Stefantasy, v. 5, issue 2, June 1949
Page 15
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DO YOU WANNA GO TO HEAVEN WHEN YOU DIE? Well, then, why not do it the easy way? You owe it to yourself to send at once for your Primrose Path Fire Escape Policy No Weekly Payments! No Waiting! No Baggy Knees No Worry! Those are all things of the past when you get your Primrose Path Fire Escape Policy! Think of it--for the trifling sum of only $15 you can be sure that when you die you will go directly to Heaven with no stopovers! The policy guarantees this unconditionally and if its conditions are not completely fulfilled simply present to our our nearest agent for double your money back! It's patriotic, too! Since your church contributions will cease you can pay more income tax so the U.S. can rearm the world quicker so we can get the forthcoming war (and the human race) out of the way quicker! Fill out and mail this coupon and your remittance TODAY! J. E. Baxter, Sec.-Treas. PRIMROSE PATH, Inc. 1492 Canal Street Terrapolis 16, Mars Please send a PRIMROSE PATH FIRE ESCAPE POLICY. I enclose ckeck money order for $15.00 in full payment. Name.... Street... City.... Zone... Planet...
DO YOU WANNA GO TO HEAVEN WHEN YOU DIE? Well, then, why not do it the easy way? You owe it to yourself to send at once for your Primrose Path Fire Escape Policy No Weekly Payments! No Waiting! No Baggy Knees No Worry! Those are all things of the past when you get your Primrose Path Fire Escape Policy! Think of it--for the trifling sum of only $15 you can be sure that when you die you will go directly to Heaven with no stopovers! The policy guarantees this unconditionally and if its conditions are not completely fulfilled simply present to our our nearest agent for double your money back! It's patriotic, too! Since your church contributions will cease you can pay more income tax so the U.S. can rearm the world quicker so we can get the forthcoming war (and the human race) out of the way quicker! Fill out and mail this coupon and your remittance TODAY! J. E. Baxter, Sec.-Treas. PRIMROSE PATH, Inc. 1492 Canal Street Terrapolis 16, Mars Please send a PRIMROSE PATH FIRE ESCAPE POLICY. I enclose ckeck money order for $15.00 in full payment. Name.... Street... City.... Zone... Planet...
Hevelin Fanzines