Le Zombie, v. 1, issue 1, December 1938
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LE Zombie BEING, OF COURSE, A cosmic PUBLICATION #1 Published free every time a Zombie awakens! Positively not an adv.! wwaaaaHHOOOOOO! D'JOURNAL GOES BI-MONTHLY! Not being able to read, you have probably never heard of Fantasy .. Fictions FIRST Fun-fan Folio, ... Featuring Funtastic Foolery before have you? I didn't think so. This is to acquaint you with it. It's name is: D'JOURNAL. And all those fffff's belong to it. And, despite any other fantasy magazine in the field, or any that are likely to enter the field in the near future, D'JOURNAL is THE fantasy mag! Take a peep at some of the material lined up for the second and third issues: "FOUR WALLS DO NOT A PRISON MAKE" by Ford De Menshen. (Nobody will be able to guess the identified of this mysterious author. It is...whispered tho that he is Anthony Gilmore. We can give you a tip: he lives on that crude west coast speaks Ackermanese); This yarn by the way is apt to become our first book-length novel, or two part serial, it is that long.; "REPORT OF THE FIRST PEORIA S-E CONVENTION" by Peoria Ike.; "A LETTER FROM INJUN JOE", our first D'JOURNAL NOVA story (Oh yes that professional magazine is imitating us! This is by Dan McPhail.; "A FAN IS DOOMED" by Namahara, or better known as Mary G. Myers, Doc, so don't call her a 'Messer'.; "THE SCIENCE CITY OF AMERICA" by Ron Reynolds.; "UNPUBLISHED SCRIPT FOR THE NEXT TARZAN PICTURE" -- this scoop was smuggled out of Hollywood to us by Cecil Clayborne Cunningham, (Gad! What a name!) and is really an original script.; "PIELARK PATROL" by Tony Strothers. You dont want to miss the hairraising experience of Kibitzer Kimmerson in this epic!; "ON THE CARE AND FEEDING OF VAMPIRES" by Dr. Dick Wilson, Jr., Pffft. This important treatise covers every known angle on raising the little pets.; "How to Run a Successful Ghost Agency" by that hair-pulling ghost-writer, Brian Eldred. Never heard of him? Neither did we till the MSS came. Maybe he IS a ghost. "THE SKYLARK OF LOVE", another on[e] of those Kibitzing things, this one by Phlian Hyge, whom also we never heard of till the MSS came. Say, Dr. EE can't have THAT many friends!; 'WRITING TH[E] SCIENCE FICTION YARN" by Harry Warner, Jr. This one really belongs in the 'Writers Digest' magazine, but we snatched it first.; and say, did you know that D'JOURNAL has exclusive reprint rights to the material published by THE FANTASY FAN, IMAGINATION and FANTASCIENCE DIGEST in years gone past? (Well, almost exclusive!) We have quite a bit of the more humorous reprints from these magazines coming up. And D'JOURNAL is mutating too! Our photographic covers of space ships for the future are the talk of the nation! (Sample on other side.) In the issue we have a bombastic cover on tap, somethin extremely new and interesting! And our departments are the Zombie's pajamas: "WE VIEW WITH ALARM" (editor); "OF ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST TO YOU" story forecast by Bradbury; "CAUSTIC COMMENT" (readers) and others. Volume One, Number Two, dated [illegible] 1939 ready in January. 10¢. Address: P.O. Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois, USA. for a copy of this coming issue.
LE Zombie BEING, OF COURSE, A cosmic PUBLICATION #1 Published free every time a Zombie awakens! Positively not an adv.! wwaaaaHHOOOOOO! D'JOURNAL GOES BI-MONTHLY! Not being able to read, you have probably never heard of Fantasy .. Fictions FIRST Fun-fan Folio, ... Featuring Funtastic Foolery before have you? I didn't think so. This is to acquaint you with it. It's name is: D'JOURNAL. And all those fffff's belong to it. And, despite any other fantasy magazine in the field, or any that are likely to enter the field in the near future, D'JOURNAL is THE fantasy mag! Take a peep at some of the material lined up for the second and third issues: "FOUR WALLS DO NOT A PRISON MAKE" by Ford De Menshen. (Nobody will be able to guess the identified of this mysterious author. It is...whispered tho that he is Anthony Gilmore. We can give you a tip: he lives on that crude west coast speaks Ackermanese); This yarn by the way is apt to become our first book-length novel, or two part serial, it is that long.; "REPORT OF THE FIRST PEORIA S-E CONVENTION" by Peoria Ike.; "A LETTER FROM INJUN JOE", our first D'JOURNAL NOVA story (Oh yes that professional magazine is imitating us! This is by Dan McPhail.; "A FAN IS DOOMED" by Namahara, or better known as Mary G. Myers, Doc, so don't call her a 'Messer'.; "THE SCIENCE CITY OF AMERICA" by Ron Reynolds.; "UNPUBLISHED SCRIPT FOR THE NEXT TARZAN PICTURE" -- this scoop was smuggled out of Hollywood to us by Cecil Clayborne Cunningham, (Gad! What a name!) and is really an original script.; "PIELARK PATROL" by Tony Strothers. You dont want to miss the hairraising experience of Kibitzer Kimmerson in this epic!; "ON THE CARE AND FEEDING OF VAMPIRES" by Dr. Dick Wilson, Jr., Pffft. This important treatise covers every known angle on raising the little pets.; "How to Run a Successful Ghost Agency" by that hair-pulling ghost-writer, Brian Eldred. Never heard of him? Neither did we till the MSS came. Maybe he IS a ghost. "THE SKYLARK OF LOVE", another on[e] of those Kibitzing things, this one by Phlian Hyge, whom also we never heard of till the MSS came. Say, Dr. EE can't have THAT many friends!; 'WRITING TH[E] SCIENCE FICTION YARN" by Harry Warner, Jr. This one really belongs in the 'Writers Digest' magazine, but we snatched it first.; and say, did you know that D'JOURNAL has exclusive reprint rights to the material published by THE FANTASY FAN, IMAGINATION and FANTASCIENCE DIGEST in years gone past? (Well, almost exclusive!) We have quite a bit of the more humorous reprints from these magazines coming up. And D'JOURNAL is mutating too! Our photographic covers of space ships for the future are the talk of the nation! (Sample on other side.) In the issue we have a bombastic cover on tap, somethin extremely new and interesting! And our departments are the Zombie's pajamas: "WE VIEW WITH ALARM" (editor); "OF ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST TO YOU" story forecast by Bradbury; "CAUSTIC COMMENT" (readers) and others. Volume One, Number Two, dated [illegible] 1939 ready in January. 10¢. Address: P.O. Box 260 Bloomington, Illinois, USA. for a copy of this coming issue.
Hevelin Fanzines