Dawn, whole no. 5, August 1949
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EDITORIAL PRICE--10[[cent symbol]] NUMBER 5 As I write this editorial, theCinvention is about a month away bubx by the timeyou receive this issue the convention will be well on i ts way. A couple of us will be there,Russell Watkins and myself, and we'll be stayi ng at the B roadway Hotel so come around and look us up. We'll be glad to see you. This is ou r convention i ssu e and i s late so8ll come out about convention time. The next issue will be dated November and will mark one year of publication. We hope to be around anoth er year and believe we will be if you fans keep subscribing. In th e way of material wewill feature a 1500 word short by R.J. Butler, an article by Rebel and the usual crop of letter. Also the resu lts of a poll that we'll mention a little later. Also in th e next issue will be the second reprint from The Scientifi ctionist, a new series we are starting with this issue. If you like our idea let us know. This material will be work by Laney, Stanley and Kennedy. In future i ssues we may (if lucky) feature materi al by De Camp, Bradbury and Bond. On hand right now is materail by Laney, Rebel and B utler. If you can't read this i ssue i t will be because Russell Watkins and I are typing it and we are not typists as you will see when you begin [[illegible]] reading it. Please forgive us! We'll learn sometime. We want comments on the Wells story in thi s i ssue and also on the pic by Whi te that goes with it. We hope to have akl yarns in DAWN illustrated. Do you like the cover on this issue? We do and are going to h ave anoth er one by Whi te on the Nov. copy. Now for th at poll; In your letters please mention it and giveus your opinion. It will help in presen ting DAWN to know what you fans want i n a fanzine. So don't fail to write. Do you like DAWN's present policy? Do you prefer letters, stories, articles, poems or artwork? Do you like a mixtu re of the above? Do you want book reviews, movie reviews or puzzles? What do yuo want to see printed i n DAWN? Remember this is your fanzi ne so help us put it out by answering. Once upon a time I th ough t English,or British if you prefer, novels were no good, but recently I have been forced to change my mi nd. The books that have caused this are "The Breaking of the Seals" by Ashlon and "Death of a World" . The former is a novel that should be read twi ce to be really enjoyed. This isn't th e book for those that like Planet's type of story becau se the book starts out rather slowly and isn't full of action, blood and th under. The idea isn't very original but the style of writing is wonderful and makes this story a classic. "Death of a World" is a different world end story. It is in diary form an d tells of the last days of earth during World War 3. This is a th riller and shou ld be read at one sitting. Let's make it Washington for the 1950 convention. What say? U ntil DAWN comes up again. approved by co-editors.......... LESTER FRIED RUSSELL WATKINS BILL WENTWORTH DAWN: Aletterzi ne for sci ence-fiction and fantasy fans published at 2050 Madland, Louisville,4, Ky. Ads...$1.00 per page, 50[[cent symbol]] per halfpage. This is official zine for the Lou. Dreamers & ISFTC. YOU H AVE___COPIES LEFT. YOUR SUB H AS EXPIRED___ SAMPLE___
EDITORIAL PRICE--10[[cent symbol]] NUMBER 5 As I write this editorial, theCinvention is about a month away bubx by the timeyou receive this issue the convention will be well on i ts way. A couple of us will be there,Russell Watkins and myself, and we'll be stayi ng at the B roadway Hotel so come around and look us up. We'll be glad to see you. This is ou r convention i ssu e and i s late so8ll come out about convention time. The next issue will be dated November and will mark one year of publication. We hope to be around anoth er year and believe we will be if you fans keep subscribing. In th e way of material wewill feature a 1500 word short by R.J. Butler, an article by Rebel and the usual crop of letter. Also the resu lts of a poll that we'll mention a little later. Also in th e next issue will be the second reprint from The Scientifi ctionist, a new series we are starting with this issue. If you like our idea let us know. This material will be work by Laney, Stanley and Kennedy. In future i ssues we may (if lucky) feature materi al by De Camp, Bradbury and Bond. On hand right now is materail by Laney, Rebel and B utler. If you can't read this i ssue i t will be because Russell Watkins and I are typing it and we are not typists as you will see when you begin [[illegible]] reading it. Please forgive us! We'll learn sometime. We want comments on the Wells story in thi s i ssue and also on the pic by Whi te that goes with it. We hope to have akl yarns in DAWN illustrated. Do you like the cover on this issue? We do and are going to h ave anoth er one by Whi te on the Nov. copy. Now for th at poll; In your letters please mention it and giveus your opinion. It will help in presen ting DAWN to know what you fans want i n a fanzine. So don't fail to write. Do you like DAWN's present policy? Do you prefer letters, stories, articles, poems or artwork? Do you like a mixtu re of the above? Do you want book reviews, movie reviews or puzzles? What do yuo want to see printed i n DAWN? Remember this is your fanzi ne so help us put it out by answering. Once upon a time I th ough t English,or British if you prefer, novels were no good, but recently I have been forced to change my mi nd. The books that have caused this are "The Breaking of the Seals" by Ashlon and "Death of a World" . The former is a novel that should be read twi ce to be really enjoyed. This isn't th e book for those that like Planet's type of story becau se the book starts out rather slowly and isn't full of action, blood and th under. The idea isn't very original but the style of writing is wonderful and makes this story a classic. "Death of a World" is a different world end story. It is in diary form an d tells of the last days of earth during World War 3. This is a th riller and shou ld be read at one sitting. Let's make it Washington for the 1950 convention. What say? U ntil DAWN comes up again. approved by co-editors.......... LESTER FRIED RUSSELL WATKINS BILL WENTWORTH DAWN: Aletterzi ne for sci ence-fiction and fantasy fans published at 2050 Madland, Louisville,4, Ky. Ads...$1.00 per page, 50[[cent symbol]] per halfpage. This is official zine for the Lou. Dreamers & ISFTC. YOU H AVE___COPIES LEFT. YOUR SUB H AS EXPIRED___ SAMPLE___
Hevelin Fanzines