; not a combination of disseparate parts. Danger—beware! Conscious and unconscious, memory bank and engram, aberrant and recall, circuits and electronic blocks, analyzer and reactive mind, anaten and norn—danger! Here is a part of the new terminology of dianetics. These names may have meanings. These names do not designate things, nor separate functions of an integrity. Body and mind, Hubbard agrees, is an integrity—one individual undivided. So... The most hopeful thing to be found here is Hubbard's own warning, bluntly expressed and accepted, that dianetics is a method of procedure that, properly conducted, yields useful results. After that, says Hubbard, let the theory go, because it may or may not be valid. It is a starting place. No matter if the theory is altogether false assumption if practice works. With more and more data, theory can be corrected. Excellent advice- let it be well remembered by all future students of dianetics. Then, whatever dianetics may be at this moment, the time must arrive when, sufficiently corrected—and corrected possibly, almost beyond recognition, both theory and practice will be altogether sound. the GOLDEN GATE FUTURIAN SOCIETY meets at 419 Frederick Street (Home of Agnes Rundle) Se 1-6947 San Francisco, 17 every other Friday at 7:30 p.m. (June 9th, 23rd, July 14th, 28th, etc.)
Hevelin Fanzines