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Walt, Jack, Abby Lu at Al: A horde is planning to descend upon you-all Saturday October 29. There will be three or four of us: me, Mary, Frank and Ecco (maybe). I invited them-all. ((That's what I like about Tucker, he's so impulsive))((or is it repulsive?)) What accomodations should we plan on in B.C.? A hotel? A tourist room? A roadside cabin? ((foxhole)). Mary and me ((sech gramma)) can stay until the following Thursday, maybe. Ed and Frank will have to leave a couple of days earlier. Hoopla! Let's throw the annual midwest conference and invite Schmarje and Degler!! ((Omigod, anything but that)). Robert the Rosebudear 4th Regt., Rosbud Rangoons Remember the sow in the wheelbarrow Walt, Have been buying records like mad these last few weeks and so far I have gotten the following: Tschaikovky's Nutcracker Suite---La Valse by Bolero---etc. ((La Valse by Bolero must be a heavenly musical concoction for try as I did I couldn't find any such selection listed in the various catalogs. However I did find "Ave Maria by Francasca da Rimini".)) Frank Remember to subscribe to this fanzine, "Chanticleer" Walt, This is important and I would like to have you answer me immediately (and I mean immediately). What was the name of that phonograph record that you had about a mad-man wandering through a forest and stumbling upon this dance-platform in the middle of the forest and then losing it? ((I once lost some money!)) My efforts in looking for stuff for you were not without results. ((Ach das is goot)). I picked up a non-fiction book (YE GODS, YOU WHAT? WL) on a very science-fictional subject such as what we will look like in a million years, rocket-ships, and the end of the world. And it is one of the most fascinating books I've ever read a part of. It is called "Creations' Doom" and is by Desiderius Papp, ""with a nomenclature like that, it must be good)) translated from the German. ((Oh, to see Tucker translated from the German)) There are some more copies floating around. The books is vintage of 1934. I am sending it along with Filly. Can also get several copies of INLAND DEEP, by Richard Tooker if you want them. P.S. SAARI'S STORIES STINK! DOWN WITH SAAri! your--frank Remember when Tucker was dead. Ah, nostalgia. Vegetable Compound Ave. Innards, Indiana My dearest Walter: How could you say such a thing. Of course I love you. Lydia Pinkham
Walt, Jack, Abby Lu at Al: A horde is planning to descend upon you-all Saturday October 29. There will be three or four of us: me, Mary, Frank and Ecco (maybe). I invited them-all. ((That's what I like about Tucker, he's so impulsive))((or is it repulsive?)) What accomodations should we plan on in B.C.? A hotel? A tourist room? A roadside cabin? ((foxhole)). Mary and me ((sech gramma)) can stay until the following Thursday, maybe. Ed and Frank will have to leave a couple of days earlier. Hoopla! Let's throw the annual midwest conference and invite Schmarje and Degler!! ((Omigod, anything but that)). Robert the Rosebudear 4th Regt., Rosbud Rangoons Remember the sow in the wheelbarrow Walt, Have been buying records like mad these last few weeks and so far I have gotten the following: Tschaikovky's Nutcracker Suite---La Valse by Bolero---etc. ((La Valse by Bolero must be a heavenly musical concoction for try as I did I couldn't find any such selection listed in the various catalogs. However I did find "Ave Maria by Francasca da Rimini".)) Frank Remember to subscribe to this fanzine, "Chanticleer" Walt, This is important and I would like to have you answer me immediately (and I mean immediately). What was the name of that phonograph record that you had about a mad-man wandering through a forest and stumbling upon this dance-platform in the middle of the forest and then losing it? ((I once lost some money!)) My efforts in looking for stuff for you were not without results. ((Ach das is goot)). I picked up a non-fiction book (YE GODS, YOU WHAT? WL) on a very science-fictional subject such as what we will look like in a million years, rocket-ships, and the end of the world. And it is one of the most fascinating books I've ever read a part of. It is called "Creations' Doom" and is by Desiderius Papp, ""with a nomenclature like that, it must be good)) translated from the German. ((Oh, to see Tucker translated from the German)) There are some more copies floating around. The books is vintage of 1934. I am sending it along with Filly. Can also get several copies of INLAND DEEP, by Richard Tooker if you want them. P.S. SAARI'S STORIES STINK! DOWN WITH SAAri! your--frank Remember when Tucker was dead. Ah, nostalgia. Vegetable Compound Ave. Innards, Indiana My dearest Walter: How could you say such a thing. Of course I love you. Lydia Pinkham
Hevelin Fanzines