Horizons, v. 6, issue 2, whole no. 21, December 1944
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er published, Bill Temple's "Smile of the Sphinx". Fan-Dang: I'm probably a bit dumb about the wholw thing - but may I ask why a group of fans in this or that city shouold form a club at all, if their beliefs about fan organizations are such as expressed in that Arisian charter? But what is all this in the Outsiders' constitution about Project M? Ah, yes, Fran, stencils do debilitate the typer, thought the rubber gradually recuperates if not used for stencilling for a few months. Macbeth was cri ti cally ill during 1942, but has been convalescing gradually ever since, having to contend with only about 60 stencils annualy at the present time. I think I'll try ti trash out my labor ideas via correspondof fairly good reasons which themselves had better go unstated. The remarks on three separate issues of Econcentric's Orbit puzzle me no end. Caliban: Larry brings up something important when he asks for a definition of a "total fan". I isist that the ting has never existed. Ackerman may have closest to it but even he has had other hobbies - collecting stamps and movie stars photos to name two that I know of. No one could have been much more active that I was between 1939 and 1941: I read an average of two prozines a week, all the fans, averaged writting one letter a day issue Spaceways and Horizons eight and four times a year, respectively, and wrote voluminously for the fanzines, besides even attempting prozine writting. Yet I figured it all up in an article for Fantascience Digest once, and discovered my time devoted to fan activities averaged only something like 16 hours a week. My objection to assumption of Hemit, Herr Shaw, is that you ain't no such thing. You're always galliv anting all over New York state and beyond to meet fans. I'm the one and original. The Dent Smith quotation hits the spot. Janus: Remembering my own transgressions of the sort, I read all the unreadable stuff. I question whether anyone would notice the fact that someone halfway across a room wasn't breathing. Guteto: Content valuable this time. Is "Novels" a mistranslation of the word in the Poe collection, or is Esperanto incapable of producing a word that means a short story? Certainly there aren't a half-dozen Poe stories that even fall into the novella lenght. Fan-Tods: Just noses out the Searles efforts as tops of the mailing. As at least twenty otherswill probably mention this mailing, no know kinship exists between the Searleses. Would smaller keyboards be necessary for very young typists? There doensn't seem to be a six-year-old in the house just now, so I can't make experiments, but find via ruler that four keys on my underwood occupy one-eight of an inch less span than four white keys on my piano; yet from six to eight of an years is pretty generally agreed to be a satisfactory age to teach a child that instrument. Of course, you have to reach in two directions on a typewriter, which might make some difference. Is there any any reason
er published, Bill Temple's "Smile of the Sphinx". Fan-Dang: I'm probably a bit dumb about the wholw thing - but may I ask why a group of fans in this or that city shouold form a club at all, if their beliefs about fan organizations are such as expressed in that Arisian charter? But what is all this in the Outsiders' constitution about Project M? Ah, yes, Fran, stencils do debilitate the typer, thought the rubber gradually recuperates if not used for stencilling for a few months. Macbeth was cri ti cally ill during 1942, but has been convalescing gradually ever since, having to contend with only about 60 stencils annualy at the present time. I think I'll try ti trash out my labor ideas via correspondof fairly good reasons which themselves had better go unstated. The remarks on three separate issues of Econcentric's Orbit puzzle me no end. Caliban: Larry brings up something important when he asks for a definition of a "total fan". I isist that the ting has never existed. Ackerman may have closest to it but even he has had other hobbies - collecting stamps and movie stars photos to name two that I know of. No one could have been much more active that I was between 1939 and 1941: I read an average of two prozines a week, all the fans, averaged writting one letter a day issue Spaceways and Horizons eight and four times a year, respectively, and wrote voluminously for the fanzines, besides even attempting prozine writting. Yet I figured it all up in an article for Fantascience Digest once, and discovered my time devoted to fan activities averaged only something like 16 hours a week. My objection to assumption of Hemit, Herr Shaw, is that you ain't no such thing. You're always galliv anting all over New York state and beyond to meet fans. I'm the one and original. The Dent Smith quotation hits the spot. Janus: Remembering my own transgressions of the sort, I read all the unreadable stuff. I question whether anyone would notice the fact that someone halfway across a room wasn't breathing. Guteto: Content valuable this time. Is "Novels" a mistranslation of the word in the Poe collection, or is Esperanto incapable of producing a word that means a short story? Certainly there aren't a half-dozen Poe stories that even fall into the novella lenght. Fan-Tods: Just noses out the Searles efforts as tops of the mailing. As at least twenty otherswill probably mention this mailing, no know kinship exists between the Searleses. Would smaller keyboards be necessary for very young typists? There doensn't seem to be a six-year-old in the house just now, so I can't make experiments, but find via ruler that four keys on my underwood occupy one-eight of an inch less span than four white keys on my piano; yet from six to eight of an years is pretty generally agreed to be a satisfactory age to teach a child that instrument. Of course, you have to reach in two directions on a typewriter, which might make some difference. Is there any any reason
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