Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 21, February 1942
Page 4
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MID FEB 42 Boy! Am I getting [illegible] MILTY HELPED MAKE THAT BULLET OPENING WITH A BANG! (Boy, is that popt corn!) [Kulty?] ROTHMAN, Advisory Board Head the Natl Fnsy Fans Fedn, 1730 P NW, Wn/DC "I am insane. I have a pile of mail on my desk big enougth to choke a Martian Xltrmfsk. I have a dozens of NFFF trial exams to tabulate (about 20 minutes for each one). I have calculus to study, I have all sorts of things to do. So I write a letter to VoM. Well, a letter to reply. I refuse to start by saying Now that we are plunged into the World Conflict blah blah blah. So we're in the war. So I don't want to make a speech about how awful it all is and how we must have fortitude and keep our fan unity together. Thins would be a lot better if people talked less. First, the cover: it stinks. I don't get this nude business at all. I don't object to nudes, per se. In fact, I love nudes. But the ones you have been publishing are scene bulge of stomach of the one on the left. If you want real nudes, have [Baltadonis?] draw you some. ([Balty?] was invited some mos. ago but didnt respond.) He hasn't been going to art school for nothing. (We rather shoud spose not! [Tuitions?] doesn't sound like you two moralists at all. The section of foreign letters is audubonist who turnd his eyes to the greener fileds of far Amerifandom, seeking the Blue Bird of Happiness.) There's not much use saying anything about it, because by now he has probably come out of it, and fells just a little silly about having written such a letter while in it. It may comfort him to know that he is not alone. Everybody talks about the necessity of writing serious letter to VoM. Well, that's a good sign. Perhabs after enought of that we shall actually have some important essays submitted. I might even write one myself. Trouble is, then I won't have anything to put into Milty's Mag. (Rothman's own pub, distributed in FAPA.) (If such a state of affairs can be remotely visualized.) (Ooh. I split an infinitive.) The future of Milty's Mag is somewhat varge. Milty tells why he may move back to Philly, where his adres woud [re-be?] 2113 N Franklin St--but confirmation to hektoing [M's?) M in future; has learnd some trix about the jelly roll that shoud result in a good job & bets if they work out halfandom'll return to the premimeo method. 4 fans he's noticed working for the War Dept (as civvys not Sojarrs) are Speer, Adj Gen's Off, Wn/DC; Paul Klingbiel, Signal Corps, Chi; DB Thompson, Engnrs (he thinks) in La; & now Milty in the [Ordnance?] Dept, Philly. "Not to mention Zombie Singleton, who has been located by scout Speer in the Navy Yeard, Washington, D.C. (But we don't talk about him anymore, do we?) We-uns is all out for war production aren't we. Thumbs up, keep 'em flying. Remember Pear Harbor, Buy Defencse Bonds, Gospody Polmilu, and other such stuff. love" [D.Thimpson?] "the Android of Alexandria", rites from La. 1903 Polk: "VOM seems to be a very good barometer of fandom; not directly, but in a curious, roundabount fashion. For a while, one gneral type of fan will dominate its pages until their natural enemies can stand it no longer; then, with a roar, these latter rush into the fray. Ultra-silly pitter-patter dominated the mag for a while, almost to the exclusion of all else. A few fans wrote bitter letters of condemnation. They thought that VOM would be better dead, or so they said; but they followed these letters with others, some bitter, some otherwise, but all expressing their authors' views on more-or-less serious matters, or matters of interest. Silly pitter-patter is rare in the January issue. Widner, top humorist of them all (or, at any rate, close to the top) writes a serious letter that is interesting. Like Tucker, another serious funnyman, he is sure that Fandom and the Pros have little or nothing in common. My own opinion is that Fandom would die of old age, relatively soon, without the Pros as a source from which to draw new recruits. The Pros don't need the [actifans?] half as badly as the fans need the Pros. Granting that present Fandom could well be self-sustaining for a while, the group is still far too small in numbers, and spread over too large a space, to ever accomplish anything, even for itself; anything at all lasting, I mean. Nearly half the actifans are even opposed to any efforts along that line; and, as individualists, in which class most fans belong, they have much on their side. I don't agree with theses Anarchists; but then, I don't like alcohol, either, and their seems to be some connection. I'm not at all sure of that, either, since the whoopers-up seem to be about equally divided, themselves, on the matter of organization. Which reminds me, that I wish to say that Yerke's account of the extra-curricular activities at the Denvention, in which, for numerous reasons, I had no part, is the most hilarious thing I've read in a long time. It is positively a work of art. Also, it is entertaining. I mean to say. I enjoyed reading it. The battle of the nudes in amusing, but is getting a little old. Harry Warner express my opinion, pretty well. I recall that damon knight, some 8 or 10
