Sun Spots, v. 5, issue 2, May 1941
Page 3
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May-June, 1941 SUN SPOTS Page 3. *********************************** I watched all these things with tears in my eyes and pride and glory in my heart. At last man was making his life useful. No more wars destroyed his fellow creature and the beautiful cities he had set up on his home planet. Then the fatel [sic] day. War with Saturn. Bloodthirsty killings over, as all the wars of before had been, an nuknown [sic] reason. They mearly [sic] fought for the love of killing, to destroy God's commandments. My eyes attempted to turn from the sight, but they were unable to. I had to watch and learn. The war with Saturn lasted some fifty Earth years. All the while more hate was being gathered in everyones soul. Moe [i.e., more] killings occured. [sic] Whereas before it had been a Solar System of love and friendship, it now contained only hate and greed. Earth brought to the fore new edge weapons. Large heat guns destroyed the Mercurians in hoards. Large ray guns destroyed Earthmen in hoards. It was always death.--fighting---hate. Earth worked on new guns--new means by which to destroy. Finally a famous Earth scientist of the time conceived a gun, which, he said, would cause gasses to clash together and form an explosion. It was first tired out on the planet Saturn, where, after it was transported there by a large Earth space-ship, it fired into the air to cause the explosion. The people who took part in the firing of the gun were all killed, for the gun didn't cause what they had expected. It was fired. Gasses began to clash together. They exploded. Everyone within fifty miles of the area was killed. But then it went on. Other gasses began to gather. Fragments of planets broke off and drifted into space. Planets began to draw together. The Sun started moving towards Earth and the other worlds. Soon, everone [sic] realized there would be a meeting of these worlds, and the Solar System would be no more. They turned there thoughts, now, to other things than war. They tired [i.e., tried] to devise ships to carry them successfully to another system. They have succeeded in building nothing but four large ships. Four ships! Between them they could hold no more than one thousand people. One thousand out of countless billions... One thousand selected people cramed [sic] into the four ships. Mass pandemonium broke loose on Earth and her sister worlds. The ships, however, escaped the peoples violence. At the present time they are flashing by me, in back of Saturn. They may escape. I'll know if they do. But if they do what will happen? They will start building again. Start fighting again. They may even destroy the new solar system that they discover. There they go...... But what is happening? The planets are racing at each other now with ever mounting speed and fury. Such speed as I have never seen. They crash! The four ships are caught in the center of this exploding hell... It is the end of the Solar System... Some day, God willing, new worlds will appear here. A new race will be formed. A race that will perhaps be more intelligent, and what is more a peace loveing [sic] people--perhaps. But until that day comes I will be here, living, watching, learning. I sometimes wonder if I will ever die..... [centered, underlined] THE END Mr. Calewaert's prize will be mailed shortly as will the second placers. Second prize goes to H.W. Kite for his story, "The Last Hope", which along with the other entries will be returned in the near future.
May-June, 1941 SUN SPOTS Page 3. *********************************** I watched all these things with tears in my eyes and pride and glory in my heart. At last man was making his life useful. No more wars destroyed his fellow creature and the beautiful cities he had set up on his home planet. Then the fatel [sic] day. War with Saturn. Bloodthirsty killings over, as all the wars of before had been, an nuknown [sic] reason. They mearly [sic] fought for the love of killing, to destroy God's commandments. My eyes attempted to turn from the sight, but they were unable to. I had to watch and learn. The war with Saturn lasted some fifty Earth years. All the while more hate was being gathered in everyones soul. Moe [i.e., more] killings occured. [sic] Whereas before it had been a Solar System of love and friendship, it now contained only hate and greed. Earth brought to the fore new edge weapons. Large heat guns destroyed the Mercurians in hoards. Large ray guns destroyed Earthmen in hoards. It was always death.--fighting---hate. Earth worked on new guns--new means by which to destroy. Finally a famous Earth scientist of the time conceived a gun, which, he said, would cause gasses to clash together and form an explosion. It was first tired out on the planet Saturn, where, after it was transported there by a large Earth space-ship, it fired into the air to cause the explosion. The people who took part in the firing of the gun were all killed, for the gun didn't cause what they had expected. It was fired. Gasses began to clash together. They exploded. Everyone within fifty miles of the area was killed. But then it went on. Other gasses began to gather. Fragments of planets broke off and drifted into space. Planets began to draw together. The Sun started moving towards Earth and the other worlds. Soon, everone [sic] realized there would be a meeting of these worlds, and the Solar System would be no more. They turned there thoughts, now, to other things than war. They tired [i.e., tried] to devise ships to carry them successfully to another system. They have succeeded in building nothing but four large ships. Four ships! Between them they could hold no more than one thousand people. One thousand out of countless billions... One thousand selected people cramed [sic] into the four ships. Mass pandemonium broke loose on Earth and her sister worlds. The ships, however, escaped the peoples violence. At the present time they are flashing by me, in back of Saturn. They may escape. I'll know if they do. But if they do what will happen? They will start building again. Start fighting again. They may even destroy the new solar system that they discover. There they go...... But what is happening? The planets are racing at each other now with ever mounting speed and fury. Such speed as I have never seen. They crash! The four ships are caught in the center of this exploding hell... It is the end of the Solar System... Some day, God willing, new worlds will appear here. A new race will be formed. A race that will perhaps be more intelligent, and what is more a peace loveing [sic] people--perhaps. But until that day comes I will be here, living, watching, learning. I sometimes wonder if I will ever die..... [centered, underlined] THE END Mr. Calewaert's prize will be mailed shortly as will the second placers. Second prize goes to H.W. Kite for his story, "The Last Hope", which along with the other entries will be returned in the near future.
Hevelin Fanzines