Horizons, v. 6, issue 2, whole no. 21, December 1944
Page 4
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indicates else in this mailing. Main objection to the mailing review is Tripoli's refusal to tell just in what respects he agress and disagrees with this or that thing. Sappho: Willyam comes close to being the most skillful fan with the mimeo of past or present, I'd say; Pluto was more colorful, Scienti-Snaps more faultlessly exact, certain British fanzines contained better stylus techinques, but the Watson much more interesting this issue, aided perhaps by the illustrations in some cases, and the fan stuff was better than the Mudie and Pound reprints. Furthermore, the explanation of Shirley's roomes achieved the seemingly impossible: it was harder to understand than the works themselves! Cover the finest piece of fan art distributed via FAPA so far this year. The Nucleus: Let us hope Trudy does get access to that good mimeographing equipment, and is able to emit at least ten pages a quarter henceforth. As with Fran Laney, I'll take up my complaints about the writing here with Trudy in person; I can't help bewailing that someone else has fallen for the old chestnut about "management" holding back technological advances. It's a wonder that the famous eternally sharp and lasting nickel razor blade wasn't cited.... Cushlamochree: Bad example of washing dirty linen in public. A couple of hundred words in self-defense would have been more effective, although I'm inclined to think Daugherty is basically in the right, and erred only in failing to explain the situation at the ballot, provide space for the voter to insert a pseudonym of his own choice; with
indicates else in this mailing. Main objection to the mailing review is Tripoli's refusal to tell just in what respects he agress and disagrees with this or that thing. Sappho: Willyam comes close to being the most skillful fan with the mimeo of past or present, I'd say; Pluto was more colorful, Scienti-Snaps more faultlessly exact, certain British fanzines contained better stylus techinques, but the Watson much more interesting this issue, aided perhaps by the illustrations in some cases, and the fan stuff was better than the Mudie and Pound reprints. Furthermore, the explanation of Shirley's roomes achieved the seemingly impossible: it was harder to understand than the works themselves! Cover the finest piece of fan art distributed via FAPA so far this year. The Nucleus: Let us hope Trudy does get access to that good mimeographing equipment, and is able to emit at least ten pages a quarter henceforth. As with Fran Laney, I'll take up my complaints about the writing here with Trudy in person; I can't help bewailing that someone else has fallen for the old chestnut about "management" holding back technological advances. It's a wonder that the famous eternally sharp and lasting nickel razor blade wasn't cited.... Cushlamochree: Bad example of washing dirty linen in public. A couple of hundred words in self-defense would have been more effective, although I'm inclined to think Daugherty is basically in the right, and erred only in failing to explain the situation at the ballot, provide space for the voter to insert a pseudonym of his own choice; with
Hevelin Fanzines