Sun Spots, v. 2, issue 3, June 14, 1940
Page 7
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June 14 1940, SUN SPOTS, Price 5c ON SPACE TRAVEL (Cont'd from previous page.) could be absorbed to a degree which would soon render human life impossible. By having a highly polished white or silver exterior, the body would rapidly cool. Radiation and absorption data are published in engineering handbooks for different materials, different surface conditions and different colors. Thus, once the chemistry of the fuel is determined, the space travel vessel is possible of accurate design, to govern temperature conditions. THE TRASH BASKET by N.,C. Body Flash!! Call for Captain Past! This isn't a page-call but the title of the funniest burlesque on Edmon Hamilton's masterpiece yet to be seen. Damn Knight O'Snide, called n Delagetz author of this yawn, to write a sequel , called 2THE QUEST OF CAPTAIN PAST" These two pieces of hilarity will be published in Snides number 2 and three respectively... No, page two is not Yehudi's column, but a mistake on the part of you r editors in using a cheaper grade of paper, rhus rendering impossible printing on both sides, as both sides would be incomprehensible ... In the July issue of POPULAR SCIENCE, on page 87 is an artical on a "ray gun" which has been invented by Otto H. Mohr. It is run by sunlight and electric power and this small model will explode powder at twenty feet. This weapon, if made practical will be of great use to a defending army, in that it will enable the army to set off the other's powder.... Now for a few lines on the activities of the SOLAROID'S. The attendance at the last two meetings has been seven. Two weeks ago they rated STARTLING STORIES and last week THRILLING WONDER. Lack of space here forbids and printing of the results. They will hold their first semi-monthly meeting on the 21st. of this month at the new time of 8:00 P.M. Say, dear readers, how about sending in your favorite three authors in Stf, that are writing today, and also your three favorites of all time. The editors are interested in your views and will print the names of all those who answer this request . Send them in as soon as possible, A post-card will do. Thanx ...... How many readers would be interested in purchasing a reprint of the first issue of SUN SPOTS? We will print this if enough response is received. So while your answering our request of above also tell us if you'll be willing to buy this rare reprint.... Say, what do you think of our new author in this issue. THis article, 2ON SPACE TRAVEL" is one of the best on this subject that we have read for a long time. Write in and tell us your criticisms and opinions. Other articles by him will appear in future issues, so be on the lookout for them. Well, that's about all for this issue....So long. Page 7.
June 14 1940, SUN SPOTS, Price 5c ON SPACE TRAVEL (Cont'd from previous page.) could be absorbed to a degree which would soon render human life impossible. By having a highly polished white or silver exterior, the body would rapidly cool. Radiation and absorption data are published in engineering handbooks for different materials, different surface conditions and different colors. Thus, once the chemistry of the fuel is determined, the space travel vessel is possible of accurate design, to govern temperature conditions. THE TRASH BASKET by N.,C. Body Flash!! Call for Captain Past! This isn't a page-call but the title of the funniest burlesque on Edmon Hamilton's masterpiece yet to be seen. Damn Knight O'Snide, called n Delagetz author of this yawn, to write a sequel , called 2THE QUEST OF CAPTAIN PAST" These two pieces of hilarity will be published in Snides number 2 and three respectively... No, page two is not Yehudi's column, but a mistake on the part of you r editors in using a cheaper grade of paper, rhus rendering impossible printing on both sides, as both sides would be incomprehensible ... In the July issue of POPULAR SCIENCE, on page 87 is an artical on a "ray gun" which has been invented by Otto H. Mohr. It is run by sunlight and electric power and this small model will explode powder at twenty feet. This weapon, if made practical will be of great use to a defending army, in that it will enable the army to set off the other's powder.... Now for a few lines on the activities of the SOLAROID'S. The attendance at the last two meetings has been seven. Two weeks ago they rated STARTLING STORIES and last week THRILLING WONDER. Lack of space here forbids and printing of the results. They will hold their first semi-monthly meeting on the 21st. of this month at the new time of 8:00 P.M. Say, dear readers, how about sending in your favorite three authors in Stf, that are writing today, and also your three favorites of all time. The editors are interested in your views and will print the names of all those who answer this request . Send them in as soon as possible, A post-card will do. Thanx ...... How many readers would be interested in purchasing a reprint of the first issue of SUN SPOTS? We will print this if enough response is received. So while your answering our request of above also tell us if you'll be willing to buy this rare reprint.... Say, what do you think of our new author in this issue. THis article, 2ON SPACE TRAVEL" is one of the best on this subject that we have read for a long time. Write in and tell us your criticisms and opinions. Other articles by him will appear in future issues, so be on the lookout for them. Well, that's about all for this issue....So long. Page 7.
Hevelin Fanzines