Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 30, March 1944
Page 3
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[Illustration: Mermaid] [Handwritten name: "Milty"] Co. A, ASTU 3900, Ore State Col, Corvallis, Ore, opens the ish with a flip of the fish-gal's tail: Ah - Vom's appearance approaches regularity. Cover very excellent, altho the mustache with the face behind it gets in the way of the more interesting things. '' Today was announced the new rocket plane. And the pattern continues to form into familiarity. In the beginning the war had none of the aspects of the future war we were expecting to see. But evolution takes place. Just as in the Campbell-Smith stories, the war starts with ordinary equipment; by the time the end is reached, two-mile space ships and cosmic power are being used. This was started with 37-mm anti-tank guns. Now 155-mm guns are standard. Rocket guns have come in. Radar is our old spy-ray or detector screen. And no the rocket plane. '' I await atomic energy. '' I won't argue with Laney. He seems to have misunderstood my letter. I clearly stated that for years I have been trying to find out was -- and never found out. Naturally, if you choose your scale large enough, all purposes break down into meaninglessness. However, within the frame of human society, the purpose of an activity may be looked for. To search for a purpose for fandom indicates that it is more than a pleasurable activity, and that there is some contribution it can make to society of value that will last beyond the life of the individual. '' As I say, I haven't found this purpose, unless it lies in stimulation to individuals, who themselves go out and add to civilization. For instance, the present discussion of child care is an activity whose purpose is more than pleasure alone, and which may have far-reaching effects. [Handwritten name: "Pvt. Cow. C. Connor"] 3653 SU, Co D. Sec 20, Hitchcock, Univ of Chi, Chicago 37, Ill, comments on #29: New Year issue of Vom received and the magazine certainly has changed in the last few issues. It is for the better, I believe, although there are certain aspects of the art-work which are not too agreeable. For instance, the drawing on page 11 is a risk, inasmuch as the postal authorities certainly don't approve of such a pose as is shown. Myself - I don't mind at all; not at all. '' I certainly think that when you have time for it - a table of contents similar to those presented in the past should be included. '' Was quite interested in J. O. Bailey's letter pertaining to Argus' "Pilgrims Through Space and Time", since the book sounds like it will be something unique. '' I agree with Kepner's letter on page 13. Religion today is a fairly desperate situation; I hope that it will gradually disappear. Few young people who go to church nowadays know what it is all about and go to church merely because their parents did. '' The cover was near. I assume the pictures were from "Metropolis"? No, a montage from "Deluge" - lower half - & upper - "Just Imagine". RUSSELLLL WILSEY of 87-22 252 St, Bellerose, NY, skips back an ish to #28: Once more I turn a befogged eye on the latest works of 4E, the Vomitor. (That was supposed to be a pun, but it just accured to me that Vomitor would make a nice title for Nu. 2) '' And VOM goes nuding on. Hail Allah! Splfrsk! Let us refrain froming killing ourselves, eh. I mean you can overdoe anything. Why don't you try and get Ron Clyne to do a cover for you, or some body else. Possibly Wright could be brought out of his hibernation, but lets leave the lude lumps languish for the while. While lookinup the word lude, which I didn't find, I came across Lucifer.--Meaning ; Venus, as the morning star: Satan. We take it the gentle complers of this dictionary mean the Devil with Satan and not the astral body of the same name. However, I never had been in the knowledge of Lucifer having any connection with Venus. Can any of you slans enlighten me? This dictionar yis very incomplete be-"The Pocket Dictionary". Even for a pocket one, it's very abridged. Has anyone noticed this? '' But let us see, we were discussing BOM, were we not. The cover ((MicheLass)) stank, just stank. No beauty to the face, or figure. The background, possibly trying to achieve a weird effect, failed miserably. But, I could certainly be wrong. '' I shall not take my usual habit of going throu the issue, letter by letter, but start with the most interesting and hop from there on to the lesser titbits. Away, my steed. Hi De Ho, Moskowitz!! '' The various doodads running thru out of the issh are swell, but please don't deluge us with to many of them, thereby cancelling thier appealing origonality. '' The cartoon was swell-ditto. But it was funny. And as long as we're on the page, I glance at the work of one, Roy Garden ((Ray Karden)). Despite the fact that I am prejudice against anybody that writes letters to thrilling wonder, his letter in VOM is excellent. If you will notice, we agree on the subject of nudes. And to his parting shot quote from Time,"Don't get me wrong, I'm in favour of the future". Well, this must have ment as a joke. I honestly can't concieve anyone this narrowminded. '' Zeke Zekly was really nuts (shut Up!). The face reminds me of somebody. The strang combination of wings and tail is interesting. '' Plans for Slans; To bad the rest of the world couldn'y adopt the same clear thoughts as these two ((Widners)). Really, tho, one shudders when you realize what the youngsters of today are breed t be. However, I have a very small thought towards the common man. And as I will probably grow to be a very stuffy old bachalor, I don't have to bother with such thoughts. (That's what they all say.) [Handwritten name: "Ray A. Karden"] CLUSTER ed, of 409 12th St. Cloquet, Minn, gives Vom a scoop during the course of his letter (if we get to print with it first!), The latest VOM has been perused and read with quite a bit of pleasure and sundry emotions, and the driving
