Science Fiction Fan, v. 1, no. 4, October 1936
Page 5
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THE SCIENCE FICTION FAN 5 on the screen. In most of the receivers the cathode ray tube stands upright and when a program is being televised the actual screen used is a mirror fixed at an angle in the "lid" of the set at about 45 degrees to the top of the cathode, so that an observer gets the impression that he is looking at a screen and not the top of the ray tube. That sounds as clear as mud. A series of four two-hour programs are in force in England at the moment, but, by the end of the year full time televising will be in force. it has already been agreed to have the television cameras along the route of the Coronation next year, and at other places of the ceremony, and probably radio dealers and departmental stores will have teleradio sets in operation at the time for the benefit of the public. REMINISCENCES By WILLIS CONOVER, JR. When one didn't find Ackerman's name everywhere... When Quarterlies were isued... Hornig's "New Policy"...When Wells or Verne was in every issue of Amazing Stories... When Astounding had Airdale edges...The Skylarks.... When Lovecraft was pulling down as much assorted praise and condemnation for his "Colour out of Space" in Amazing as for his recent work in Astounding... When Science instead of Thrilling preceded the name Wonder Stories...The blue Clayton banner.... When there was but one fan magazine - now there are over a score of them...Strange Tales...When Burroughs was quite the thing...The artist Muller...When science-fiction fans scorned Weird Tales - and vice versa...When Linus Hogenmiller was the Ackerman of today...When Mr. Tremaine was simply "The Editor"...The Fantasy Fan...When it was called Scientifiction...When Gernsback and Paul were in science-fiction...Large-size magazines...The Van Kampen-Kaletsky argument...Tucker's "death", and the silence which ensued...When certain fans made things hot for a certain magazine and were therefore expelled from a certain organization...Laurence Manning...The Campbell-Smith controversy...Air Wonder Stories...When Jack Williamson, author, was John S. Williamson, fan...The Scienceers...The silly staple war...When U.S. readers enjoyed Amazing - instead of Britishers...The big-money contests...Uncle Hugo's editorials on "The Wonders on Something-or-other"...When Wesso was on the cover...The Depression of /33...When Earl and Otto Binder were known as Eando...Fantasy's "Cosmos"...When Wonder was a "slick"...The time-travel debates...The one Amazing Annual...When Mort Weisinger was slim...The immortal Weinbaum... Remember? HINTS ON COLLECTING SCIENCE FICTION By ROBERT A. MADLE Upon being converted to science fiction, a person naturally resorts to the newsstand as his revenue for this type of literature. The person involved continues to patronize the magazine store, but in the meantime discovers other methods of securing science fiction.
THE SCIENCE FICTION FAN 5 on the screen. In most of the receivers the cathode ray tube stands upright and when a program is being televised the actual screen used is a mirror fixed at an angle in the "lid" of the set at about 45 degrees to the top of the cathode, so that an observer gets the impression that he is looking at a screen and not the top of the ray tube. That sounds as clear as mud. A series of four two-hour programs are in force in England at the moment, but, by the end of the year full time televising will be in force. it has already been agreed to have the television cameras along the route of the Coronation next year, and at other places of the ceremony, and probably radio dealers and departmental stores will have teleradio sets in operation at the time for the benefit of the public. REMINISCENCES By WILLIS CONOVER, JR. When one didn't find Ackerman's name everywhere... When Quarterlies were isued... Hornig's "New Policy"...When Wells or Verne was in every issue of Amazing Stories... When Astounding had Airdale edges...The Skylarks.... When Lovecraft was pulling down as much assorted praise and condemnation for his "Colour out of Space" in Amazing as for his recent work in Astounding... When Science instead of Thrilling preceded the name Wonder Stories...The blue Clayton banner.... When there was but one fan magazine - now there are over a score of them...Strange Tales...When Burroughs was quite the thing...The artist Muller...When science-fiction fans scorned Weird Tales - and vice versa...When Linus Hogenmiller was the Ackerman of today...When Mr. Tremaine was simply "The Editor"...The Fantasy Fan...When it was called Scientifiction...When Gernsback and Paul were in science-fiction...Large-size magazines...The Van Kampen-Kaletsky argument...Tucker's "death", and the silence which ensued...When certain fans made things hot for a certain magazine and were therefore expelled from a certain organization...Laurence Manning...The Campbell-Smith controversy...Air Wonder Stories...When Jack Williamson, author, was John S. Williamson, fan...The Scienceers...The silly staple war...When U.S. readers enjoyed Amazing - instead of Britishers...The big-money contests...Uncle Hugo's editorials on "The Wonders on Something-or-other"...When Wesso was on the cover...The Depression of /33...When Earl and Otto Binder were known as Eando...Fantasy's "Cosmos"...When Wonder was a "slick"...The time-travel debates...The one Amazing Annual...When Mort Weisinger was slim...The immortal Weinbaum... Remember? HINTS ON COLLECTING SCIENCE FICTION By ROBERT A. MADLE Upon being converted to science fiction, a person naturally resorts to the newsstand as his revenue for this type of literature. The person involved continues to patronize the magazine store, but in the meantime discovers other methods of securing science fiction.
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