Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 30, March 1944
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IMAGI-NATION 5 you, and both presented good art. Oh well, I'll see you in Levenworth. Harry Honig ed ARCANA, 256 - 26 Ave, Frisco 21, adreses an Open Letter to a Friscontemporary: This letter is a personal note of thanks to Mr. William Watson who bravely and rightously in his recent letter to VoM set fandom and all others concerned, whoever they may be, STRAIGHT, about the poor, misguided, hopeless, assinine, JERK, the writer of this letter is! Really, Mr. Watson, you were very mild in saying that I had a feeling of friendliness for Harry Schmarje. The truth of the matter is that a letterfrom each other at least three times weekly. Naturally though, Schmarje is much, much, more intelligent than I, being I believe six years older. If I can develop my now subnormal intelligance to 1/10 of Schmarje's I firmly believe that I shall have become the intelligentsia of fandom, that is of course, next to Harris. I'm sorry if I'm a nasty, nasty, atheist MR. Watson, but I promise you that next sunday I shall go directly to church and pray fervently to our oh, so reverant lord-oh-oh-Capital-L, Lord in Heaven, Amen. Please, Mr. Moffatt, won't you accept my apology? Mr. Watson is absolutely r-i-g-h-t, you are entitled to your opinions and I am definitely not God as Mr. Watson stated, although I don't like to contradict him as he has been just too, too, kind to me. Ah---yes Mr. Yerke, I would appreciate it if you would analyse me, as I'm sure you'd find some rather startling factsabout the pitiful writer of this letter. (Sob, Sob, Sob) and Mr. Watson as a closing thought, I wouldn't want you to spend any of the money which you have so painstakingly picked off the gutters of San Francisco. I offer to pay entirely for the lovely strait jacket you offered me . I also have heard of still another kind gesture of yours. An article submitted to Mel Brown's Fan Slants, tentatively entitled, "The Trials and Tribulations of Life with Harry Honig." ((Appears in #2 Slants, 10c from 682 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14, as "Take to the Hedges, Men--Honig is Coming.!")) I am sure that this article shall bring further enlightment on fandom's greatest nemesis since Clod Deglar---------Harry-nasty-dirty-slimy-juvinile-idiotic-atheistic!-socialistic!! friend of Schmerje!!!-HONIG!!!!!!! ART SEHNERT, one of the Tenn. top fen, rites from 1414 Poplar, Memphis: Oh God! VoM has arrived, and I read it through, I repeat Oh God! Yerke's letter provided this neighborhood with a good nights laughter. An antibibliophile, whom I work with, was especially glee'd. He said he'd like to reach out and shake Jerke's (typographical error, there) hand. Since this is the first Vom I've ever had the pleasure of reading I was astonished at the flagrant slingling of anti-christian philosophies. Looks like Moffat caught hell for being a christian. Too bad Len. No, I'm not belittling your beliefs, but I'm truly sorry that you are met with such absolute lack of tolerance. I can't agree with you, but I can understand your sincerity. Frankly, dear eds, I'm thinking fandom would be making a mistake if they circulated their anti-christian views too much. I would like to believe, in my dogmatic way, that someday we stfans will present science fiction to the world. Doing so with a reputation for being christian haters would be bad. Remember Henlein's "Sixth Column"? Remember how the conquerer conquered the conquerer. Now thats a beautiful piece of mssed prose. Oh well, just a thot. What I'm really writing this letter for is to pose the question: Have stfans noticed Amazing's influence on the other mags? Allright so you don't read them, listen anyhow. I refer to the illustrations particularly. If you will open the Winter issue to page 13, (thrilling Wonder) you'll take note of the pants bedecked frail. Now this chick has got a pair of teats on her that would do justice to a mastitis infected cow. Nice for the pimply faced adolescents, and on page 15 she appears again. This time with a dresson. The same frame work from the waist up is evident, and there's a healthy view from the ankles up. And you don't have to be lying on the ground to see either. All thru the issue these naked-butted broads are slingling [[Drawing of nude woman reclining.]] their fanny's around. Of course, it smells of sex and that should increase sales some, but damn if I like it when I try to interest my friends in science fiction. palmer started all this with his Mac girl and interior nudes. Grrrr!
