Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 23, June 1942
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R_I_G_O_R_O_U_S M_O_R_T_I_F_I_C_A_T_I_O_N. Vom is beginning to fall apart & it mainly is ma faute, j'ai peur. 4e speaking. Dyktawo has a lot to do with it but evrything can't be blamed on Warmageddon & in one particular case I imagine I'm to blame thru sheer negligence. The promist picture of John Cunningham does not appear on our cover. This, despite the fact that he sent one to me & another to Morojo. With a cunning capacity of myn I succeeded in misplacing both & no amount of searching could uncover either, ryt up to the deadline. It was to have been perfect: the foto of Rosenblum--#1 Anglofan, & Cunningham--the British Boys' most altruistic benefactor. To make matters worse, John contributed $1 tord offsetting the expense of the offset-process. One heaping helping of humble pie, please, for Acky; I'll eat it with hands tied behind back. So really terribly sorry, John; and apologys to U readers who lookt forward to his foto. ' ' In petitioning pix from various mems of the fanation we suggested a contribution anywhere from a dime to a dollar would be welcome. But we wanted fotos first & financial assistance secondarily & no discrimination against a snap unaccompanyd by cash nor was it a matter of buying one's way. Dankon for the dimes from most of U; & especial appreciation to Tackett & Connor, whose contributions were almost above & beyond the call of duty. ' ' It was suggested on sevral scores the foto setup could be improved by identifications on cover. This recommendation we have acted upon. Also, I'll try to go into a bit more detail about each individual. First we have...[[underline]]H C KOENIG[[end underline]]: Koening is Acky Baiter #1. He regards me as a lil boy who never'll grow up, playing with his toy ray gun in Paulian pantaloons: God's gift to goons. Other outstanding characteristic of K. is his antihissing campain. He carrys this on thru the medium of his Fapub, [[underline]]Reader & Collector[[end underline]], an expertly varitypt periodical wherein he quarterly quotes the latest hisstrionic statements found in the pro's. K's objetion is not to legitimate hissing but rather to the unhissable, unpermissible "[[underline]]Blackguard[[end underline]]!" [[underline]]she hissed[[end underline]] type of thing. Hiss Critic Koenig put evil ideas in my head when he rote "If I find you putting horns and a beard on it; so helpme--I'll chase you into the middle of the Pacific Ocean." Til then I had no intention of sabotage. Adres me now C/O D. Jones. ' ' [[underline]]MOFFATT[[end underline]] has made a name for himself as the Christian Scientifictionist. Also is Dir. the Western Penna. Science Fictioneers; conceived & circulates the hand-made chainzine, [[underline]]Funtasy[[end underline]]. ' ' [[underline]]TRUDY KUSLAN[[end underline]]: Ah, yes, I forgot Truday for the moment when designating Koening as AB #1. TK myt have something (caustic) to say about HK's claim to that name. T. contentds fans are nuts & nudes rnt nice & obviously am both. Holds a 2 out of 3 attendance record at World Cons. One the few actifannes. That I should be disliked by such an attractifanne; ah, the Pity of It All! ' ' [[underline]]SHAW[[end underline]] of ElectriCity Pubs put out the fine nickel mag [[underline]]Leprechaun[[end underline]]. Don't noe much to tell about Larry as he has yet to rite a name for himself. But we think he will. ' ' [[underline]]DOLLENS[[end underline]] originated the [[underline]]SFCollector[[end underline]], one the pretty early fmz. Retired from fandom for a period while he studyd fotografy, art, recording & allied subjects, now is returniing with plans for a Stf Institute in Shangri-LA a& creation of the ne-ultra-plus in fmz, to be called COLOSSUS. ' ' [[underline]]WALDEYER[[end underline]] is Frisco's sole stf author; also a fhandriting analyst. ' ' [[underline]]GILBERT & JENKINS[[end underline]], that indefatigable Dixie duo.l They publish more fmz than a slan coud shake a tendril at, including [[underline]]Southern Star, Fanart, Unfamous Fantastic Mysteries, Fantasy Editor & Publisher, Stf Hash, Jinx[[end underline]]]...currently are publishing [[underline]]FFF[[end underline]] for Unger, & producing the NFFF's first [[underline]]Fannual[[end underline]]. Both have made fiction sales to pro's. Harry is an artist. Joe fanalizes chirografy. I undoutlessly am disremembering other outstanding characteristix & achievements in this hurryd thumnail fangrafy. ' ' [[underline]]Foto Finn-ish[[end underline]]: [[underline]]PEGGY & HELEN FINN. PEG[[END UNDERLINE]]gy is the unidentifyd dawter of the late Directrix-LASFS, the lil nametag somehow having fallen off her pic unnoticed somewhere along the line. This foto was taken by Bill Crawford, who takes a better picture than he takes pictures. Peggy is far prettier than this snap suggests, much more mature than her 17 yrs. She usually was to be seen reading Ast at mtg nites when she regularly attended the Club bfor leaving for DC. Artisticly inclined & also determined to make a literary name for herself greater than her newly-acquired borhter-in-law's. Mother [[underline]]Helen[[end underline]]--whom we more often were inclined to think of as a 3d sister--until recently ruled the LASFS, not by Amazonian qualitys but popularity. Has put out the first ish her own pub [[underline]]Stench[[end underline]]. Ownd Joquel's collection of 600 pro's, numerous fmz, originals, etc, for a mtter of wks, bfor hastily having to acution all to fellow fangelenos. ' ' [[underline]]Canadian Fan #1[[end underline]], [[underline]]CROUTCH[[end underline]]. Gets bick kick trading stf. Started a lil mart-sheet circulated among a few friends; after over 100 issues having evolved to a monthly mimoed mag name of [[underline]]Light[[end underline]]. ' ' "[[underline]]ECCO[[end underline]]"--ECConner, new-comer climbing fast. Has joined FAPA, edited first ish of [[underline]]Science Fiction Echo[[end underline]] for same. Financially supports worthy causes freely (say we, koff-koffing at the thot of his generous donations to us.) ' ' [[underline]]BOB TUCKER[[end underline]]: [[underline]]The #2 Face[[end underline]]. To explain who Pong is would be doing rong to anyone who has read one fanmag. Downryt insulting. Selah[[?]]. [[underline]]OLIVER SAARI[[end underline]] (6) fan of long-standing. Name familiarized thru letters in the pro's in earlier days. Latterly has been seen on several occasions as an author; "The Door", in AS-F, frinstance. Mem MFS. ' ' [[underline]]LOU GOLDSTONE[[end underline]] (5) His 3 [[underline]]Fantasia[[end underline]]s are his claim to fame. A technical triumf of a fm, with first-rate material. Lou also is said to be making a serious study of the Left Hand Path. ' ' "Phour": "EPHLESS[[?]]" [[underline]]ELMER PERDUE[[end underline]], so-called bcuz of a period during which the "f" key on his typryter was out of commish, a substition of "ph" being made in all articles & letters. Active in official capacitys during growth of the FAPA. Traveld extensively around the fanation--NY, Philly, Chi, Wn, LA. Boogie-woogies sumthin trifik. That thing curving around on his cheek is a tendril. ' ' "1 PLUS 1" equals [[underline]]PHIL BRONSON & FRAN BLOMSTRAND[[end underline]], the coeds of the #2 fanmag, [[underline]]Fantasite[[end underline]]. Phil is one of the Top 10 fans, an xlnt artist & an ever-active exec. in the Mpls Fantasy Socy. Fran, as can bee seen, woud make a welcome addition to any weary editor's lap. ' ' [[underline]]KID CONNERLEY[[end underline]] grew up to be a fewllow with quite a few fine ideas. U'll find some exprest this issue on pages 9 & 10. ' ' [[underline]]DALE ROSTOMILY[[end underline]], mem MFS. An unknown fan, made famous at one fell swoop by being featured on Vom's cover. This foto is posed to be for horror fans, the equivalent of our Frankenstein pic on the preceding fotograficover. (No offense, Dale; 's'all in fun.) ' ' "[[underline]]RAYM[[end underline]]" (of the Star-Flecked Cosmos) - publisher [[underline]]Scientifun[[end underline]]; poet. Full name, Raymond Washington Jr. ' ' [[underline]]MILLARD[[end underline]]: Chief Pilot the