MID FEB 42 Boy! Am I getting [illegible] MILTY HELPED MAKE THAT BULLET OPENING WITH A BANG! (Boy, is that popt corn!) [Kulty?] ROTHMAN, Advisory Board Head the Natl Fnsy Fans Fedn, 1730 P NW, Wn/DC "I am insane. I have a pile of mail on my desk big enougth to choke a Martian Xltrmfsk. I have a dozens of NFFF trial exams to tabulate (about 20 minutes for each one). I have calculus to study, I have all sorts of things to do. So I write a letter to VoM. Well, a letter to reply. I refuse to start by saying Now that we are plunged into the World Conflict blah blah blah. So we're in the war. So I don't want to make a speech about how awful it all is and how we must have fortitude and keep our fan unity together. Thins would be a lot better if people talked less. First, the cover: it stinks. I don't get this nude business at all. I don't object to nudes, per se. In fact, I love nudes. But the ones you have been publishing are scene bulge of stomach of the one on the left. If you want real nudes, have [Baltadonis?] draw you some. ([Balty?] was invited some mos. ago but didnt respond.) He hasn't been going to art school for nothing. (We rather shoud spose not! [Tuitions?] doesn't sound like you two moralists at all. The section of foreign letters is audubonist who turnd his eyes to the greener fileds of far Amerifandom, seeking the Blue Bird of Happiness.) There's not much use saying anything about it, because by now he has probably come out of it, and fells just a little silly about having written such a letter while in it. It may comfort him to know that he is not alone. Everybody talks about the necessity of writing serious letter to VoM. Well, that's a good sign. Perhabs after enought of that we shall actually have some important essays submitted. I might even write one myself. Trouble is, then I won't have anything to put into Milty's Mag. (Rothman's own pub, distributed in FAPA.) (If such a state of affairs can be remotely visualized.) (Ooh. I split an infinitive.) The future of Milty's Mag is somewhat varge. Milty tells why he may move back to Philly, where his adres woud [re-be?] 2113 N Franklin St--but confirmation to hektoing [M's?) M in future; has learnd some trix about the jelly roll that shoud result in a good job & bets if they work out halfandom'll return to the premimeo method. 4 fans he's noticed working for the War Dept (as civvys not Sojarrs) are Speer, Adj Gen's Off, Wn/DC; Paul Klingbiel, Signal Corps, Chi; DB Thompson, Engnrs (he thinks) in La; & now Milty in the [Ordnance?] Dept, Philly. "Not to mention Zombie Singleton, who has been located by scout Speer in the Navy Yeard, Washington, D.C. (But we don't talk about him anymore, do we?) We-uns is all out for war production aren't we. Thumbs up, keep 'em flying. Remember Pear Harbor, Buy Defencse Bonds, Gospody Polmilu, and other such stuff. love" [D.Thimpson?] "the Android of Alexandria", rites from La. 1903 Polk: "VOM seems to be a very good barometer of fandom; not directly, but in a curious, roundabount fashion. For a while, one gneral type of fan will dominate its pages until their natural enemies can stand it no longer; then, with a roar, these latter rush into the fray. Ultra-silly pitter-patter dominated the mag for a while, almost to the exclusion of all else. A few fans wrote bitter letters of condemnation. They thought that VOM would be better dead, or so they said; but they followed these letters with others, some bitter, some otherwise, but all expressing their authors' views on more-or-less serious matters, or matters of interest. Silly pitter-patter is rare in the January issue. Widner, top humorist of them all (or, at any rate, close to the top) writes a serious letter that is interesting. Like Tucker, another serious funnyman, he is sure that Fandom and the Pros have little or nothing in common. My own opinion is that Fandom would die of old age, relatively soon, without the Pros as a source from which to draw new recruits. The Pros don't need the [actifans?] half as badly as the fans need the Pros. Granting that present Fandom could well be self-sustaining for a while, the group is still far too small in numbers, and spread over too large a space, to ever accomplish anything, even for itself; anything at all lasting, I mean. Nearly half the actifans are even opposed to any efforts along that line; and, as individualists, in which class most fans belong, they have much on their side. I don't agree with theses Anarchists; but then, I don't like alcohol, either, and their seems to be some connection. I'm not at all sure of that, either, since the whoopers-up seem to be about equally divided, themselves, on the matter of organization. Which reminds me, that I wish to say that Yerke's account of the extra-curricular activities at the Denvention, in which, for numerous reasons, I had no part, is the most hilarious thing I've read in a long time. It is positively a work of art. Also, it is entertaining. I mean to say. I enjoyed reading it. The battle of the nudes in amusing, but is getting a little old. Harry Warner express my opinion, pretty well. I recall that damon knight, some 8 or 10
Hevelin Fanzines