IMAGI-NATION 5 you, and both presented good art. Oh well, I'll see you in Levenworth. Harry Honig ed ARCANA, 256 - 26 Ave, Frisco 21, adreses an Open Letter to a Friscontemporary: This letter is a personal note of thanks to Mr. William Watson who bravely and rightously in his recent letter to VoM set fandom and all others concerned, whoever they may be, STRAIGHT, about the poor, misguided, hopeless, assinine, JERK, the writer of this letter is! Really, Mr. Watson, you were very mild in saying that I had a feeling of friendliness for Harry Schmarje. The truth of the matter is that a letterfrom each other at least three times weekly. Naturally though, Schmarje is much, much, more intelligent than I, being I believe six years older. If I can develop my now subnormal intelligance to 1/10 of Schmarje's I firmly believe that I shall have become the intelligentsia of fandom, that is of course, next to Harris. I'm sorry if I'm a nasty, nasty, atheist MR. Watson, but I promise you that next sunday I shall go directly to church and pray fervently to our oh, so reverant lord-oh-oh-Capital-L, Lord in Heaven, Amen. Please, Mr. Moffatt, won't you accept my apology? Mr. Watson is absolutely r-i-g-h-t, you are entitled to your opinions and I am definitely not God as Mr. Watson stated, although I don't like to contradict him as he has been just too, too, kind to me. Ah---yes Mr. Yerke, I would appreciate it if you would analyse me, as I'm sure you'd find some rather startling factsabout the pitiful writer of this letter. (Sob, Sob, Sob) and Mr. Watson as a closing thought, I wouldn't want you to spend any of the money which you have so painstakingly picked off the gutters of San Francisco. I offer to pay entirely for the lovely strait jacket you offered me . I also have heard of still another kind gesture of yours. An article submitted to Mel Brown's Fan Slants, tentatively entitled, "The Trials and Tribulations of Life with Harry Honig." ((Appears in #2 Slants, 10c from 682 S Bixel, Los Angeles 14, as "Take to the Hedges, Men--Honig is Coming.!")) I am sure that this article shall bring further enlightment on fandom's greatest nemesis since Clod Deglar---------Harry-nasty-dirty-slimy-juvinile-idiotic-atheistic!-socialistic!! friend of Schmerje!!!-HONIG!!!!!!! ART SEHNERT, one of the Tenn. top fen, rites from 1414 Poplar, Memphis: Oh God! VoM has arrived, and I read it through, I repeat Oh God! Yerke's letter provided this neighborhood with a good nights laughter. An antibibliophile, whom I work with, was especially glee'd. He said he'd like to reach out and shake Jerke's (typographical error, there) hand. Since this is the first Vom I've ever had the pleasure of reading I was astonished at the flagrant slingling of anti-christian philosophies. Looks like Moffat caught hell for being a christian. Too bad Len. No, I'm not belittling your beliefs, but I'm truly sorry that you are met with such absolute lack of tolerance. I can't agree with you, but I can understand your sincerity. Frankly, dear eds, I'm thinking fandom would be making a mistake if they circulated their anti-christian views too much. I would like to believe, in my dogmatic way, that someday we stfans will present science fiction to the world. Doing so with a reputation for being christian haters would be bad. Remember Henlein's "Sixth Column"? Remember how the conquerer conquered the conquerer. Now thats a beautiful piece of mssed prose. Oh well, just a thot. What I'm really writing this letter for is to pose the question: Have stfans noticed Amazing's influence on the other mags? Allright so you don't read them, listen anyhow. I refer to the illustrations particularly. If you will open the Winter issue to page 13, (thrilling Wonder) you'll take note of the pants bedecked frail. Now this chick has got a pair of teats on her that would do justice to a mastitis infected cow. Nice for the pimply faced adolescents, and on page 15 she appears again. This time with a dresson. The same frame work from the waist up is evident, and there's a healthy view from the ankles up. And you don't have to be lying on the ground to see either. All thru the issue these naked-butted broads are slingling [[Drawing of nude woman reclining.]] their fanny's around. Of course, it smells of sex and that should increase sales some, but damn if I like it when I try to interest my friends in science fiction. palmer started all this with his Mac girl and interior nudes. Grrrr!
Hevelin Fanzines