Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 25, October 1942
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IMAGI-NATION of the human race. ´´ "ECCO: I fail to entirely agree with you enent the mind. I do no believe the mind can be overworked to the point of madness. Few minds ever really receive a healthy workout. (They just get corpusclebound.) The only result I can see for excess mental toil is a state of temporary mental fatigue. Nothing a little sound sleep won't cure. Aside from disease or inherent weakness, the only thing capable of driving one to madness is an insoluable problem which must be solved. In the face of such the mind often withdraws into itself and refuses to longer admit that such a problem even exists. Even then I doubt that an undiseased, organically sound mind would succumb to the extent of madness. It is possible for the mind to utterly reject a specific insoluable problem without retiring into the realms of madness. The mind has many safty devices. Rationalization is a common one. ´´It strikes me that underwork would be more likely to lead to madness or what amounts to about the same thing. They become so caked with the rust of disuse that they eventually become unable to function in the manner for which they were designed. ´´ BARBARA BOVARD: I'm a robber. I'll be glad to hold you up. ´´ Thanks for the announcements about Tucker. Fandom will doubtless be ( ) happy, ( ) sad ( ) indifferent (check preference) upon receiving this news. I feel impelled to voice my hope that Tucker will soon ( ) change his mind ( ) stop changing his mind ( ) select some likely ocean and return to his native ooze (pay your dime and make your choice). (And it woud surf him ryt!)´´ TACKETT: I top you. ´´ I work 72 hpw. And I don't like it even if the remuneration is pleasant to take. May the voice of the VOICE soon be squeaking again from my mailbox. (Oil X; we'll try to keep on squeaking terms with U; but much hinges on if we can keep up the gait!)" CARNELL, 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London, Eng, rites 28 Jul: now, in fact would have been, as I took it along with us yesterday when we went slumming in the West End yesterday. But . . like a good fan who knows how to pack his reading into spare travelling minutes, I took VOM along, and subsequently got stung by a flock of ideas. ´´ Firstly, the verdant verbiage in coy maiden's bosom is about the best I can remember for years. It looks as though the fellows are really getting serious over their discussions, and there didn't appear to be one letter that contained a lot of superfluous slush. Maybe its because you now edit the letters, pal. ´´ So that slug Webster likes Carnellograms! I nearly swooned when I read it. Privately he insults me and publicly he says I have a 'racy style.' That gallop is derived from the private dope we send each other, I think, and not for any raciness in VOM letters. The dope!" scrawls from 318 Stewart Rd, Muscatine, Ia 11 Aug 42: "De nude shocks me. Every body knows I am very conservative. (Everybody who was anybody, they douted it.) (Ask Raym). However -- speaking of ART -- it is the thing! Is dis here Bell a stfan? (Something tells me Yerke and Tucker, both Thorne Smith addicts - like me - are authorities on nudes). ´´Now: who is this Tigrina? (Quick, water! The editors just fainted!) Every letter in VoM mentions her, but I still do not catch on. (No riders). ´´I hope I am what Moffat and others consider a true fan. ´´What I need is a vacation. I've been working all summer. Hmm -- am I alluva sudden becoming ambitious? Don't tell Raym -- he wouldn't believe it as he thinks I am a failure. Maybe so. All I know is that I've written several articles this summer (which is something, considering the fact that I'm so lazy I don't even type) ((which doesn't seem strange after all, considering my typewriter -- ask Raym, ask Handler.)) ´´So sweet of you to want my photo for the next VoM. I thot I was about the last straw as far as a quasi-fan goes. Some say I am not a fan. But; ´´ I AM A FAN!!´´ I AM A FAN!! (Today, he is a fan.) ´´Len Moffat is truly sincere in his Christian doctrines. If more stfans went to church there would be a change in VoM's letters. ´´ I'm sorry to see Tucker resigning from fandom. I've always thot he was okeh, although I've never met him. (We live so close -- maybe 200 miles). Maybe he'll reconsider. ´´Speaking of resigning, will you please announce in VoM that I want to rëenter fandom. ´´Please -- that bit by me in this issue is unfair. I said more -- about different things -- in a different tone o voice. Did you have to pick out the worst part of my letter?" [name?] 's first letter to Vom crost the Atlantic & Continent in 12 days via air from 5 Kingfisher Ct, E Molesey, Surrey, England: "American fandom seems a lively bunch in comparison with us stick-in-the-muds; I don't agree with your correspondents that we're more mature, unless that means having less sense of humour and general zing. As to your own VoM, I find it cryptic but fascinating. Not so cryptic as ar first, but still tough going. No use expecting me to write the language - I'm a conservative and don't even like &, let alone U or lite. Irrational, but firmly impressed on my medulla oblongata, or wherever these things are. Not even to save paper. As a protest we are thinking of changing the style of our amazine (ugh!) Beyond to The Proceedings of the Paint Research Station Science Fiction Society, with Original Contributions from Members - more in keeping with the traditions of scientific literature, huh? To get back to VoM. Why nudes? I like nudes, but if anyone were to tween fantasy and nudes, I should say No. Same with pepper-pots - so that if it's the merest coincidence that there are nudes in VoM, if i's just that they swarm so thickly in the LA air that you just can't keep them off the paper, then pepper-pots and other things completely unrelated to fantasy ought to swarm through your pages too. ´´To talk of fantasy nudes is lewdicrous - just an excuse for a plain and often potbellied nude with in the background a dim shrunken BEM put in as a Cerberus for saps. Logically you've not a leg to stand on. But I like nudes - carry on with them! ´´ A word with Kuttner on Aleister (sic) Crowley, a much-maligned guy who