R_I_G_O_R_O_U_S M_O_R_T_I_F_I_C_A_T_I_O_N. Vom is beginning to fall apart & it mainly is ma faute, j'ai peur. 4e speaking. Dyktawo has a lot to do with it but evrything can't be blamed on Warmageddon & in one particular case I imagine I'm to blame thru sheer negligence. The promist picture of John Cunningham does not appear on our cover. This, despite the fact that he sent one to me & another to Morojo. With a cunning capacity of myn I succeeded in misplacing both & no amount of searching could uncover either, ryt up to the deadline. It was to have been perfect: the foto of Rosenblum--#1 Anglofan, & Cunningham--the British Boys' most altruistic benefactor. To make matters worse, John contributed $1 tord offsetting the expense of the offset-process. One heaping helping of humble pie, please, for Acky; I'll eat it with hands tied behind back. So really terribly sorry, John; and apologys to U readers who lookt forward to his foto. ' ' In petitioning pix from various mems of the fanation we suggested a contribution anywhere from a dime to a dollar would be welcome. But we wanted fotos first & financial assistance secondarily & no discrimination against a snap unaccompanyd by cash nor was it a matter of buying one's way. Dankon for the dimes from most of U; & especial appreciation to Tackett & Connor, whose contributions were almost above & beyond the call of duty. ' ' It was suggested on sevral scores the foto setup could be improved by identifications on cover. This recommendation we have acted upon. Also, I'll try to go into a bit more detail about each individual. First we have...[[underline]]H C KOENIG[[end underline]]: Koening is Acky Baiter #1. He regards me as a lil boy who never'll grow up, playing with his toy ray gun in Paulian pantaloons: God's gift to goons. Other outstanding characteristic of K. is his antihissing campain. He carrys this on thru the medium of his Fapub, [[underline]]Reader & Collector[[end underline]], an expertly varitypt periodical wherein he quarterly quotes the latest hisstrionic statements found in the pro's. K's objetion is not to legitimate hissing but rather to the unhissable, unpermissible "[[underline]]Blackguard[[end underline]]!" [[underline]]she hissed[[end underline]] type of thing. Hiss Critic Koenig put evil ideas in my head when he rote "If I find you putting horns and a beard on it; so helpme--I'll chase you into the middle of the Pacific Ocean." Til then I had no intention of sabotage. Adres me now C/O D. Jones. ' ' [[underline]]MOFFATT[[end underline]] has made a name for himself as the Christian Scientifictionist. Also is Dir. the Western Penna. Science Fictioneers; conceived & circulates the hand-made chainzine, [[underline]]Funtasy[[end underline]]. ' ' [[underline]]TRUDY KUSLAN[[end underline]]: Ah, yes, I forgot Truday for the moment when designating Koening as AB #1. TK myt have something (caustic) to say about HK's claim to that name. T. contentds fans are nuts & nudes rnt nice & obviously am both. Holds a 2 out of 3 attendance record at World Cons. One the few actifannes. That I should be disliked by such an attractifanne; ah, the Pity of It All! ' ' [[underline]]SHAW[[end underline]] of ElectriCity Pubs put out the fine nickel mag [[underline]]Leprechaun[[end underline]]. Don't noe much to tell about Larry as he has yet to rite a name for himself. But we think he will. ' ' [[underline]]DOLLENS[[end underline]] originated the [[underline]]SFCollector[[end underline]], one the pretty early fmz. Retired from fandom for a period while he studyd fotografy, art, recording & allied subjects, now is returniing with plans for a Stf Institute in Shangri-LA a& creation of the ne-ultra-plus in fmz, to be called COLOSSUS. ' ' [[underline]]WALDEYER[[end underline]] is Frisco's sole stf author; also a fhandriting analyst. ' ' [[underline]]GILBERT & JENKINS[[end underline]], that indefatigable Dixie duo.l They publish more fmz than a slan coud shake a tendril at, including [[underline]]Southern Star, Fanart, Unfamous Fantastic Mysteries, Fantasy