Horizons, v. 6, issue 2, whole no. 21, December 1944
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instance, would probably still be outsiders, having done comparatively little in fandom before they became among the most valuable FAPA members; certain top fans, Ackerman among them, have failed miserably to help the FAPA. Somehow I don't object so strongly to Larry's use of green ink. F.A.P.A. Fan: Prove that statement that "There is about an election something energizing", at least as it applies to fan organizations. Don't forger that the British Fantasy Society, active and successful for two years now, has been trying to hold elections for over a twelvemonth, and can't find anyone interested enough to nominate someone else for office. Fans just aren't politically minded, except when officers in power are obviously harming the organization. FAPA Variety: Was the name changed accidentally? And why not come out and name Shylock Held, long as everyone knows his fan dealing ways? A Rouzine: Gordon still seems worried about printed publications; obviously, FAPA members are interested in what they/and other others have to say, and care little for the appearance, as long as it's legible. When someone is an energetic as Watson, all to the good, but my greatest kick against the NAPA and its kindred ayday groups is the time wasted on printed postage stamp leaflets which contain just room for the publisher's name and a couple of comments on this or that that could have been better conveyed to the parties in question through personal letters. An Anonymous...Civilian: I shall not ask where Willie buys those stencils; I've already done so via pony express. Milty's Mag: Milty's first postwar task should that of figuring out the dating and numbering of his Army publications! Adam Singlesheet: The superlative Fancylopedia being the matter in question, he is forgiven. Anidea: Supposed to be funny? Panty Raiser: Received and content noted. Agenbite of Inwit: Best chapter yet of Trigger Talk; more, immediately! This is an excellent chance to mention something that has bothered me for some time; why the growing tendency to refer to the FAPA without using the definite article? The only thing I can think of to parallel it, either inside or outside fandom, is the way Landon, I believe it was, in campaign speeches referred to "people of United States". The loudest sort of three cheers for the defence of Ferrie topping page 4. Equally worthy is the plain talk about the tribute many fans have been offering up to the prozine editors who donate originals; such adoration has always struck me as the most childish thing in fandom. The idea of a library plan for the NFFF is basically sound, but a bit complicated and expensive-sounding; some sort of primitive circulating scheme to begin with would be preferable, reserving a more elaborate plan until more members and dough were on hand. The fundamental difficulty between Doc and the NFFF seems now to be that the former wants it to help stf., and the current crop of officers are more interested in fandom. It's interesting to note that Milty tells me Doc seems to be a very interested and active fan right now, despite his manifestoes. Fantasy Commentator: Superlative issue, marred only by Langley's infallibility complex, which h'ell probably forget about before too much longer--after all, even I now realize that once in a while I'm wrong. Lengthy comments on these two issues are unneeded. Glad to see adoption of the page-biblio plan, though I object to the requirement of so much information about publishers and editions. Less thorough-minded fans will be frightened away; as long as space is left to fill such stuff in later, all will be well. The definition of a satisfactory FAPAzine on page 32 should end difficulties; you'll find comparatively few that don't fill this bill. SaM's article swell. Most of his favorites stand out in my memory, though I'd probably have picked almost completely different a set had I done the same thing. The Hodgson dope will come in handy if I ever get to read any of his material. And consecutive numbering of the pages helps considerably. Bookmark: I told Larry I couldn't use it, because of the need to preserve my mailings intact. He thoughtfully sent along another, but that one turned out to be a second edition that varies from the first, and I'm still stuck. Walt's Wramblings: Wish I knew where the quotes from Starrett and Collins ended. Though they don't precisely concern rebellion, here's a good chance to plug once more Benet's "King of the Cats", and the best thing Tales of Wonder
instance, would probably still be outsiders, having done comparatively little in fandom before they became among the most valuable FAPA members; certain top fans, Ackerman among them, have failed miserably to help the FAPA. Somehow I don't object so strongly to Larry's use of green ink. F.A.P.A. Fan: Prove that statement that "There is about an election something energizing", at least as it applies to fan organizations. Don't forger that the British Fantasy Society, active and successful for two years now, has been trying to hold elections for over a twelvemonth, and can't find anyone interested enough to nominate someone else for office. Fans just aren't politically minded, except when officers in power are obviously harming the organization. FAPA Variety: Was the name changed accidentally? And why not come out and name Shylock Held, long as everyone knows his fan dealing ways? A Rouzine: Gordon still seems worried about printed publications; obviously, FAPA members are interested in what they/and other others have to say, and care little for the appearance, as long as it's legible. When someone is an energetic as Watson, all to the good, but my greatest kick against the NAPA and its kindred ayday groups is the time wasted on printed postage stamp leaflets which contain just room for the publisher's name and a couple of comments on this or that that could have been better conveyed to the parties in question through personal letters. An Anonymous...Civilian: I shall not ask where Willie buys those stencils; I've already done so via pony express. Milty's Mag: Milty's first postwar task should that of figuring out the dating and numbering of his Army publications! Adam Singlesheet: The superlative Fancylopedia being the matter in question, he is forgiven. Anidea: Supposed to be funny? Panty Raiser: Received and content noted. Agenbite of Inwit: Best chapter yet of Trigger Talk; more, immediately! This is an excellent chance to mention something that has bothered me for some time; why the growing tendency to refer to the FAPA without using the definite article? The only thing I can think of to parallel it, either inside or outside fandom, is the way Landon, I believe it was, in campaign speeches referred to "people of United States". The loudest sort of three cheers for the defence of Ferrie topping page 4. Equally worthy is the plain talk about the tribute many fans have been offering up to the prozine editors who donate originals; such adoration has always struck me as the most childish thing in fandom. The idea of a library plan for the NFFF is basically sound, but a bit complicated and expensive-sounding; some sort of primitive circulating scheme to begin with would be preferable, reserving a more elaborate plan until more members and dough were on hand. The fundamental difficulty between Doc and the NFFF seems now to be that the former wants it to help stf., and the current crop of officers are more interested in fandom. It's interesting to note that Milty tells me Doc seems to be a very interested and active fan right now, despite his manifestoes. Fantasy Commentator: Superlative issue, marred only by Langley's infallibility complex, which h'ell probably forget about before too much longer--after all, even I now realize that once in a while I'm wrong. Lengthy comments on these two issues are unneeded. Glad to see adoption of the page-biblio plan, though I object to the requirement of so much information about publishers and editions. Less thorough-minded fans will be frightened away; as long as space is left to fill such stuff in later, all will be well. The definition of a satisfactory FAPAzine on page 32 should end difficulties; you'll find comparatively few that don't fill this bill. SaM's article swell. Most of his favorites stand out in my memory, though I'd probably have picked almost completely different a set had I done the same thing. The Hodgson dope will come in handy if I ever get to read any of his material. And consecutive numbering of the pages helps considerably. Bookmark: I told Larry I couldn't use it, because of the need to preserve my mailings intact. He thoughtfully sent along another, but that one turned out to be a second edition that varies from the first, and I'm still stuck. Walt's Wramblings: Wish I knew where the quotes from Starrett and Collins ended. Though they don't precisely concern rebellion, here's a good chance to plug once more Benet's "King of the Cats", and the best thing Tales of Wonder
Hevelin Fanzines