IMAGI-NATION of the human race. ´´ "ECCO: I fail to entirely agree with you enent the mind. I do no believe the mind can be overworked to the point of madness. Few minds ever really receive a healthy workout. (They just get corpusclebound.) The only result I can see for excess mental toil is a state of temporary mental fatigue. Nothing a little sound sleep won't cure. Aside from disease or inherent weakness, the only thing capable of driving one to madness is an insoluable problem which must be solved. In the face of such the mind often withdraws into itself and refuses to longer admit that such a problem even exists. Even then I doubt that an undiseased, organically sound mind would succumb to the extent of madness. It is possible for the mind to utterly reject a specific insoluable problem without retiring into the realms of madness. The mind has many safty devices. Rationalization is a common one. ´´It strikes me that underwork would be more likely to lead to madness or what amounts to about the same thing. They become so caked with the rust of disuse that they eventually become unable to function in the manner for which they were designed. ´´ BARBARA BOVARD: I'm a robber. I'll be glad to hold you up. ´´ Thanks for the announcements about Tucker. Fandom will doubtless be ( ) happy, ( ) sad ( ) indifferent (check preference) upon receiving this news. I feel impelled to voice my hope that Tucker will soon ( ) change his mind ( ) stop changing his mind ( ) select some likely ocean and return to his native ooze (pay your dime and make your choice). (And it woud surf him ryt!)´´ TACKETT: I top you. ´´ I work 72 hpw. And I don't like it even if the remuneration is pleasant to take. May the voice of the VOICE soon be squeaking again from my mailbox. (Oil X; we'll try to keep on squeaking terms with U; but much hinges on if we can keep up the gait!)" CARNELL, 17 Burwash Rd, Plumstead SE18, London, Eng, rites 28 Jul: now, in fact would have been, as I took it along with us yesterday when we went slumming in the West End yesterday. But . . like a good fan who knows how to pack his reading into spare travelling minutes, I took VOM along, and subsequently got stung by a flock of ideas. ´´ Firstly, the verdant verbiage in coy maiden's bosom is about the best I can remember for years. It looks as though the fellows are really getting serious over their discussions, and there didn't appear to be one letter that contained a lot of superfluous slush. Maybe its because you now edit the letters, pal. ´´ So that slug Webster likes Carnellograms! I nearly swooned when I read it. Privately he insults me and publicly he says I have a 'racy style.' That gallop is derived from the private dope we send each other, I think, and not for any raciness in VOM letters. The dope!" scrawls from 318 Stewart Rd, Muscatine, Ia 11 Aug 42: "De nude shocks me. Every body knows I am very conservative. (Everybody who was anybody, they douted it.) (Ask Raym). However -- speaking of ART -- it is the thing! Is dis here Bell a stfan? (Something tells me Yerke and Tucker, both Thorne Smith addicts - like me - are authorities on nudes). ´´Now: who is this Tigrina? (Quick, water! The editors just fainted!) Every letter in VoM mentions her, but I still do not catch on. (No riders). ´´I hope I am what Moffat and others consider a true fan. ´´What I need is a vacation. I've been working all summer. Hmm -- am I alluva sudden becoming ambitious? Don't tell Raym -- he wouldn't believe it as he thinks I am a failure. Maybe so. All I know is that I've written several articles this summer (which is something, considering the fact that I'm so lazy I don't even type) ((which doesn't seem strange after all, considering my typewriter -- ask Raym, ask Handler.)) ´´So sweet of you to want my photo for the next VoM. I thot I was about the last straw as far as a quasi-fan goes. Some say I am not a fan. But; ´´ I AM A FAN!!´´ I AM A FAN!! (Today, he is a fan.) ´´Len Moffat is truly sincere in his Christian doctrines. If more stfans went to church there would be a change in VoM's letters. ´´ I'm sorry to see Tucker resigning from fandom. I've always thot he was okeh, although I've never met him. (We live so close -- maybe 200 miles). Maybe he'll reconsider. ´´Speaking of resigning, will you please announce in VoM that I want to rëenter fandom. ´´Please -- that bit by me in this issue is unfair. I said more -- about different things -- in a different tone o voice. Did you have to pick out the worst part of my letter?" [name?] 's first letter to Vom crost the Atlantic & Continent in 12 days via air from 5 Kingfisher Ct, E Molesey, Surrey, England: "American fandom seems a lively bunch in comparison with us stick-in-the-muds; I don't agree with your correspondents that we're more mature, unless that means having less sense of humour and general zing. As to your own VoM, I find it cryptic but fascinating. Not so cryptic as ar first, but still tough going. No use expecting me to write the language - I'm a conservative and don't even like &, let alone U or lite. Irrational, but firmly impressed on my medulla oblongata, or wherever these things are. Not even to save paper. As a protest we are thinking of changing the style of our amazine (ugh!) Beyond to The Proceedings of the Paint Research Station Science Fiction Society, with Original Contributions from Members - more in keeping with the traditions of scientific literature, huh? To get back to VoM. Why nudes? I like nudes, but if anyone were to tween fantasy and nudes, I should say No. Same with pepper-pots - so that if it's the merest coincidence that there are nudes in VoM, if i's just that they swarm so thickly in the LA air that you just can't keep them off the paper, then pepper-pots and other things completely unrelated to fantasy ought to swarm through your pages too. ´´To talk of fantasy nudes is lewdicrous - just an excuse for a plain and often potbellied nude with in the background a dim shrunken BEM put in as a Cerberus for saps. Logically you've not a leg to stand on. But I like nudes - carry on with them! ´´ A word with Kuttner on Aleister (sic) Crowley, a much-maligned guy who
Hevelin Fanzines