Sappho, v. 1 issue 1, June 1943
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HELLO ---- OUT THERE * So here it is. Sappho. Poetry, pix, and later on -- prose. Also bad mimeographing. But principally poetry. Watson and I produced this mag with the intention of introducing to the fans some first-rate poetry by a number of unknowns. We consider it to be first-rate, that is. * If anybody holds views to the opposite -- let him speak now or forever hold his peace. In other words: write us a letter. If we obtain enough of the latter, Sappho will contain a largish letter section for its second issue. And we dote on letter sections. If you can't send a letter -- drop us a postal card with ratings of the issue thereon. Those who oblige with either of the latter will receive a free copy if they so wish. * Now on to the contents of the mag. . . * You will notice that we maintain no 'fantasy only' policy for our poems. Who is to define 'fantasy', anyway? Not we, certainly. However, we do admit to be biased toward poetry with a fantasy tinge. After all Sappho is circulating in the fantasy field. * As to the material contained herein we sincerely hope you will enjoy all of it. However, Bill and I have a kind of pact to the effect that neither of us can reject that which the other accepts. Thus, Sappho represents two widely divergent views. We can hardly expect you to agree fully with either of them. * About contributors: * Any material sent us will receive the most careful attention. We are interesetd in off-trail pix, articles on some poetic phase, and of course -- poetry. Editorial requirements? Well -- we object to amateurishness in thought or phrasing. We shall be judge of what is amateur and what is not. This allows us one idiosyncrasy that may be indulged in to the fullest. * Lest the above seem too harsh, we offer a silver lining. We will not set ourselves as sole judges of what is poetry and what is not. We have the peculiar idea that every individual has his own conception of the word, ourselves included, and we have no wish to tinker with yours. Some of our material may not seem to be 'poetry' to you. We can only offer that according to our conception, it was. * Which is about all. If you wish statistics they may be found on the contents page. Until next issue, we the editors, wish you some pleasurable, stimulating reading.
HELLO ---- OUT THERE * So here it is. Sappho. Poetry, pix, and later on -- prose. Also bad mimeographing. But principally poetry. Watson and I produced this mag with the intention of introducing to the fans some first-rate poetry by a number of unknowns. We consider it to be first-rate, that is. * If anybody holds views to the opposite -- let him speak now or forever hold his peace. In other words: write us a letter. If we obtain enough of the latter, Sappho will contain a largish letter section for its second issue. And we dote on letter sections. If you can't send a letter -- drop us a postal card with ratings of the issue thereon. Those who oblige with either of the latter will receive a free copy if they so wish. * Now on to the contents of the mag. . . * You will notice that we maintain no 'fantasy only' policy for our poems. Who is to define 'fantasy', anyway? Not we, certainly. However, we do admit to be biased toward poetry with a fantasy tinge. After all Sappho is circulating in the fantasy field. * As to the material contained herein we sincerely hope you will enjoy all of it. However, Bill and I have a kind of pact to the effect that neither of us can reject that which the other accepts. Thus, Sappho represents two widely divergent views. We can hardly expect you to agree fully with either of them. * About contributors: * Any material sent us will receive the most careful attention. We are interesetd in off-trail pix, articles on some poetic phase, and of course -- poetry. Editorial requirements? Well -- we object to amateurishness in thought or phrasing. We shall be judge of what is amateur and what is not. This allows us one idiosyncrasy that may be indulged in to the fullest. * Lest the above seem too harsh, we offer a silver lining. We will not set ourselves as sole judges of what is poetry and what is not. We have the peculiar idea that every individual has his own conception of the word, ourselves included, and we have no wish to tinker with yours. Some of our material may not seem to be 'poetry' to you. We can only offer that according to our conception, it was. * Which is about all. If you wish statistics they may be found on the contents page. Until next issue, we the editors, wish you some pleasurable, stimulating reading.
Hevelin Fanzines