Stefantasy, v. 5, issue 2, June 1949
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be hard upon those of us who, when asked to do something, reply "just a minute" or "just a second". We would have to say instead "just a year" or "just a day" which would obviously be silly. Thus we would be forced to comply at once with requests or else reveal ourselves as unobliging procrastinators, which we probably are anyway. The conclusion seems inevitable that all the work of figuring out that calendar for Mars was wasted. Our present one wouldn't do, of course, and a new one just isn't needed. I think someone ought to introduce a bill into Congress to abolish our calendar, along with watches and clocks. If this were done and if all other nations did likewise, the boys who are just itching to press that button wouldn't know when to do it and the war to end all humanity might never get started. FILLERS AN' STUFF In the last issue I gave yo an article from one of the papers in the "big mail" that Norman L. Knight sent me last year. Now here are some ads from The Martinez Advertiser for January, 1937. The italics are Norm's, the typography mine; otherwise they are reproduced exactly. ETHEREAL TALKING By the mind through the eather, using no instruments, one person may be in New York the other in California, etc., on the order of Mental Telepathy, only you may word every word of your conversation anytime, anywhere. Folders $1.00. Telling how by FANNY and DEW BRICE 2111 Easton Drive Burlingame, Calif. TRANCE: ANYONE CAN EASILY PUT themselves into a trance by reading my experience and discovery. Send 25c. ALBERT WATT, 320 Washington St., Providence, R.I. A NEW BOOK The latest, Most Authentic and up-to-date Story of God. This book Analyses in a Beautiful Manner by the Author What God truly and really is. Just off the Press. Price $1.00 Post-paid. Send for yours today. ESTHER BUETTNER Andrew Sreet Shawano, Wisconsin OVERCOME BLUSHING Fear - Self - Consciousness, Timidity, Shyness, Worry or other nervous disorders. Just consider the enormous advantages of always being COOL and FREE from FEAR. Particulars FREE. Write to-day. H. LIESENFELDER CO. N. W. Cor. So. 33d Rd. St. At West Greenfield Ave. Milwaukee, Wis. Some of these days, if Norm doesn't mind, I'll print part of a letter explaining how he happened to get all this stuff. It's good. 8 STEFANTASY
be hard upon those of us who, when asked to do something, reply "just a minute" or "just a second". We would have to say instead "just a year" or "just a day" which would obviously be silly. Thus we would be forced to comply at once with requests or else reveal ourselves as unobliging procrastinators, which we probably are anyway. The conclusion seems inevitable that all the work of figuring out that calendar for Mars was wasted. Our present one wouldn't do, of course, and a new one just isn't needed. I think someone ought to introduce a bill into Congress to abolish our calendar, along with watches and clocks. If this were done and if all other nations did likewise, the boys who are just itching to press that button wouldn't know when to do it and the war to end all humanity might never get started. FILLERS AN' STUFF In the last issue I gave yo an article from one of the papers in the "big mail" that Norman L. Knight sent me last year. Now here are some ads from The Martinez Advertiser for January, 1937. The italics are Norm's, the typography mine; otherwise they are reproduced exactly. ETHEREAL TALKING By the mind through the eather, using no instruments, one person may be in New York the other in California, etc., on the order of Mental Telepathy, only you may word every word of your conversation anytime, anywhere. Folders $1.00. Telling how by FANNY and DEW BRICE 2111 Easton Drive Burlingame, Calif. TRANCE: ANYONE CAN EASILY PUT themselves into a trance by reading my experience and discovery. Send 25c. ALBERT WATT, 320 Washington St., Providence, R.I. A NEW BOOK The latest, Most Authentic and up-to-date Story of God. This book Analyses in a Beautiful Manner by the Author What God truly and really is. Just off the Press. Price $1.00 Post-paid. Send for yours today. ESTHER BUETTNER Andrew Sreet Shawano, Wisconsin OVERCOME BLUSHING Fear - Self - Consciousness, Timidity, Shyness, Worry or other nervous disorders. Just consider the enormous advantages of always being COOL and FREE from FEAR. Particulars FREE. Write to-day. H. LIESENFELDER CO. N. W. Cor. So. 33d Rd. St. At West Greenfield Ave. Milwaukee, Wis. Some of these days, if Norm doesn't mind, I'll print part of a letter explaining how he happened to get all this stuff. It's good. 8 STEFANTASY
Hevelin Fanzines