Sun Spots, v. 2, issue 3, June 14, 1940
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Vol. 2 No. 3 SUN SPOTS Price 5¢ Sun Spots is published tri-weekly. The cost is 5¢ per issue or 6 for a quarter (6 for 25 ¢) ADVERTISING RATES One page ----------$1.00 Half page --------$0.60 Quarter page -----$0.35 Sun Spots will be glad to consider for publication, any articles or short stories submitted by our readers. We will also print excerpts from letters if we consider them interesting enough. CO-EDITORS OF SUN SPOTS RODERICK GAETZ GEREAUX DE LA REE JR. ROY PLOTKIN. We wish to thank Mary Gae [?ae] Gaetz for her generous contribution, without which, this issue would have been impossible. We were hoping to have printed this issue, but lack of co-operation from other fans prohibited this. The heading this issue was drawn by Roderick Gaetz. Cover Drawing this issue by Gereaux de la Ree Jr. This issue represents the first attempt on the part of the Editors to use a regular mimeograph machine. In the past, this paper has been [h?]ektographed, but as our circulation increased, this method became unsatisfactory. Therefore, printing was decided upon. We secured a fairly low estimate for the production, and proceeded to try and raise the necessary money. This attempt met with failure, so we finally bought a mimeograph, and here is the first try. Please be tolerant, as we are as yet, not very proficient in this art, but I can safely say that we will improve as time goes on....Thank you. The following subscriptions have expired:- Bob McTyre, Bayside, N.Y.:Sam Moskowitz, Newark, N.J. Carmine Margiasso, Rivervale, N.J.: Eugene Long, Jeff- ersonville, Ind.: Albert Kent, E.Orange, N.J.: Bill Grove- man, Hempstead, N.Y.: Charles Barrett, Bellefontaine, Ohio: John V. Baltadonis, Philadelphia, Pa. We are now exchanging with the following fan. mags. :- "The Comet", "Cosmic Tales", "Sciential", "M.S.A. Bulletin", "Polaris", "Science Fiction Weekly", "Van Houten Says", "P.S.F.S. News", "The Science Fiction Fan", "Midwest News and Views", and "Snide". All exchanges are welcome.. The following is the new adress of the magazine, as it is no longer financed by the SOLAROID CLUB. It will, however, still give all the news of this club that is available. 31 Bogert Place. Westwood, N.J. Page 3. "Support The Chicon"
Vol. 2 No. 3 SUN SPOTS Price 5¢ Sun Spots is published tri-weekly. The cost is 5¢ per issue or 6 for a quarter (6 for 25 ¢) ADVERTISING RATES One page ----------$1.00 Half page --------$0.60 Quarter page -----$0.35 Sun Spots will be glad to consider for publication, any articles or short stories submitted by our readers. We will also print excerpts from letters if we consider them interesting enough. CO-EDITORS OF SUN SPOTS RODERICK GAETZ GEREAUX DE LA REE JR. ROY PLOTKIN. We wish to thank Mary Gae [?ae] Gaetz for her generous contribution, without which, this issue would have been impossible. We were hoping to have printed this issue, but lack of co-operation from other fans prohibited this. The heading this issue was drawn by Roderick Gaetz. Cover Drawing this issue by Gereaux de la Ree Jr. This issue represents the first attempt on the part of the Editors to use a regular mimeograph machine. In the past, this paper has been [h?]ektographed, but as our circulation increased, this method became unsatisfactory. Therefore, printing was decided upon. We secured a fairly low estimate for the production, and proceeded to try and raise the necessary money. This attempt met with failure, so we finally bought a mimeograph, and here is the first try. Please be tolerant, as we are as yet, not very proficient in this art, but I can safely say that we will improve as time goes on....Thank you. The following subscriptions have expired:- Bob McTyre, Bayside, N.Y.:Sam Moskowitz, Newark, N.J. Carmine Margiasso, Rivervale, N.J.: Eugene Long, Jeff- ersonville, Ind.: Albert Kent, E.Orange, N.J.: Bill Grove- man, Hempstead, N.Y.: Charles Barrett, Bellefontaine, Ohio: John V. Baltadonis, Philadelphia, Pa. We are now exchanging with the following fan. mags. :- "The Comet", "Cosmic Tales", "Sciential", "M.S.A. Bulletin", "Polaris", "Science Fiction Weekly", "Van Houten Says", "P.S.F.S. News", "The Science Fiction Fan", "Midwest News and Views", and "Snide". All exchanges are welcome.. The following is the new adress of the magazine, as it is no longer financed by the SOLAROID CLUB. It will, however, still give all the news of this club that is available. 31 Bogert Place. Westwood, N.J. Page 3. "Support The Chicon"
Hevelin Fanzines