[Illustration: Mermaid] [Handwritten name: "Milty"] Co. A, ASTU 3900, Ore State Col, Corvallis, Ore, opens the ish with a flip of the fish-gal's tail: Ah - Vom's appearance approaches regularity. Cover very excellent, altho the mustache with the face behind it gets in the way of the more interesting things. '' Today was announced the new rocket plane. And the pattern continues to form into familiarity. In the beginning the war had none of the aspects of the future war we were expecting to see. But evolution takes place. Just as in the Campbell-Smith stories, the war starts with ordinary equipment; by the time the end is reached, two-mile space ships and cosmic power are being used. This was started with 37-mm anti-tank guns. Now 155-mm guns are standard. Rocket guns have come in. Radar is our old spy-ray or detector screen. And no the rocket plane. '' I await atomic energy. '' I won't argue with Laney. He seems to have misunderstood my letter. I clearly stated that for years I have been trying to find out was -- and never found out. Naturally, if you choose your scale large enough, all purposes break down into meaninglessness. However, within the frame of human society, the purpose of an activity may be looked for. To search for a purpose for fandom indicates that it is more than a pleasurable activity, and that there is some contribution it can make to society of value that will last beyond the life of the individual. '' As I say, I haven't found this purpose, unless it lies in stimulation to individuals, who themselves go out and add to civilization. For instance, the present discussion of child care is an activity whose purpose is more than pleasure alone, and which may have far-reaching effects. [Handwritten name: "Pvt. Cow. C. Connor"] 3653 SU, Co D. Sec 20, Hitchcock, Univ of Chi, Chicago 37, Ill, comments on #29: New Year issue of Vom received and the magazine certainly has changed in the last few issues. It is for the better, I believe, although there are certain aspects of the art-work which are not too agreeable. For instance, the drawing on page 11 is a risk, inasmuch as the postal authorities certainly don't approve of such a pose as is shown. Myself - I don't mind at all; not at all. '' I certainly think that when you have time for it - a table of contents similar to those presented in the past should be included. '' Was quite interested in J. O. Bailey's letter pertaining to Argus' "Pilgrims Through Space and Time", since the book sounds like it will be something unique. '' I agree with Kepner's letter on page 13. Religion today is a fairly desperate situation; I hope that it will gradually disappear. Few young people who go to church nowadays know what it is all about and go to church merely because their parents did. '' The cover was near. I assume the pictures were from "Metropolis"? No, a montage from "Deluge" - lower half - & upper - "Just Imagine". RUSSELLLL WILSEY of 87-22 252 St, Bellerose, NY, skips back an ish to #28: Once more I turn a befogged eye on the latest works of 4E, the Vomitor. (That was supposed to be a pun, but it just accured to me that Vomitor would make a nice title for Nu. 2) '' And VOM goes nuding on. Hail Allah! Splfrsk! Let us refrain froming killing ourselves, eh. I mean you can overdoe anything. Why don't you try and get Ron Clyne to do a cover for you, or some body else. Possibly Wright could be brought out of his hibernation, but lets leave the lude lumps languish for the while. While lookinup the word lude, which I didn't find, I came across Lucifer.--Meaning ; Venus, as the morning star: Satan. We take it the gentle complers of this dictionary mean the Devil with Satan and not the astral body of the same name. However, I never had been in the knowledge of Lucifer having any connection with Venus. Can any of you slans enlighten me? This dictionar yis very incomplete be-"The Pocket Dictionary". Even for a pocket one, it's very abridged. Has anyone noticed this? '' But let us see, we were discussing BOM, were we not. The cover ((MicheLass)) stank, just stank. No beauty to the face, or figure. The background, possibly trying to achieve a weird effect, failed miserably. But, I could certainly be wrong. '' I shall not take my usual habit of going throu the issue, letter by letter, but start with the most interesting and hop from there on to the lesser titbits. Away, my steed. Hi De Ho, Moskowitz!! '' The various doodads running thru out of the issh are swell, but please don't deluge us with to many of them, thereby cancelling thier appealing origonality. '' The cartoon was swell-ditto. But it was funny. And as long as we're on the page, I glance at the work of one, Roy Garden ((Ray Karden)). Despite the fact that I am prejudice against anybody that writes letters to thrilling wonder, his letter in VOM is excellent. If you will notice, we agree on the subject of nudes. And to his parting shot quote from Time,"Don't get me wrong, I'm in favour of the future". Well, this must have ment as a joke. I honestly can't concieve anyone this narrowminded. '' Zeke Zekly was really nuts (shut Up!). The face reminds me of somebody. The strang combination of wings and tail is interesting. '' Plans for Slans; To bad the rest of the world couldn'y adopt the same clear thoughts as these two ((Widners)). Really, tho, one shudders when you realize what the youngsters of today are breed t be. However, I have a very small thought towards the common man. And as I will probably grow to be a very stuffy old bachalor, I don't have to bother with such thoughts. (That's what they all say.) [Handwritten name: "Ray A. Karden"] CLUSTER ed, of 409 12th St. Cloquet, Minn, gives Vom a scoop during the course of his letter (if we get to print with it first!), The latest VOM has been perused and read with quite a bit of pleasure and sundry emotions, and the driving
Hevelin Fanzines