Interim Newsletter, November 1949
Page 2
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2 (Continued from page 1) to take "Unscientific principles in author Bill Brown's rocket ships" he would have the basis of a letter composed of several short sharp attacks on deviations from known science by Mr. Brown. "Sex in Science Fiction" is another example of a topic which, for comprehensive treatment, would fill up an impractical number of pages but if narrowed to "Do sexy covers sell Stf?" we would have the basis of a short article with a punch. _______________________ OPERATION FANTAST "Operation Fantast" is the name of the latest British fanzine to leave mimeo and take on printed format. This 81/4 x 51/2 inch, 16 page magazine has a cheerful style and contains news and articles of world wide interest. Published quarterly whenever possible. Subscription for 6 issues is 75 Cents to Philip Rasch, 715 W. 112th St., Los Angeles 44, Cal. USA or 3 shillings to Capt. K.F. Slater, 13 Gp. RPC., BAOR 23., c/o. GPO, ENGLAND. Single sample issues are post free for 15 cents or 7 pence to the respective addresses above. This magazine is of interest to SFI memebers as we have given some thought to adopting a similar format for the ultimate form of the Newsletter. ________________________ "Did you hear about the politically minded ion who heard there was going to be an electron?" "No, what happened?" "He went to the poles and volted." INTERIM NEWSLETTER Official Organ of SCIENCE FICTION INTERNATIONAL Published Bi-monthly SCIENCE FICTION INTERNATIONAL James E. Love - Secretary 198 1/2 Wilston St., Newark, Ohio, United States of America. Copies distributed free to the membership. Editorial correspondence should be sent to acting editor Lyell Crane (Address on back cover). Letters to the editor are welcome and those of general interest will be published in whole or in part. Credits are due to the Vice-Pres. K. Martin Carlson for printing the first issue of the Newsletter. _______________________ DUES FOR 1949-1950 NOW PAYABLE. Members are reminded the dues of $1.50 for the year ending July 1, 1950 are payable at once to the President who is Acting Treasurer. Members are requested to pay their dues to support the club financially for the coming year. These dues make possible the publication of this Interim Newsletter and other projects. Make all checks or postal money orders payable to "SFI., C. May, President" and mail to Mr. J. C. May 2334 N. 76th Court Elmwood Park, Ill. U.S.A.
2 (Continued from page 1) to take "Unscientific principles in author Bill Brown's rocket ships" he would have the basis of a letter composed of several short sharp attacks on deviations from known science by Mr. Brown. "Sex in Science Fiction" is another example of a topic which, for comprehensive treatment, would fill up an impractical number of pages but if narrowed to "Do sexy covers sell Stf?" we would have the basis of a short article with a punch. _______________________ OPERATION FANTAST "Operation Fantast" is the name of the latest British fanzine to leave mimeo and take on printed format. This 81/4 x 51/2 inch, 16 page magazine has a cheerful style and contains news and articles of world wide interest. Published quarterly whenever possible. Subscription for 6 issues is 75 Cents to Philip Rasch, 715 W. 112th St., Los Angeles 44, Cal. USA or 3 shillings to Capt. K.F. Slater, 13 Gp. RPC., BAOR 23., c/o. GPO, ENGLAND. Single sample issues are post free for 15 cents or 7 pence to the respective addresses above. This magazine is of interest to SFI memebers as we have given some thought to adopting a similar format for the ultimate form of the Newsletter. ________________________ "Did you hear about the politically minded ion who heard there was going to be an electron?" "No, what happened?" "He went to the poles and volted." INTERIM NEWSLETTER Official Organ of SCIENCE FICTION INTERNATIONAL Published Bi-monthly SCIENCE FICTION INTERNATIONAL James E. Love - Secretary 198 1/2 Wilston St., Newark, Ohio, United States of America. Copies distributed free to the membership. Editorial correspondence should be sent to acting editor Lyell Crane (Address on back cover). Letters to the editor are welcome and those of general interest will be published in whole or in part. Credits are due to the Vice-Pres. K. Martin Carlson for printing the first issue of the Newsletter. _______________________ DUES FOR 1949-1950 NOW PAYABLE. Members are reminded the dues of $1.50 for the year ending July 1, 1950 are payable at once to the President who is Acting Treasurer. Members are requested to pay their dues to support the club financially for the coming year. These dues make possible the publication of this Interim Newsletter and other projects. Make all checks or postal money orders payable to "SFI., C. May, President" and mail to Mr. J. C. May 2334 N. 76th Court Elmwood Park, Ill. U.S.A.
Hevelin Fanzines