Editor & Publisher, Stf Hash, Jinx[[end underline]]]...currently are publishing [[underline]]FFF[[end underline]] for Unger, & producing the NFFF's first [[underline]]Fannual[[end underline]]. Both have made fiction sales to pro's. Harry is an artist. Joe fanalizes chirografy. I undoutlessly am disremembering other outstanding characteristix & achievements in this hurryd thumnail fangrafy. ' ' [[underline]]Foto Finn-ish[[end underline]]: [[underline]]PEGGY & HELEN FINN. PEG[[END UNDERLINE]]gy is the unidentifyd dawter of the late Directrix-LASFS, the lil nametag somehow having fallen off her pic unnoticed somewhere along the line. This foto was taken by Bill Crawford, who takes a better picture than he takes pictures. Peggy is far prettier than this snap suggests, much more mature than her 17 yrs. She usually was to be seen reading Ast at mtg nites when she regularly attended the Club bfor leaving for DC. Artisticly inclined & also determined to make a literary name for herself greater than her newly-acquired borhter-in-law's. Mother [[underline]]Helen[[end underline]]--whom we more often were inclined to think of as a 3d sister--until recently ruled the LASFS, not by Amazonian qualitys but popularity. Has put out the first ish her own pub [[underline]]Stench[[end underline]]. Ownd Joquel's collection of 600 pro's, numerous fmz, originals, etc, for a mtter of wks, bfor hastily having to acution all to fellow fangelenos. ' ' [[underline]]Canadian Fan #1[[end underline]], [[underline]]CROUTCH[[end underline]]. Gets bick kick trading stf. Started a lil mart-sheet circulated among a few friends; after over 100 issues having evolved to a monthly mimoed mag name of [[underline]]Light[[end underline]]. ' ' "[[underline]]ECCO[[end underline]]"--ECConner, new-comer climbing fast. Has joined FAPA, edited first ish of [[underline]]Science Fiction Echo[[end underline]] for same. Financially supports worthy causes freely (say we, koff-koffing at the thot of his generous donations to us.) ' ' [[underline]]BOB TUCKER[[end underline]]: [[underline]]The #2 Face[[end underline]]. To explain who Pong is would be doing rong to anyone who has read one fanmag. Downryt insulting. Selah[[?]]. [[underline]]OLIVER SAARI[[end underline]] (6) fan of long-standing. Name familiarized thru letters in the pro's in earlier days. Latterly has been seen on several occasions as an author; "The Door", in AS-F, frinstance. Mem MFS. ' ' [[underline]]LOU GOLDSTONE[[end underline]] (5) His 3 [[underline]]Fantasia[[end underline]]s are his claim to fame. A technical triumf of a fm, with first-rate material. Lou also is said to be making a serious study of the Left Hand Path. ' ' "Phour": "EPHLESS[[?]]" [[underline]]ELMER PERDUE[[end underline]], so-called bcuz of a period during which the "f" key on his typryter was out of commish, a substition of "ph" being made in all articles & letters. Active in official capacitys during growth of the FAPA. Traveld extensively around the fanation--NY, Philly, Chi, Wn, LA. Boogie-woogies sumthin trifik. That thing curving around on his cheek is a tendril. ' ' "1 PLUS 1" equals [[underline]]PHIL BRONSON & FRAN BLOMSTRAND[[end underline]], the coeds of the #2 fanmag, [[underline]]Fantasite[[end underline]]. Phil is one of the Top 10 fans, an xlnt artist & an ever-active exec. in the Mpls Fantasy Socy. Fran, as can bee seen, woud make a welcome addition to any weary editor's lap. ' ' [[underline]]KID CONNERLEY[[end underline]] grew up to be a fewllow with quite a few fine ideas. U'll find some exprest this issue on pages 9 & 10. ' ' [[underline]]DALE ROSTOMILY[[end underline]], mem MFS. An unknown fan, made famous at one fell swoop by being featured on Vom's cover. This foto is posed to be for horror fans, the equivalent of our Frankenstein pic on the preceding fotograficover. (No offense, Dale; 's'all in fun.) ' ' "[[underline]]RAYM[[end underline]]" (of the Star-Flecked Cosmos) - publisher [[underline]]Scientifun[[end underline]]; poet. Full name, Raymond Washington Jr. ' ' [[underline]]MILLARD[[end underline]]: Chief Pilot the
Hevelin Fanzines