Stefantasy, v. 5, issue 2, June 1949
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[decorative border around page] Color Television is HERE! Our engineers, by working night and day for the last three years, have finally perfected TRICOVAC, revolutional new vacuum for cathode-ray tubes. Used in place of ordinary vacuum in both camera and picture tubes this amazing new material gives startlingly vivid, full-color television with no other changes of any kind. Many stations are already equipped with TRICOVAC. See your TV service man NOW and and be vividly startled in your own home! THE UNITED VACUUM FABRICATING MACHINERY CO. 720 ROCKWOOD AVENUE PiTTSBURH 16, PA. "You don't have to be crazy, but it sure does help."
[decorative border around page] Color Television is HERE! Our engineers, by working night and day for the last three years, have finally perfected TRICOVAC, revolutional new vacuum for cathode-ray tubes. Used in place of ordinary vacuum in both camera and picture tubes this amazing new material gives startlingly vivid, full-color television with no other changes of any kind. Many stations are already equipped with TRICOVAC. See your TV service man NOW and and be vividly startled in your own home! THE UNITED VACUUM FABRICATING MACHINERY CO. 720 ROCKWOOD AVENUE PiTTSBURH 16, PA. "You don't have to be crazy, but it sure does help."
Hevelin Fanzines