Sun Spots, v. 5, issue 2, May 1941
Page 5
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[header] May, 1941 SUN SPOTS Page 5 [/header] "ROBOT" By Harry Harrison [illustration: robot with X12-B5 on its front] H.M.Harrison SUN SPOTS welcomes all new Scientifiction artists, and art work sub-mitted by any newcomers will be given equal consideration along with those of more established fans. Submit a sample of your art work. We want to present a new fan artist every issue. The original of "Robot" is better than the above, as it was diffi-cult to stencil parts of it.
[header] May, 1941 SUN SPOTS Page 5 [/header] "ROBOT" By Harry Harrison [illustration: robot with X12-B5 on its front] H.M.Harrison SUN SPOTS welcomes all new Scientifiction artists, and art work sub-mitted by any newcomers will be given equal consideration along with those of more established fans. Submit a sample of your art work. We want to present a new fan artist every issue. The original of "Robot" is better than the above, as it was diffi-cult to stencil parts of it.
Hevelin Fanzines